Friday morning at Tiny Wheels Media

Good morning.

The kids are off to school. The house is quiet. Banjo is sitting by the door hoping I’ll let him out.  My green tea is cooling on the counter and I’m listening to an audiobook as I type.  My creative muse is about to get fired up so I can draw Sunday’s Clarion-Ledger cartoon before 10 this morning. I need to go get glasses and need to run by The Clarion-Ledger to get a letter so I can try to buy health insurance. I want to take the boys to go see Harry Potter later this afternoon. Just another day the office at Tiny Wheels Media.

Last night I had the honor of speaking to the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce 78th Annual Banquet. It was my second time speaking to them (which means I did something I seldom did in college; I got a second date!)  I love speaking to chamber banquets because they are gold mines for great stories about pluck, dreams, hard work and people who overcome amazing obstacles to make their dreams a reality.  Last night was no different. As I walked to the car, I left a little bit more inspired to make my own dreams come true.  My fire in my belly burned a little brighter (and no, that wasn’t heartburn from chamber banquet food).  I woke up this morning more determined to succeed.

It’s been interesting since “the change”. The last two weeks have allowed me to cross paths with people who believe in me and what I do. I’ve had contact with people who have helped me, educated me, lifted me up and inspired me.  Every time I have a dark moment, someone comes along that pulls me out of it.  It’s mental manna from Heaven.

Dog scratches at my leg.

Yes, Banjo.  I know you want out. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to let my geriatric Border Terrier out the back door.  His dream (to be let out) just came true. Now I need to go work on mine.  Tiny Wheels Media is in business.

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10 Responses to Friday morning at Tiny Wheels Media

  1. suzanne weidie says:

    Congrats! I like what you are doing! Come visit us on the Mississippi Gulf Coast at the Mary C. O’Keefe Cultural Center, give a talk, workshop, etc! We would love to have you!
    go get’em

  2. lauren (StarBabyPI) says:

    This is exactly what I needed to read this morning! thanks for being an inspiration yourself :)

  3. Bo Lumpkin says:

    You have been a big inspiration to me over the past few weeks. I am keeping up with your story

  4. Wanda M says:

    Banjo is the cutest little dog ever (love his expression) and you’re a cool guy. Glad you liked speaking in my hometown. People may have inspired you but you are the inspiration! Keep up the good work.

  5. Parrotmom says:

    Great to hear Marshall. So glad your sidekick Banjo loves you and you both keep each other company during the day.

  6. msorey says:

    I’m really enjoying your posts! Keep ’em coming.

  7. cardinallady says:

    I can’t wait to see what your creative muse turns out. Oh and I love it when you insert little pictures (like the school house) into your posts. Have a great day Marshall.

    Jon and I are going on a date ourselves tonight. We are going to New Albany to get in some shopping before he flies off to Nashville next week.

  8. mb says:

    So glad you are doing well. You definitely are the inspiration for many people, me included.

  9. Pingback: Writing links | Marshall Ramsey

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