Ink Spots Blog: 9/5/13

030413DreamsWhen I am an old man (if I am so blessed), I’m going to say that the years 2010-2013 were the three most important years of my life.  I’ll know it was when I went from good at what I do to great.  I’ll look back and proclaim, “those were the years the good Lord pushed my out of my comfort zone!”

And thank Him He did.

Oh and I was comfortable. Actually, I was scared, too — I was comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. I could see that my profession was changing (and some might say dying.)  Because I craved security so much (a byproduct of surviving cancer), I became afraid.  Instead of reacting to the situation and looking for opportunities, I kept doing what I was doing hoping that everything would turn out OK.

It didn’t.

After turning down a good job in Tulsa, Oklahoma, I was made part-time where I thought I was really valued.

It hurt. It stung. I was mad.

But I figured out pretty quickly it would turn out to be a good thing. And it was. Once I got past the hurt (it was only business after all) and saw it as an opportunity, great things started to happen.  I picked up the SuperTalk show.  And after two years and great ratings, I was fired.  And I’m completely OK with that, too. I appreciate the opportunity I got and everything I learned. I worked with some good people and built a great audience.  Now I get to enjoy a weekly show on Mississippi Public Broadcasting. I work with great people there who are teaching me even more.  I still have a good relationship with The Clarion-Ledger and continue to draw cartoons. I see the future full of opportunity.

But I’m much, much more than I was the day I was made part-time. I’m a sought-after public speaker. I’m an author. I’m a children’s book illustrator and author.  I help charities. I have more time to focus on my wonderful family. I continue to work my butt off to provide for my family.

I was shoved out of my comfort zone. I fell down and it hurt. But I got back up and found that life was even better.


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8 Responses to Ink Spots Blog: 9/5/13

  1. Mary O'Gwynn says:

    I’ve never met you Marshall Ramsey but I think you are a swell person. I could say that I love you … but maybe it’s the talents in you that I love , because I’ve never met you.

    God always has a plan for us. We can’t see it .. but He does.

  2. One thing I know for sure is that God never lets you face a closed door alone–He always provides you with an open window. You can’t walk on water if you don’t get out of the boat with the faith that you can do it. Keep looking up, Marshall and keep people watching and seeing the humor in your life. That is the best of your cartoons–the ones which show personality quirks of the people around us and showing us the humor around us that we, less observant people, fail to see. May God bless you with the riches of His glory. After all, it doesn’t matter how many times you fall down, just so you always get up one more time than you fall down.

  3. Chuck McIntosh says:

    Marshall…an excellent post. Having gone through much the same thing in the same time frame, I know exactly what you’re talking about and couldn’t have said it better. Godspeed as you Continue the Adventure! His plan is always better than ours!

  4. Mary Lyon says:

    Amen, Marshall! Great message today!

  5. Pam Kelley says:

    You are an accomplished writer who has discovered, or developed his own ‘voice’ in the way great writers of the past have. Your work is valued, is recognized for its quality, whether it be your cartoons or your books with and without illustrations or your wonderful sense of humor. More than that, Marshall, you make the world a better place. You make Mississippi proud of her son, by showing the best of Mississippi to those who do not really know her, who might put her down, not knowing of the intelligence and sensitivities of her own sons. Most of all, you give credit where credit is due, to God, and your family is at the core of your life, where they belong. You are blessed with an insightful, delightful sense of humor that is unique, that reflects you, is of your experience and is clean and full of truth. I am proud of every aspect of Marshall Ramsey. You are of the best of this United States of America that I love.

  6. Allen says:

    Marshall, I have debated telling you this because I didn’t want you to think I was some crazy stalker person. My best friend of 25 years who I also shared a house with died in April of 2012. One of the hardest things for me was the ride home from work every day….until I found your Super Talk show. It got me through the worst time of my life! I was able to stop crying all the way home every day. I was devastated when I heard you say it was your last day. However, I later found your Facebook page and I know you have a new show on MPB, although I’m sadly at work then and can’t listen. Please know that your words and your humor have a magical effect on those of us who read and listen. Thank you so much for being a great friend that I have never even met! (FYI, I don’t listen to Super Talk going home any more.)

    • LegalEagle says:

      You can drop into the Free For All on this website at any time. A lot of us have become a family and have seen each other through good times and bad. We have a picnic every year and occasionally meet for lunch. We have been part of the MRBA (Marshall Ramsey Bloggers Anonymous) for about 6 years now and even though Facebook has cut down the number of posts to our blog, we still go there quite often and enjoy having a place to meet.

    • Marshall Ramsey says:

      This is probably one of the nicest notes I’ve ever received. Thank you. I’m glad you loved the show. It was fun to produce everyday because I knew it had such a great audience.

      You can hear the new show anytime on It’s podcast.

      Thank you again.

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