Ace in the hole

Who’s your ace in the hole?  Who’s that one person you can depend on in a crisis? Who can be your bedrock when everything else crashes down around you?  Do you know who this person is during the good times? Are you feeding that relationship so they are there when there’s a crisis? Do you have plenty of capital in your emotional rainy day fund?  It can be a friend. A spouse. Or in my case both.

I know I haven’t been particularly good of investing during the good times. But I must have done something right.  My wife Amy has been nothing short of amazing over the past two weeks. She fell in love with me when I was a janitor and I have been reminded that she believes in me not because of what I do, but because of who I am.  That’s powerful.  She’s my ace in the hole.

Who’s yours?

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5 Responses to Ace in the hole

  1. msorey says:

    Yep, you got a good one!

  2. cardinallady says:

    When I first started coming to your site, you posted just the eyes of baby Ramsey and said he had his mama’s eyes. You were correct. And the two of you have some amazing children. I truly enjoyed being around your son this past June.

  3. Brandi says:

    I have one of these too! Aren’t they wonderful a spouse and a friend. Quick note – at the top of your blog I just have a red “x” where the image is supposed to be? Is there something wrong on my end or is anyone else seeing this?

  4. Marshall Ramsey says:

    It’s working on this end. Don’t know why you are having problems.

  5. Pingback: A collection of my short stories | Marshall Ramsey

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