Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope we stay hail-free today!  And yes, TGIF.


Satellite view of hail hitting Jackson.

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7 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. blues4you says:

    strolls in @ 7:50/looks around/shrugs/makes a pot of coffee/goes to work

  2. parrotmom says:

    Hey Blues, I just wasn’t quick enough. I think the rain slowed me down.
    Morning folks, hope you’re wearing your duck shoes.

  3. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

  4. Molly says:

    Mornin. Been fighting with the office manager today. He’s of the “I can do no wrong; I’m always right” school of thought. Unfortunately, he is sadly mistaken. And, on top of that, I feel sure he’s in the beginning stages of dementia/Alzheimers. He can’t understand very simple concepts. He really needs to go home. Thankfully he doesn’t work on Friday afternoons, so the rest of the day should be quiet.
    MrsH, how’s the migration coming? When my last PC was in its final days, I invested in a “cloud” backup system and backed up all my files from that PC and when I got my new one, all I had to do was download the backup and everything was there. I had to hit the “That was easy” button on that one.
    Hey, Clucky! I saw you waving.

  5. Mrs. H says:

    The migration was beyond me. I couldn’t find anything that migrated over. At least I didn’t know how to look and Mr. H is at work and can’t help until he gets home. So, I did what I do best: experiment. Starting with my music folder on my PC, I copied that onto my external drive, then plugged that into my mac and drug that folder that I named “music to migrate” into iTunes on the Mac. Every single album worked with one exception: O Good Grief by Vince Guarldi. Who knows… So I copied it onto a flash drive and moved that one album that way. My pictures I did the same way. Now I’m looking to see exactly what else I need. I figure if I have it on the external drive I can eventually move it here.

    Oh, Hello from Apple-land!!

  6. Mrs. H says:

    I consider it a major success that I was able to transfer my contacts, too. And of course the way that the instructions said do it did not work and somehow I was able to export/import with the help of a trusty flash drive.

    I’m just about over sitting here all day. :) But I think this station is fully operational now. Where is Alderan? I might need to blow up a planet.

  7. Old Bopper says:

    Evening. Put my bike back together today. Went across the river to get a lottery ticket. And met an old high school friend who brought me six bottles of Becker wine from Texas. That’s some good wine and can’t be bought outside of Texas.

    Big motorcycle show at the trade mart tomorrow and Sunday. I offered to help with the Star Riders’ booth.

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