MRBA Free-For-All

Yesterday Summer. Today Spring. Welcome to the bipolar South.


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41 Responses to MRBA Free-For-All

  1. Molly says:

    Mornin. Forget Spring; this is Winter! It was snowing earlier and my car door was frozen shut. The weekend sure was nice, though!

  2. msblondie says:

    morning gang! dang it.. i was ready for spring. I saw snow flurries on my drive in early this morning.

    everyone have a great day!

  3. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon everyone. Got to love this weather.

  4. cardinallady says:

    Afterooon flitting through. Just getting started on my paper. Got lots to lay down. CardinalSon is here for the night. I’m leaving here at 6 p.m. whereever I happen to be.

    Will y’all share your spring? Here in the northern hills it’s W-I-N-T-E-R. I left my chickens in the barn. *siiiggghhh* I thanked God for the cold weather this morning. I will be glad to see 60s and 70s weather again.

    ((((((((((((((((Love yall))))))))))))))))))

  5. Airwolf says:

    If you don’t like the weather, hang around it will change!

    Brrr just brrr!!

  6. Clucky says:

    Amen about the weather! Saturday was the best day I’ve had in a long, long time!!

    My joints do not like the cold. Brrr, 25 here already.

  7. Cardinallady says:

    I checked out our temps for next week eightys for highs mon and tues hallelujah

    I have an unspoken prayer request. It’s much too hard to talk about right now

  8. msblondie says:

    morning gang! brrbbrrr… we will be on this weather roller coaster till Easter now ( though I hope not)

    everyone have a great day! It is “Fat” Tuesday!

  9. blues4you says:

    stumbles in/knocks off icicle from hard hat/gets coffee/mops up puddle icicle made on floor/goes back to work

  10. Molly says:

    Ok. It’s official. I have had ENOUGH cold weather. Come on, Spring!

  11. parrotmom says:

    I also vote for spring. Maybe is sun was shining cold would be better.

  12. msblondie says:

    morning gang! Please be in prayer for the McLaurin School family today. They lost a child in a wreck last night – a senior. This girl is a friend of my niece.

  13. Molly says:

    Mornin. I hate to hear about that McLaurin student. Having a daughter who is a senior, that hits close to home. Every parent’s nightmare! So, so sad!

  14. Clucky says:

    MsBlondie, a senior from McLaurin bought Chicklette’s pageant gown to wear in DYW (formerly Jr Miss) I’ll get her to see who it is when she gets home. Oh man, and during exam week too.
    I cannot imagine the pain her family is in now. A dear friend lost her son in a car accident almost a year ago, but every day is like it just happened for her. So tragic.
    There was a bomb threat at our county school yesterday. Nothing to it..someone didn’t want to take exams yesterday…

    I made a “round the world” trip yesterday from here to Raymond, then Meridian, then home again. My car is officially gone gone :( I’m looking for another convertible with enough seating for 4 this time, and “inexpensive.” KBB isn’t too kind to a 15 yr old roadster, but that’s ok. If I can’t find what I want, I’ve already found a white with tan top Miata in Vancleave that is in budget and is exactly what I want!!

    Sunshine today! Maybe Mother Nature will give up yoyo weather for Lent and let us keep the sunshine!

    Any definite date yet for the picnic?

  15. Legal Eagle says:

    Cardinallady and MsBlondie, I will keep y’all in my prayers.

    I got some dates over the next couple of months when Marshall will be available for our pic-a-nick and I will call the Pearl Parks and Recreation folks tomorrow to see when we can get the pavilion if that’s still ok with everyone to have it there. Marshall has April 5, 12 and 19 and the first two Saturdays in May available. If any of you have conflicts, please let me know. I will call Monday and see what’s available for the pavilion and that should give everyone time to see this and tell me about conflicts.

  16. blues4you says:

    The sun is wanting to shine a little here in central texas! A welcome sight for sure.

    Prayers for those that need them.

    I hope I get to come to the pic-nic this year.

  17. msblondie says:

    morning gang! brr again… the sunshine was nice for sure yesterday.

    everyone have a good day.

  18. GrammarGirl says:

    Not available April 5 or first two weeks in May, but right now could do April 12 or 19. Softball makes it difficult, but I sure would love to see you all again!

  19. Molly says:

    Mornin. All is well at the Rez…just damp and chilly.
    Legal, I don’t think I have any conflicts except for maybe April 12. That is Prom night and I’ll be helping Kiddo get ready (after she takes the ACT that morning…gonna be a long day for her!) and then playing photographer. I could probably work the picnic in anyway, but I hate to be rushed.

  20. Cardinallady says:

    April 19 is Easter weekend. Might conflict with other family plans for some

  21. Clucky says:

    It sure was nice to meet CornPop and Wilbur last year. It was like I had known them forever.

    All the “old” MRBA may not get on here like we used to, but everyone comes out of the wood works when something happens to one of us. I can’t even remember his name on here, but Ben’s grandfather passed away this week.

    Exams today, then Spring Break next week! Woot woot! Thing One started yesterday. The Band has a gig tonight, but this Mama ain’t going. Not this time…sorry, boys!
    Thing Two has an interview next Tuesday, if y’all could send up a word, we’d be thankful!

    Bring on the Spring!! I don’t know why Spring Break is so early!! It’s way too cold yet!

  22. CornPop says:

    Orville and I should be able to make any of the dates that are being talked about for the pic-a-nic. We really did enjoy officially meeting and getting to know everyone that was there last year and look forward to this year…count us in! Love to all!

