Monday Free-For-All

Good moning! Have a great Monday!

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52 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Slept like a log. Now to get my booty in gear…

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning my friends :) Happy monday at 6:01 am.

  3. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning, MRBA.

  4. parrotmom says:

    See you folks later on. I wished I could be like CornPop and be off a few days. Last week was heck. I hope it want be so bad today. I have a dental appointment this afernoon. I hope to continue to get a good report

  5. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Gotta take my tax info to the CPA ugh!

  6. Molly says:

    Mornin. Back into the regular morning routine since Spring Break is over. Roller Dog and I enjoyed sleeping a little later last week.

  7. dhcoop says:

    I got caught in that crap on 55S this morning. Should have been here at 7:15 and got here at 8!

  8. CornPop says:

    Good morning from Knoxville! Orville and I are about to hit the road again taking our time heading back home. We have had a blast so far and the fun’s not over, yet! Tennessee is beautiful and we are enjoying traveling through it. Maybe find some caverns to explore or whatever. Neither of us has to be back to work until Thursday. ;-)

  9. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Slept in this morning till 8. Hope everybody has a great start to the week.

  10. Barb says:

    Morning everyone!

  11. cardinallady says:

    Morning! two days, two days, two days! I work today and tomorrow and I’m off the rest of the week. Even going to get someone to teach my Sunday School class so we won’t have to be back until Sunday if we take a notion. Jon and I are going to Bass Pro Shop in Jackson, then going to camp out at Ross Barnett so we can fish.

  12. msblondie says:

    morning gang! *achoo* excuse me… allergies are getting me. busy day..

    hope everyone has a great day!

  13. The Real JB says:

    Hello all…so when did we move over here. It has been awhile I guess.

  14. Molly says:

    about a week ago, JB. You really should check in more often.

  15. Ann Onimous says:

    Good morning, everybody! This is a quick check-in, because I’m still up to my ears in spreadsheets! I had four more thrown at me, and now I’m back to my original one. But it’s a lulu.

    I’ll check in at lunch! Y’all have a great day, and behave!

    (Not you, CP and Orville. Y’all don’t have to behave. Carry on.)

  16. Ann Onimous says:

    We had 11 last night for church Bible drill. One of ours goes to Associational: one will have a redo Wednesday night, as he was one short of making it. He really wants to go to Associational: he knows his stuff, but is a little slower finding it. We’re proud of both of them.

  17. parrotmom says:

    It finally found Monday on my phone. Afternoon everyone.
    Mac-n-cheese for lunch.

  18. parrotmom says:

    I never had the first bit of trouble last week. Must be something in tbe air PC at work is acting up also.

  19. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!!!

  20. tank says:

    hey folks.
    mrsh, wysteria is VERY aggressive so be careful where you put it and be ready to keep it maintained. runners will shoot out in every direction.

    when y’all get a minute go take my poll:

    I wish this issue didn’t bug me…but it does. thanks.

    • Mrs. H says:

      Tank, We live in a 6-acre pasture and have almost no trees. I want to plant it next to the girls’ swingset (which they hardly ever use anymore, being 21,16 & 14 years old). It has absolutely NO SHADE anywhere close to it. I’m just hoping to keep it safe from Mr. H’s John Deere until it can establish itself!

  21. tank says:

    stuart irby can’t stay out of trouble, can he?

  22. dhcoop says:

    Tank, I don’t see any news about Stuart Irby.

    I’m having chicken tenders.

  23. parrotmom says:

    He needs to be behind bars to keep others safe from his stupidity. As well as MaryAnne Mobleys’ husband.

  24. Molly says:

    Coop, Irby was arrested on DUI charges

  25. Ann Onimous says:

    Check WLBT for Irby news. That makes me sick to my stomach.

  26. The Real JB says:

    You know people amaze me. I have a sunburnt head because I watched a baseball game without wearing a hat. So today everybody sees my head and says. Sunburn…you should have wore a hat. DUH!

