INKSPOTS BLOG: Creating an Opportunity List

I hate “To-do lists.”

Don’t ask me why, I just do. I mean I just loathe them. They are stinky, annoying and are like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.  Maybe I just find them “confining.” Maybe they stress me out a little. Yes, I know — I am one of those freaky people who gets uptight when I think about all I have to do.

Of course, not having a plan is WAAAY more stressful than having one. But I’m right brained. Something inside of my mind resists being organized.  It was OK back in the old days when I just had to worry about being the best darn editorial cartoonist possible.  My daily deadline provided my structure. Today, though, I wear many, many hats. I NEED a “to-do list” to act as an air traffic controller in my life.

I had a flash of inspiration this morning (yes, it happens occasionally and I don’t think it is gas). I’m turning my “to-do list” into an “Opportunity List.”  Sure, it’s semantics. But it’s an important change of how I look at the things I do everyday.

I no longer have things to do. I have opportunities.

So starting today, I’m creating an opportunity list. And here’s what it will look like:


First, I list what the opportunity is. Say it is “Drawing a cartoon for Brad.”  Then I list when it is due. I’ve heard that a goal without a deadline is just a dream. So I set a time due. Then I jot down a few words why it is important.  The cartoon for Brad may pay money. It may get me exposure.  Even if it is something as simple as “Cleaning the bathroom,” I can jot down, “Will make Amy happy and make house nicer.”  This is the most important part — this is the “why.” This changes my mindset from “I have to work” to “I’m doing something to get ahead.”

Creating an “Opportunity List” also helps me filter out some of the stuff I am doing that doesn’t help me move forward. That’s an opportunity in itself.

This is a small trick to help get me organized. But it is a trick that will help me considerably. And I just thought I’d share it with you.

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One Response to INKSPOTS BLOG: Creating an Opportunity List

  1. Jessica says:

    Great idea Marshall. I actually like “To do” lists which annoys the heck out of my husband! Maybe calling it an opportunity list will help. BTW, you should be nominated for Sainthood for cleaning the bathroom!

    By the way, I just love “Banjo’s Dream”. What a great book. I urge everybody, an especially those with kids, to buy a copy today!

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