Friday Free-For-All

I sit on a panel today to discuss how technology has changed my career.  Whoa boy. I can go on for about a lifetime on that one.

Have a great day — and here is Daredevil Banjo


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7 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. Jessica says:

    Jumping over all the cats! What a hoot. Thanks for the smile.

  2. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    Happy Birthday Molly!

    Everyone have a great Friday!

  3. Molly says:

    Mornin. Thanks, MsB.
    Haven’t been out since before 8:00, but it sure did feel better outside then than the past few mornings.

  4. parrotmom says:

    Hooray for Banjo, the daredevil!!

    I read CLadys comment from earlier on yesterday’s FFA. It is awesome that we recognize how God works and are blessed by the angels among us.

    Happy Birthday Molly, have a grand day and weekend.

  5. Molly says:

    My boss is cutting me loose at 3:00 in honor of my birthday. YAY!

  6. parrotmom says:

    Added sine white marble chips to my courtyard. Now the other ones need to be cleaned. Oh well give it time they will look the same.

  7. dhcoop says:


    Happy Birthday Molly! Hope you have had a great one!

    Just talked my parents. They were, literally, watching a flower bloom. It’s this crazy flower that blooms right at dusk. A friend gave them a start and this is their first one to bloom. They are hoping another will bloom when I’m there tomorrow night so I can get pictures. I hope so too. I DO know, that I think it’s awesome that my parents are together, watching a flower bloom. Awesome.

    Hope everyone is having a great evening! I’m heading to KO in the morning.

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