Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Enjoying the pollen.

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50 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    I’m first!!!!

    Good morning everyone!!! Happy Hump Day or a great Wednesday :)

  2. dhcoop says:


    Right there with you MR. My eyes feel like sandpaper

  3. parrotmom says:

    It is officially 6:13 am.

  4. parrotmom says:

    no other early risers? Where has Clucky been lately? We’ve been missing a bunch lately.

  5. Sheila Gold says:

    Hey you two! LegalSec checking in! Sorry I kinda lost interest after MR went part time over at CL. I’ve also been extremely busy at work but have been keeping up with MR on FB. I’ll try to get myself in gear and check-in more often. I hope everyone in the MRBA is doing well.

  6. Ann Onimous says:

    7:20am, and I’ve been at work for 20 minutes. Today will be a short day for me, as I have to work later Friday to help cover for someone on vacation. I like it when Wednesdays are short, because it gives me time to recharge before church.

    Please keep our son in your prayers today. He gets a redo tonight for Bible Drill. He was one short in the original Church drill of making it to Associational. He has worked and studied so hard: he knows his stuff, but he’s a little slower at looking things up. He’ll be studying a bit more today after he finishes his schoolwork, and drill is tonight.

  7. Mrs. H says:

    I just got off the phone with a missionary in the Philippines. He’s attending a rotax (small aircraft engine) seminar at a local airstrip while he is on furlough this summer. Not from Mississippi, either! Looking at a web map, he saw we were the closest church and decided to give us a call. The airstrip owners are actually active members of ABC so I told him I’d pass on his Skype contact info to them. Then I realized that a member of that family will be doing summer missions through the USM-BSU in the Philippines in a few months.
    Alas, he’s not a Southern Baptist missionary, so they probably won’t meet : (

  8. dhcoop says:

    Great to see you LegalSec!!

    AnnO, we’ll pray he makes it!

    7:51 a.m. :)

  9. Ann Onimous says:

    Elizabeth Taylor has passed on. She was 79. :(

  10. Airwolf says:

    Morning, feeling rugged as the cross this morning. This pollen is really hurting me.

    Good to hear from you Legal Sec. Ann I hope your son does well.

    9:29 am

  11. parrotmom says:

    Hey LegalSec, glad you decided to come back and join us.

    MrsH, that is very interesting. So glad it worked out.

    AnnO will be praying that your son does well tonight.

  12. Ann Onimous says:

    Thanks for the prayers, y’all: I know he appreciates it, too.

  13. OldBopper says:

    There’s some unusual fireworks going on in the Mississippi Senate. A motion has been made to dissolve into the committee of the whole. Very unusual. Currently recessed subject to the call of the chair while everybody tries to figure out exactly how to proceed. Regards redistricting.

  14. OldBopper says:

    Arose and cut the grass this morning so that it at least looks neat. Wish the pollen was gone. We will not be able to enjoy our porch with our Panamanian visitor who arrives this afternoon.

  15. msblondie says:

    morning gang!.. been non stop since i walked in the door.

    the pollen is killing me. told hubby he was going to have to cut the front yard this first time instead of me.. as the pollen is soooooo bad.

    Ann hope your son does well.

  16. dhcoop says:

    I just put a DiGiorno garlic bread pepperoni pizza in the oven. :)

  17. parrotmom says:

    Lunch time. Strawberry yogurt parfait for me.

  18. The Real JB says:

    Big discussion up here is the whole Bruce Pearl firing at UT. Looks like most fans want the AD’s head on a platter too for throwing his team under the bus right before their tournament game.

  19. Mrs. H says:

    Working on a 3 family mission trip idea since Mexico was canceled this year. I’m getting excited! I think it’s going to be 3 moms and our 7 kids.

    • The Real JB says:

      Mrs H my church is getting hooked up with this organization They help refugees get settled in Nashville but their work is mission oriented in that they are the only Christian organization in the US that does this. It is like we can do international missions but we just go down the road to Nashville.

  20. OldBopper says:

    Hey Red!….oops, I mean JB. It’s rather nice to be an old geezer. Hope you live long enough to enjoy such an experience. Just glad you wore a shirt or you really would be hurting.

    Honestly, I really don’t feel as old as I probably ought to. For that I am quite thankful.

    AnnO, hope your son does well this evening. I think it is wonderful that he’s willing to try again. Says a lot about the young man.

  21. tank says:

    Like Stacey, I have never seen a Liz Taylor movie.

    • Barb says:

      I have seen some of her work, but the thing I remember most about her is the ring Burton gave her and the episode of “Here’s Lucy” she was on!

  22. parrotmom says:

    It appears JB has been missing being with us. So glad he is back in his rare form.

  23. msblondie says:

    finally making it to peek back in. busy busy..

    I remember that my grandmother only would wear Elizabeth Taylor’s White Diamonds perfume. I have watch some of her work on AMC sometime back.

    Now to get though the next hour… This has been a long day.

  24. CornPop says:

    You have cut me TO THE QUIK! I’m only 52 but most of you haven’t seen any of Liz Taylor’s movies???!!! She was a true legend and all of us that knew her worth need to make it a point to ensure that our children and grandchildren (and young friends) appreciate her work and love her as we do!

    OH AND ONE MORE THING…I wear White Diamonds (and I AM a grandmother, but don’t feel old) and have worn it since Liz Taylor came out with it & Orville bought it for me – it’s Orville’s most favorite fragrance to nuzzle up and smell on me! I also know that it’s one of Coop’s most hated fragrances – every one to their own…

  25. parrotmom says:

    I am certain I have seen some of her movies, but right off I could not recall a single one of them.

  26. dhcoop says:


  27. dhcoop says:

    Just got in and watching AI with Mom.

  28. Ann Onimous says:

    We just got back from church, and we both want to say thank you for your prayers this evening.

    He’s going to Associational Drill. :D

  29. dhcoop says:

    Yay for AnnO and IG’s son!!! OK, we need a name… I’m not as creative as AnnO. What should we call your little man?? LilO? IGjr??

  30. dhcoop says:

    I’ve got it!! Congrats to Iggynomous!! Na…that’s too long.

  31. dhcoop says:


  32. Mrs. H says:

    We just got our latest Netflix installment: The Taming of the Shrew. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Mr. H was unaware of her passing.

  33. Ann Onimous says:

    LilO may be great for our daughter. :) Or we could just call her MJ: for Mara Jade, one of her favorite Star Wars characters. Our son could be IG3, since he’s the third…

  34. dhcoop says:

    Okay then! Congratulations to IG3 for his accoplishments on the Bible drills!!

    IG3… I like it!!

  35. dhcoop says:

    So is it MJ or LilO for your girl child? And IG3 for your boy?

    You know how we are about code names!

  36. parrotmom says:

    Congrats AnnO and Ig 3 for making it in .

    Nite lite is on!! Sweet dreams to all :)

    Where is Clucky?????

  37. Ann Onimous says:

    We’ll go with LilO. It’s girly, but cute. And she liked it. :)

  38. parrotmom says:

    nite lite is on!! Love to all and welcome to OB’s house guest. I hope CLady and son made it to town and to the camp grounds!!!

    Nite to all!!!!

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