Saturday I ran 10 miles. Sunday I did an intense workout at Madison Central’s football stadium. And I did both of them with my sons. It was more than just a workout. It was…
I did a plank for one minute. I need to work harder on planks. I need to do my…
I jumped rope for 15 minutes last night. Today we did it during a station. Guess what paid off? My…
It’s the little extra you do to make you succeed.
Today was the first six-station workout. I like six stations. Why? If you’re doing something you really hate, it doesn’t last long. The gym was still set up for an event, so our first drill was on blue moveable panels. It was the W-drill and involved lots of running. Then we moved to the Gauntlet — which also involved burpees, sit-ups, pushups and squats. Lots of running, there, too. We then ran on the treadmill. I ran at 6.8 mph and then 7 mph. Clark’s core station was good until I got to the plank. We needed to do 1.5 minutes. I couldn’t do it.
I need to do more..
We did weights and then Leonard’s station. It had rope jumping and towels. I did well at both. But both sucked the wind out of me. OK, so I need to do a little more…
You get what you give. And if you want to truly succeed, you have to give a little bit extra.
You have to do your homework.
Oh yes! It was tough on this morning. I do like less time at the stations. I’m not sure that my body does. LOL! I finally ran 6.5 on this morning for 6 straight minutes! I was truly proud of myself for that. The treadmill is not my friend. Clark is not my friend with those tough abs workouts. LOL! I still love it though because I know its going to make me better. : ) Ramsey, you ran 10 miles on this weekend? You are a bad man. I am truly proud of you for your hard work. I love working out. It’s just when my body don’t want to cooperate is when I want to growl! Way to work everyone!