Fit2Fat2Fat Blog: Day 3

title-fall-fitness-12-weekSigns you know it’s the first week of PLS Training:

  1. You’re so sore that you can’t raise your arms to wash your hair.
  2. The black rubber dots reinvade your home, car and body crevices.
  3. You drop acid. Lactic acid.
  4. You remember how much you really don’t like burpees.
  5. Touching your toes becomes work.
  6. If someone pokes you in the chest, you cry. (if you are a woman, you slap the #$%# out of them).
  7. You try not to think how crazy you look bear crawling.
  8. You say to yourself, “Thank God it’s Thursday*” — *PLS Friday
  9. You walk off the field with the satisfaction of knowing that while others slept, you made a positive change in your life.



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One Response to Fit2Fat2Fat Blog: Day 3

  1. Jennifer says:

    i’m in week one also and everything on this list is so true for me also!

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