The Adventures of an Awkward Athlete: Chapter 5 — Accountability

It was dark and rainy this morning, but I got my sleepy butt up and went and worked out. Why? Not only did I know someone would call me on my laziness, I also would have been pissed at myself for the rest of the day for sleeping in. But I’ve moved past outside accountability. Now, I answer to myself.

And I am a massive pain in the rear.

Speaking of pain in the rear, we worked really, really hard today. Coach Clark did his Clarkapalooza (what I call his solo beatdown). I think everyone’s favorite was the snake drill. I moved fast on it — because somewhere along the way I figured out if you really push it, you get done sooner. It’s funny what motivates you. We also did some Yoga with Coach Neil and an Indian Run. Bottom line? It was a good way to end a tough week.

We also weighed in. And guess what? Clydesdale here lost three pounds. My goal? 195 lbs. I have a long way to go before I get there (20 lbs.) but with the Mississippi Blues Marathon coming in 121 days, I had better get busy and start losing. At least I am headed in the right direction.

You ask, “Marshall, you look thin. Why do you want to lose 20 more pounds?”

Hauling ass is not a good thing when you are running a marathon. The less ass you have, the less you have to haul.

And I’ll look better in a two-piece. I’m not accountable for that image burned in your brain, though.

Have a great day. Eat healthy and get moving!

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