Wednesday Free-For-All

The word for the day: Grateful.


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19 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Marshall, that’s a good word.

    Been working long hours, but all is well. I’m grateful to have a job!

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  2. parrotmom says:

    First! Morning and Happy Firstday of Spring.

    Grateful, very much so that I have a God that loves and cares for me like no other. Grateful, that his promises are true and that he has been my strength when I went through my journey this past year with the loss of PD.

  3. parrotmom says:

    Oh well second is good. Coop glad to see you are first.

  4. cardinallady says:

    Grateful I was able to see the sunshine and blue skies today. Grateful for laughter. Grateful for people I work with that love me. Grateful that it is the Easter season. Awesomely grateful that there is a Highway of Holiness awaiting us in heaven.

    Have you ever stopped to think that Adam and Eve altered eternity for the human race? They were naked in Genesis. God clothed them. We who accept Jesus will be clothed for all eternity because of it. Revelation we are given a robe of white. Have you ever stopped to think that Jesus altered Himself for all eternity for us? He has scars on his hands and he will wear a robe for eternity. Jesus. How sweet He is.

  5. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon! It is breezy and cool out today. However the sunshine is really nice.

    We have a freeze warning tonight so I moved some plants into the garage. It’ll be nice when the temps quit sea sawing !

  6. Mrs. H says:

    Question of the day: How many leaky pens does it take to make a really big mess?

  7. Mrs. H says:

    I just saw this on FB: Our little miracle Baby Jane put a toy in her mouth for the first time ever! If you know anything about HPE, you’ll know that this is HUGE!!!!! She is 6 months old.

  8. Molly says:

    Same here with the weather, AW. Kinda cool today and temps in the 30s, near freezing, tonight. Crazy weather we’re having!

  9. Mrs. H says:

    Mr. H’s iMac has arrived!!
    That means I am now the proud recipient of his MacBook!
    I have gone to the dark side!!
    . . . . and I have to learn a new way of operating . . . .

    • cardinallady says:

      YOU wil LOOOOOVE mac. I still haven’t gotten my phone kicked up yet. Just waiting for the right moment. but I know I will love the way it can communicate with my mac computer.

      • cardinallady says:

        Operating a mac is soooooo much easier than the windows. It is primarily the same, but the commands and drag and drop files are soooo much easier.

  10. Msblondie says:

    Hey gang. I am here. Had the day off and had lunch with C. Then a dr visit with hubby.. He got he bi-pap machine.. So better sleeping soon.

    Everyone have good evening.

  11. Mrs. H says:

    I just scared the heebie jeebies out of some wild little boys. They didn’t know anyone was in the sound booth when they came into the theater acting like wild Indians. I let them know that someone was in charge!

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