  27. Mrs. H says:

    JB, I’ve gotten a sunburned head (through my hair) before. At least you won’t be brushing it and irritate it.

  28. The Real JB says:

    I love you all too.

  29. msblondie says:

    sunburn heads are no fun. having very light thin blonde hair i know all to well. JB – i understand the pain. Aloe does help though.

    peeking in.. has been a busy monday. our email hosting service went down this morning. It nearly brought us to our knees. we do alot of our business over email and everything else is web based.

    ok back to it for another hour.

  30. Molly says:

    Our email was down this morning, too.
    Kiddo got a sunburn along her part line in her hair this weekend. She hasn’t complained, though, so I guess it doesn’t hurt.
    The funniest sunburn I have ever seen was a guy that went fishing early in the morning on his boat. It was cold and he wore a ski mask. As the sun came up, he warmed up a bit and pushed the ski mask up on top of his head. At the end of the day, his head had burned where the face openings on the ski mask were not covering his bald head. He had a nice smiley face right on top of his head.

  31. parrotmom says:

    Ok, I have been to the dentist for the first time in over 30 yrs I have a small spot that needs a filling. Drats. I asked with all the technology is the drilling any better than what I remember from before 1977 and I was told no :(

  32. parrotmom says:

    Convinced PD to go to the doctor to have his TSH and PSA done. We went back in January but the nurse did a CBC instead. Duh!!! but we wasn’t charged for there mistake. I wasn’t thinking that PD doesnt’ drink a lot of water due to his other problem so he was stuck in both arms because his vein rolled on the first arm. Drats again :(

  33. parrotmom says:

    So then it is time to change out his peg (feeding tube) no problem last time. This time I cannot make it suck the water out of the balloon. I am following the directions, but definitely missing something. I remember this happening at the doctors office on my first and only lesson. So will try and get an answer tomorrow from the GI doctor unless Clucky checks in to tell me what I may be doing wrong, but there again I just don’t know. I know his stomach has to be empty to do it.

  34. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon everybody. Not much happening. We have a Panamanian friend arriving on Wednesday and staying until Tuesday of next week. He’s going to attend a church workshop over the weekend. Looking forward to it.

    He’s staying in Cardinal Lady’s bedroom since she and Jon will be camping.

  35. OldBopper says:

    Special note to MrsH, still planning to be in your town on Saturday. Just me.

  36. dhcoop says:

    Evenin! DWTS premier!

  37. parrotmom says:

    Coop I hope you enjoy.

    OB, you have some very interesting guest.

    I know Clady is looking forward to her fishing trip. I see lots of skeeter eaters, so there must be skeeters too?

  38. parrotmom says:

    Nite lite is on!! you all are having to much fun!!!
    I talked to my brother fist time since the end of January. So glad he was not working. Life is good :)

  39. dhcoop says:

    Enjoyed DWTS on the phone with Mom. Now to sleep.

    Good night!

  40. Barb says:

    Nite all!

  41. Legal Eagle says:

    We have a new picture coming out – Pirates of the Carribean: On A Strange Tide – complete with mermaids.

    I cooked chicken enchiladas for the chef last night and he loved them, although he said his were going to be even better next weekend. We will see about that since he ate two helpings of mine and kept the leftovers.

    I have been totally useless today. I didn’t get up until someone called this morning and that was about 10:20. I called a few folks for the game Thursday, but not every person I should have called. I had made some great tuna fish salad so we had tuna sandwiches and barbecued potato chips for lunch.

    I thought I was going to get to see Mike & Molly and some of the other shows I had missing while The Bachelor was on, but bless goodness, BE wanted to watch DWTS. Blah! I just finished another Steven Coonts book, “The Minotaur,” and started J.D. Robb’s latest, which has to be back to the library on Thursday.

  42. Mrs. H says:

    Got the message OB. I’ll get you some directions before you head this way.

  43. OldBopper says:

    My Daddy would be 90 years old today. He died at age 57 in 1978. I miss him.

  44. Barb says:

    Good morning!!

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