Fit2Fat2Fit Blog: Day 10

title-fall-fitness-12-weekI started with a 1/2 mile warm-up run.  Clark and Paul recommend one lap around the track to loosen up, but I do two. Mainly because the first lap hurts and I feel better by the second.  That way I’m ready to go when we stretch.

We started with Clark.  Clark, who has the bionic stomach, had us do lots of core work.  He claimed that I said, in this blog, that his station was easy. Um, no.  What I said was, his station is easier now than it was when I was a fat sack of poo who weighed 250 pounds. Clark’s station is never easy. Trust me. But I enjoy it now. I feel like I get a great core workout. And today was one of them.

Morgan, the dominatrix, had us do a mini-endurance run.  That includes three 100-yard passes.  The first has three ladder drills. The second had high-knees, inch-worms (not bear crawls) and hopscotch. The third had shuffling in and out of hurdles, bear crawls and snake drill.  We started over when we finished and kept going.

Then we did our rotation in the weight room.  Today was bicep day.  I will say I was able to straighten out my arms better this time and I got a solid workout.  No back problems — which is a bonus. I feel myself getting stronger.

The last station, which was two combined for 18 minutes was called 21-100.  Here’s how it works:  You sprint to the five-yard line, do one burpee, then back to the goal line. Then you go to the 10  and do two burpees and back to the goal line. After that, it’s off to the 15 and you do three burpees — then back to the goal line. Then you go to the 20 and do four burpees. You get the drill right? Ever five yards, you add a burpee. I made it to 14 burpees, but didn’t start them because time was called. So I only did 91 burpees and ran a lot of yards.

This morning was tiring but rewarding.  In fact, I’d have to say today was one of my favorite workouts in a long, long time. I was a real challenge and I enjoyed it but I’ll admit, I was so tired after the 21-100 that I was dumb as the fake grass on the football field. I had to break everyone down and I forgot how to count to three.

Thank God I made it home alive.


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2 Responses to Fit2Fat2Fit Blog: Day 10

  1. Beth says:

    I got to the opposite 30 yard line and did most of the burpees for that line. I calculated thatI ran 980 yards or .56 miles. One day I want to finish that drill!

    • Terrell says:

      Me too, I got to the 30 too n I got all the burpees in n was headed back to the goal line.

      I agree with Marshall, was one of my favorite days of exercises!!!

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