Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great Tuesday.

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42 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! It’s Tuesday. Yay. *sigh*

  2. Barb says:

    Yay!!! It’s Tuesday!!! Off at 3 today and off tomorrow and Thursday!!!

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good mornng to you all. Lucky for you Barb:) Gee, I was sleeping so good. IT is now 6:07 am may I crawl back into bed?

  4. parrotmom says:

    OB your dad passes at such a young age as did my mother, she was 53. She passed of lung cancer but being a smoker and starting at a very young age (early teen) did not help. We can’t help to miss them for what ever our reasons may be.

  5. dhcoop says:

    My eyes feel like they have gravel in them. Big chunks of yellow gravel.

  6. OldBopper says:

    Good morning y’all.

    Hey JB, how does it feel to be a redhead? JKLYM

  7. parrotmom says:

    Hey folks don’t forget to check out Marshall’s drawing on the CL site. See you all later, Love and hugs to all!!!

  8. dhcoop says:

    Made it in, although I was a bit freaked when I discovered that MDOT made my usual exit disappear overnight and forced me on to the area of the interstate that I HATE! Got me a link sausage biscuit and some chocolate milk and now to see what the day will bring.

    It’s still Tuesday.

  9. Ann Onimous says:

    Good morning, everybody! Today is American Diabetes Alert Day. Go take the test and check your risk factor – http://stopdiabetes.diabetes.org/site/PageServer?pagename=SD_homepage

  10. Crystalbutterfly says:

    Hey all!!!!
    hope that everyone has a great Tuesday!!
    Barb enjoy your days off.
    OB I miss my parents too, mostly my Mom I was so young(7 years old) when my Dad passed away that I seem to miss him as must

  11. Crystalbutterfly says:

    why does post say “Your comment is awaiting moderation” the one yesterday did the same thing?

  12. cardinallady says:

    Morning everybody!!!! Flying through. Got to get a couple of stories written and then off to get my cook page together. Hope to fly out of here when Jon gets through at Habitat.

    I will wash clothes while Jon does a job for the neighbor down the street. He is going to finish up the job in the morning while I pack the car, then we will be hitting the open road!!

    We are going to hit Jackson the back way, down Highway 15. It takes just as long to get there by 15 as it does by 55 from our neck of the woods by the time you drive an hour west just to hit 55. We are going to take our time, if we see an antique shop we want to raid on our way down, we are going to stop and explore.

  13. cardinallady says:

    Oh, Legal EAGLE YOU MADE MY DAY!!!! Ithought it was another year until I could see Captain Jack, now I know it is May!!! I can’t decide if I will go to the midnight showing this year though. it was pretty rough getting through the other one.

  14. dhcoop says:

    Clady, what are your plans in Jackson?

    • cardinallady says:

      Well, the only REAL plan we have is to go to Bass Pro shop and let Jon spend his Christmas money frm Aunt cindy and go to Ross Barnett to fish. The rest of the plans are just whatever. WE have no itenerary.

  15. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all has a great day. Can I wish for a little rain to wash the pollen down please!

  16. parrotmom says:

    Good thing these windows cannot be opened. Either the phone or myself would be flying or jumping out.

    Coop, CLady and Jon are planning a trip to Bass Pro then to do some camping and fishing at the rez.

  17. parrotmom says:

    gripe, grumble, and gripe some more!!!!!
    I am being hounded by the phone.

    • Crystalbutterfly says:

      my phone is being quite today for now, but the other girl that works in here is off so she is not e-mailing people about stuff and telling them to call her and giving my number since it is the main number–don’t know why she will not give them her extention maybe it makes her fell important to have me answer the phone for her oh well I thank God that I have a job.

  18. parrotmom says:

    comfort food….pizza for lunch :) yummy!!!

  19. dhcoop says:

    I’ve got a beef pot pie in the oven. YUM

  20. Airwolf says:

    I’m still working in my garage. Putting in some insulation in the roof. Boy is it hot. Pollen is working on me. My vehicles are outside and they are all the same color-yellow!

  21. The Real JB says:

    OB…how does it feel to be an old geezer?

  22. parrotmom says:

    almost time to go and hope tomorrow is a more productive day.

  23. Barb says:

    MsBlondie, how about we all go out and do a rain dance?!

  24. Mrs. H says:

    JB, are you trying to start something?

    • Barb says:

      Not JB !! He wouldn’t do that, would he?! HA!!

    • cardinallady says:

      Hee hee. I’m glad to see him pick on somebody. I’m about to leave this place I’ll see all you good people Monday morning, Lord willing. This is such a treat to get to leave town for awhile. Jon and I are both ready.

  25. The Real JB says:

    Look and see who fired the first shot…I don’t start stuff…I finish it.

  26. Legal Eagle says:

    JB, call OB an old geezer again and I’m going to finish you! (After all, he is a year younger than I am.) Go wash your mouth out!

  27. parrotmom says:

    PD and I managed to change out the peg today. As it turned out there was not enough water in the balloon part. He was able to slowly pull it out with no pain. I inserted the new one and added water to it.

  28. CornPop says:

    Well, we’re home. Orville and I had a great time, BUT he’s now working on digging himself out of the doghouse hole he’s gotten himself into. Before we left on Friday I kept trying to tell him that his sporty little Mazda RX8 was not the vehicle to take on a long trip. Did he listen to me? Oh no… That ride caused me a lot of pain, especially on the trip home because he wanted to drive for 8 hours, and believe me, I let him know. He’s just now gotten back from picking up a call-in order from Cerami’s…it is a good start…and we can sleep in tomorrow since we don’t have to be back at work until Thursday.

    • parrotmom says:

      CP glad you are both home. Glad to hear that Orville is trying to make amends for the long 8 hrs. Although I bet it was a great drive full of scenery.

      • CornPop says:

        The scenery was beautiful, PM, but when you’re uncomfortable and in pain, its difficult to appreciate it. The seats that Orville says are made for cockpits were NOT made for my big, fat butt! He kept saying if I’d scoot back into the seat then it would conform to my shape—I DON’T THINK SO!

        We will NOT be taking any long trips in his car ever again! I will rent a car (a convertible with leg room) when we make any sort of plans like this in the future.

  29. dhcoop says:

    Evenin! CP, glad y’all made it home safe and sound, sore butt and all!!

  30. Barb says:

    Welcome home CP and Orville! CP, it sounds like Orville owes you a bit of pampering! Glad ya’ll had a good trip.

  31. parrotmom says:

    CP with all of PD’s health issues including the back—he swears I purposely hit all the bumps. Out trips to Houston did not bother him since he was on hydrocodone from the pain of the cancer. It was really strange here in Jackson would not treat him for the pain he was having from the cancer?

  32. parrotmom says:

    nite lite is on. Good nite to everyone!!!

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