Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! Great workout today. Drove through a deer herd at 4:20 am. That’ll wake you up.


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16 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


  2. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Spring no, cold feels like winter!

  3. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

  4. parrotmom says:

    Morning everyone!! Will we have green frost soon?

    MrsH if your voice was a little deeper they may have thought it was Gid himself speaking. I loved the story. Enjoy learning the Mac. I started on one, but in going between the two and using the other at work. I switched away. People that use them continuously would never change.

    Love and hugs to all :)

    • Mrs. H says:

      PM, I had thought about them wondering, “Why does God sound like a girl?” right after I did it!

      I use a Mac in the Theater setting up the tech stuff for Sunday morning, but really my only exposure is a program called ProPresenter that we use for the audio/visual. Music, sound effects, slides, pictures and videos are all set up in a playlist that the tech guy (usually Mr. H) can just run through in order, following a tech script.

      Tonight I’ll get introduced to the real life stuff. . . like transferring my music, pictures and e-mail!!

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    well i do have a crack in my windshield.. but it is on the passenager side so not worrying with it now.

    we had a much better night last night.. they will only get better now as hubby gets use to his machine. i think i only woke up once during the night for a change.

    everyone have a great day!

  6. Mrs. H says:

    Hello, good people.

    Yesterday was a red letter day here in the office. Bro. Music was needing a form letter personalized for the choir. He did the letter and I was in charge of the mail merge. I had never done anything but mailing labels for a group so I was interested to see how a merge would work into a document. Excellently, as it turned out. The new Sec and I played around with doing the same thing on some of our regular postcard mailouts (deacons, nursery, etc). No problem. I mentioned it to our interim youth guy, whose mother was the secretary here before Mrs. Mac joined us. His first thought was “I bet you can do that for the newsletter, too.”

    I’m telling you, my hair stood on end!! That will cut out printing, peeling and sticking over 400 labels!! We are excited at the prospect. I see testing in the very near future.

  7. parrotmom says:

    Great news MrsH technology can be wonderful.

  8. cardinallady says:

    Oh goodness! I thought I came in and said hi. It has been busier than I thought today. Just another day in this neighborhood. Trying to keep my editor straight. I’ve got to print out my grocery and things list.

    My next door neighbor LOVES my dogs. She feeds them and gives them a treat every day. Her son plays with them so it gives them someone to love them during the day time.

    For Easter, I’m going to buy her an Easter lily. I picked her up half a dozen carnations for Valentine’s day. She said she’d never had them. So I’m going to get her an easter lilly and some sugar free candy. She is diabetic.

  9. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. Hey CLady that is very thoughtful of you.

  10. OldBopper says:

    Evening! Had to work this morning. Then piddled with Bleuz this afternoon trying to install a light bar. Everything was going well until I read the instructions for the turn signals. They wanted me to do something to the original signals to make them fit on the new light bar. I worked, and worked and thought and thought and finally got in my car and drove to the Yamaha dealer to ask if I was doing anything wrong. I just couldn’t make them fit. Sooooo, I pulled out the instructions to read them for the umpteenth and saw the problem. This light bar was made for a 2009 model rather than a 2012 model. Aw grrrrr! Will be calling that California company tomorrow for a return and replacement.

    I spent the most of an afternoon taking off the headlight and turn signals . The metal case for the headlight almost all the wiring for the entire motorcycle. Disconnecting and reconnecting that stuff is a big task. Especially for me. I ought to be good at it before it’s all finished.

    My Mom went home this afternoon with her pacemaker in place. My Father-in-Law got up this morning and started doing light stuff around the house. PQ said she let him fold clothes after she put them high enough so he wouldn’t have to bend over.

    Got my yard cleaned up this afternoon and ready to mow. Thanks to a young man across the street who let me hire him out to do it. It literally took him all day. Well worth the money to me.

  11. parrotmom says:

    Glad to hear your family is doing better OB. You did a good job on the yard work too!

  12. Clucky says:


    Over here!!


  13. Mrs. H says:

    It was going to take 11 hours for the migration to my Mac so we started it sometime yesterday evening. Last night my pc went to sleep so this morning it would still take 8 hours! *sigh* now we’re trying select folders beginning with music. Good thing today is my day off.

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