Thursday Free-For-All

It seems like it should be Friday, but it’s Thursday. Here’s one of the pages from the Banjo book I’m working on. Banjo is a Quarterback.



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14 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    I’m loving all the Banjo pages! MR, your talent amazes me! So many different pages in so few days! It would take me a week just to figure out how to complete one!

  2. parrotmom says:

    Morning ya’ll! PNC I agree I would still be looking at a blank piece of paper.

  3. msblondie says:

    morning gang! I agree. I love seeing all the adventures Banjo is on.

    Everyone have a great day!

    count down to mini vaction has begun.. Taking M to the coast for her b-day next friday and saturday.. she wants to go to the Hard Rock and to the outlet mall.. and just feel the sand on the toes.

    • LegalEagle says:

      And in November we will have the state’s largest outlet mall (90 stores) right here in Pearl and you can bring her here and we can all arrange to meet for lunch.

  4. Airwolf says:

    Morning! It’s hotter than who’d have it! Cut my grass at home yesterday and I was medium well when I finished. Just droppedMom off at the Meadows.

    Hope y’all can stay cool!

    Planning on attending a special screening of Superman 3d tonight!

  5. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Flying through. It is indeed one of those days when you take a bath in soap and water and then in anti persperent before you step out into the humid air

  6. Molly says:

    Mornin (for a couple more minutes anyway). Kiddo asked me to “hang out” with her last night and ended up telling me that I’m “kinda cool” and “not so bad to hang out with”! I consider that a high compliment coming from her!! She’s not so bad, either.
    Co-worker is 6 months pregnant and thinks doctors’ orders are merely suggestions and does whatever she wants. She ended up going into labor last night. They got it stopped but put her on bed rest for now. I won’t be surprised if she ends up on complete bed rest before it is over.
    Hope everybody is having a good day and staying in airconditioned buildings.

    • LegalEagle says:

      I hope they get someone to work in her place while she is out. I worked In a 2-girl office and the other secretary got picked on a jury and was then sequestered for 2 weeks. The lawyers graciously allowed me to work for all of them while she was out. (I hope you caught the sarcasm in that,)

  7. parrotmom says:

    Molly great compliment from Kiddo. Some kids don’t want to be with there own parent.

    Lol at AW and being medium well done. Live the description.

  8. Molly says:

    YAY!!! Our old 1995 minivan has been sold! We called a place that advertises in the paper that they buy old cars “running or not” and they bought it. We won’t be able to pay off our mortgage with it (or any other bills), but considering its age and condition, I’m excited to get ANY money for it.

  9. parrotmom says:

    Way to go Molly :)

  10. dhcoop says:


    I’m with you on the Banjo pages. They are awesome!

    Congrats on the sale of the vehicle, Molly!! And, I’m not surprised that Kiddo thinks you are “pretty cool”. She’s a smart kid!! :)

    Hope everyone is having a great evening and staying cool!

  11. LegalEagle says:

    With a name that A has Molly, she’s a winner like her mom.

    For the second Thursday in a row, I had to carry my toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth wash, medicine, etc. to the senior center in a tote bag because the water at the tp was off all morning. I think they’re just doing it to save money and it burns me up that it’s happened when I’ve had a roomful of people waiting for me, 20 today.

  12. cardinallady says:

    Happy Friday to youuuu goooood meet again! (sung to tune of Happy Trails. There is your brain itch for the day.)

    How i everybody in MRBA land today? Me. Warm. Awesome day set up though.
    I saw God answer prayer this past week. Can’t share until it’s complete, but when it is I will be letting yall know how angels do indeed work among us and our God cares about every little thing in our lives.

    We had this big birthday party bash at my momma’s house last night. Afterward my brother accidently erased everything from dad’s camera card. We are talking three months of pictures. My dad put it in his computer and my brother in law who was an hour away in West Point remoted in and recovered them. Technology is unreal. That led to us being nosy in dad’s other pictures and we spent an hour looking at old black and whites. It was a fun night with my two younger sisters and my brother.

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