Fit2Fat2Fit Blog: Day 4

title-fall-fitness-12-weekI like motivational quotes, find them slightly inspiring and occasionally will give one a passing glance. But I saw one on Twitter yesterday that jumped out at me and smacked me up the side of the head because of its simple but brilliant truth:

Life rewards action.

It’s 5 a.m. It’s dark. You can’t see three feet in front of you and you’re kind of glad you can’t. ( Because no one in your line looks particularly great at 5 a.m. when they are working out.) You have rubber pellets in your shoes and in your ear. You’re sore. The first week of training is almost in the books and your muscles are completely pissed off at you. But you’re there. You’re making a change in your life.  You are taking action. And you will be rewarded.

Life rewards action.

It may be as simple as your clothes fitting better. Or it may be more energy at work or at home.  Those are short-term rewards. Long term, you will be “that guy or woman” at the nursing home, who is healthy and fit.  You will live while others are sitting in a corner drooling on their bingo card.  You’re making life changes for the better.

Life rewards action.

I’ve read numerous studies that suggest that we only use 10% of our brain power.  Wow!   And I know there are times when we don’t use 100% of the physical power we have either. I thought about that while I was running the A-frame of the stadium today.  I felt like I was maybe saving a little for the next drill. I started pushing harder.  I thought about it when I didn’t think I could keep up during the second wall stand with Clark. But I pushed on.

Life rewards action.

Today we did half burpees, gassers, shoulder exercises and more.  Today a miracle happened in the dark.  We got stronger, faster and better.  We took action this week. And you know what happens when we do.

Life rewards action.

I’ll be running tomorrow and Saturday.  Sunday is my day of rest.  Because sometimes life rewards rest, too.

Have a great weekend!




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