Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 41

FitnessThere are people in Fit4Change that inspire you. They come in every morning, bust their butts without much fanfare and are rewarded with big results. Today I was walking to the car with one gentleman I particularly respect.  We were talking about the usual chitchat like how hard a particular workout was. He just said, “I’ve lost 40 lbs. so far. I’m just grateful for the opportunity to do this.”

BOOM. There you go. That’s it in a nutshell.

We are all blessed to have the opportunity to do Fit4Change. Many will get to have their lives changed thanks to their hard work and the financial support of the sponsors. It’s something to chew on while we are out there busting our butts, sweating, hurting and cursing Paul.

I think of the Parable of the Talents — the three servants who are given talents to oversee for their master while he’s away.  Two used them and received more. The third buried his out of fear and received the wrath of the master when he returned.

Our health, our life, is a talent we’ve been given. Don’t bury it by sitting on your rear. Get out there and make a difference. Walk. Run. Swim. Join a gym. Buy a stinkin’ Thighmaster if you have to. But move.  Take control of your life. Live.

And be grateful for the opportunity.

P.S. And yes, I felt better today.  Managed to almost do the jumping jacks correctly (although it was painful). I just did them too slow this time. There’s always tomorrow.

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One Response to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 41

  1. Neal Fondren says:

    I really like reading your stuff. As one of the faithful who hits the gym at 4:45 every AM and runs 3 miles at night, I can really identify with you. It’s worth it to be as fit as most people half my age. I feel blessed The Lord has given me the ability to do what I do each day.

    Keep it up Marshall.

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