  23. Molly says:

    Mornin. Three or 4 years ago, the NWR schools stopped having 9-weeks exams and only have semester exams. Hallelujah! Kiddo had a couple of tests this week, but just regular tests covering the most recent material. She will be exempt from all year-end finals. She will be completely finished with high school by the first of May. Just 6 weeks of school left for her. She does have to go to college this summer, though. Human A&P 1 and 2 have to be completed by January to get into the radiology program next year. In order to do that, she will have to take A&P 1 this summer and A&P 2 this fall. She has completed English Comp 1 and almost through with English Comp 2, so by the time she graduates from high school, she will have 6 college semester hours. I sure wish they had dual credit classes when I was in high school!

  24. cardinallady says:

    Hey! Legal and Clucky I did get your facebook questions I have tried and tried to comment on facebook and it WON’T LET ME. 1. Pearl park is fine with me. 2. April 5 or 12 and first weekend in may is fine. Mom’s day is second weekend in May.

    You know me, I’m looking for a weekend that I can go that far and then jaunt on to the coast for a night with CardinalSon. Heh.

  25. DWB810 says:

    Hello Everyone! The only weekend I can’t make the pic-a-nic is the weekend of May 17. I will be in St. Louis!!! YEAH!!
    My friend from StL is on her way to Alabama as I type. I am soooo excited. When I left Brandon in 2007, I had so many cherished friends. In the years since, it has been hard to develop friendships. SandY and I connected immediately when I went to work at Washington University in St. Louis and I will be forever grateful for her faith and trust in me.

  26. Old Bopper says:

    April 5, 12, or May 3 are open for me.

  27. Cardinallady says:

    Evenin! Winding down. Washed four lines of clothes today. They smell so fresh! I went to the Salvation Army today and bought four skirts and two pairs of shoes and some summer pajamas and didn’t even spend $25. Ready for the spring now

    I have got to take a pic of the nesting house Jon has made for the chickens. Part of it will be the tiny chicken brooding house. He is so talented. Alright I’m about to fall asleep. Good thing it is time changing night and I’m sleepy early.

    • GigiB says:

      My husband has recently lost a lot of weight….67 pounds… had to buy new clothes. He started shopping Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift stores and now he will not buy retail! He took one jacket to the cleaners and it cost $7.00 to clean. The jacket only cost $5! Now if he gets one too dirty to do spot cleaning, he discards it and buys another one.

  28. Molly says:

    Mornin. Gorgeous day today! Wish I wasn’t just looking at it through the office window.
    Co-worker is gone. She’s moving back to Ohio this week, so I’ll be missing out on her wild tales. Dinner time at my house will be boring now….we usually spend it discussing that day’s outrageous story she told and expected me to believe. Now we’ll have to find a new way to entertain ourselves.
    Hope everyone has a happy Monday!

  29. cardinallady says:

    Pretty morning. Lightly cloudy. A little chilly. But at least spring is trying to come out. I have more daffodils blooming than ever. I picked some of the King Alfreds on my way in this moring. They are brightening up my corner at this moment. :) Gotta fly and get this paper done.

    Um… I can’t post on facebook still, but I like May 3 for the picnic. That close to daddy boppers birthday we do need to celebrate with him.

  30. msblondie says:

    Afternoon gang! I thought I posted this morning.. guess I didn’t hit the post mart.

    Everyone have a great day! It is so nice outside. I just enjoyed a stroll across the parking lot from building to building :)

  31. Mrs. H says:

    I had no idea it had been so long since I posted here. Sorry, gang.
    Em is in Honduras this week for spring break working at an orphanage. I believe she has decided to do full time missions after she graduates from MSU. She has changed her major from mechanical to civil engineering because it seems more useful.

    Just about the only date unavailable for picnicking for us is April 5. I’m running a 5K that morning, there’s a wedding I can’t miss that afternoon and El’s prom is that evening!

  32. blues4you says:

    Top o the mornin’ to yas.

    The time change is killin’ me this year. I’ve never had a problem with it before but for some reason it’s really workin’ on me this time. Waking up has been a real problem the last two days. Sigh. It’s tough gettin’ old.

    BullyDuck and all the other river ducks are gettin’ excited about the parade saturday. They’ve been working hard on the float and say it looks better than ever.

    Y’all have a pleasant day now.

  33. Molly says:

    Mornin. Sorry the time change is getting to you, Blues. I was exhausted after a very busy day Saturday and went to bed extra early. I guess that made the difference for me. I have hardly noticed a difference. It’s just still very dark when I get up, but it hasn’t bothered me.
    Gotta get busy now. Since co-worker is gone, it is just me working both desks and there’s a lot to be done.
    Have a great day!

  34. msblondie says:

    morning gang! WOW – it has been extremly busy this morning.

    I am with you on the time change Blues. It has gotten me this year. I am wondering if it is cause I am on call this week.

    everyone be good.

  35. Old Bopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Looking forward to the pic-a-nic whenever it gets scheduled. Sure hope we can have a good turnout. Looking forward to our “family” reunion.

    The last three weeks have been kinda tough. Had the “snots” for about a week and a half coupled with a terrible cough. Coughed so much that I almost lost my voice. The cough subsided a few days ago but the voice still hasn’t come back to normal. I actually missed a couple of days going to the Capitol.

    Made reservations for Blue Mountain (FLA) again this fall. We discussed going somewhere different but we feel so at home there that it gives us a level of comfort that we couldn’t have if exploring a new place every year. Excitement has never been our forte.

  36. parrotmom says:

    In here just missing my mind.

    It’s Wednesday and still having trouble with the new time. Like you Blues hasn’t bothered me before. Good to see everyone is doing well.
    Everyone take care.

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