Fit2Fat2Fit Blog: Day 34

title-fall-fitness-12-weekThere’s a magic point in an exercise program when you go from what you can’t do to what you can.

I’ve crossed that point and frankly, some days I am amazed at what I can accomplish physically.  Because I’m not the best natural athlete in the world.  Add to it the fact that my age (and various injuries) are starting to catch up with me as well.  But today, I figured out why I’ve been able to succeed.

As I was doing a really hard exercise during Coach Clark’s station this morning that involved scooting down a bleacher with my feet on the seat and my hands on the grass, I thought to myself, “I know what the secret is. You have to get your mind out of the way.”

And I was also thinking, “I am about to #$%$ die.”

But really. When you get your mind out of the way and focus on accomplishing the task set out for you, you begin to reach your goals. Your body wants to succeed.  I did things today I never could have done two years ago.

As my old football coach used to say, “Get your mind right.” Because if you do, everything else will follow.

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One Response to Fit2Fat2Fit Blog: Day 34

  1. Rachel says:

    Amen! Everyone that asks me about PLS gets the same response: “PLS requires exponentially more mental strength than physical strength.” Love seeing you kick butt each morning, Marshall!

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