Fit2Fat2Fit Blog: Day 2

Today was the first true day of training — a fact that my body would agree with. It was “blow the rust out” day.  I’ve lost a step since Summer Training. But I still held my own.

One thing that was notable was that I nearly hit a coyote on the way to the workout. Someone needs to tell Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins Btitle-fall-fitness-12-weekutler that her city has coyotes. I’m sure she wouldn’t be pleased with that.

To start off, we broke into six lines.  I’m in Line 3 with many of my friends from Line 4 over the summer. The best part about Paul Lacoste is the friendships you make.  It’s like a family reunion where you nearly barf a lung everyday.

First station was Morgan. Morgan is one of the tougher coaches. I like her and really enjoy the challenge she brings to the program.

She had us do:

10 burpees (except we hit the ground)

20 squats. 

A 30-yard sprint.

30-yards running backwards. 

And then repeat.  

I did that three or four times — I lost count.

We then moved to Clark. Clark has a bionic stomach and likes to kill you doing core. His workout was:

Fast Footwork

20 pushups

40 sit-ups

Fast Footwork

15 wide pushups

Bicycle/Six inches

Fast Footwork

15 narrow pushups


Fast Footwork (sideways)

Or something like that.

We then went into the weight room where we matched up with a partner. I bench pressed free weights for the first time since I was about 20.  Needless to say, I am not as strong as I was when I was 20.  We did several different machines/free-weight stations.

After time in the weight room, we went out to the track for a mile-run. I was up toward the front of the pack, but Beth, who has lost over 100 lbs., led the it.  I think I got three laps in before we moved onto the last station where we ran ladder drills.

So that was my first day back.  My body will probably feel it tomorrow when we line up and do it all over again. But as I walked out of the stadium, I felt like I had earned my sweat.

I didn’t see the coyote on the way home. He probably ought to train with us. He’d catch the roadrunner once and for all.




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3 Responses to Fit2Fat2Fit Blog: Day 2

  1. Jay Hill says:

    We are a family out there is so true! Friends keep me going back. Enjoy your blogs….. Thanks!

  2. Britany Hales says:

    Marshall, this post made me realize how much I miss Paul Lacoste. I’m in Hattiesburg and can therefore not participate this time around, but your detailed postscript it possible for me to do all of the same workouts from school. I can’t believe how much of a sadistic smile came across my face when I read today’s workout.
    Looking forward to many more.
    1,2,3, NEXT LEVEL!

  3. Rachel says:

    A day at PLS is not complete without getting to read your blog afterward! You recount the entire morning so well. It is amazing to read back over it and to be reminded of what all we did in one short hour. (*Side note: you need not be telling folks there are coyotes in Madison. Queen Mary doesn’t want information of beastly critters in Madison getting around. Madison is practically perfect in every way.)

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