Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 43

Part of the hallway we run the Gauntlet on. It's right by the racquetball courts.

Part of the hallway we run the Gauntlet on. It’s right by the racquetball courts.

We were supposed to run 16 laps on the track this morning.  We could have swam that distance maybe– a cold heavy rain forced us inside. That meant a change of plans. And remember, change is not good.

But fear not, my fellow blog readers. We still ran. And ran. And ran some more.

After warm ups, we did 10 minutes of the Gauntlet. That’s a long lap around the inside of the Walter Payton Center. Don’t ask me how far a lap is, but I suspect it is around 1/4 of a mile.  Like the wheels on the bus, we went round and around and around.

Then we ran 10 sprints the length of the gym (three basketball courts wide.)

But that wasn’t all: We ran ten more minutes of the Gauntlet.

An THEN we ran 10 MORE wind sprints.

Think that was enough? Oh no. You are wrong. Because we did 10 more minutes of the Gauntlet.

In all, we ran 30 minutes and 20 long wind sprints.

I had my heart rate monitor on and kept my heart burning at 170 bpm.  I probably ran as fast as I have run in a long, long time. By the end of the sprints, I was coming in first. I think it is safe to say that I’ve gotten in decent shape this time around.

But as I passed many of my Fit4Changers, I was very, very impressed and proud of them. I saw folks that struggled the first few weeks out there sprinting their hearts out.  They have truly taken it to the next level.

P.S. I packed a pair of my wife’s pajama pants that look like one of my seer-sucker shirts. A fine start to the day. No shirt. No service.

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One Response to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 43

  1. parrotmom says:

    LOL!!! about the shirt, I mean no shirt, Good work out.

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