The Adventures of an Awkward Athlete: Chapter 8 — the oil change.


My car has 123,000 miles on it. When it was six-months-old, it was shot while I was driving in Baton Rouge. The radiator was destroyed and the engine overheated. I got a new engine with less than 800 miles on the car.

Since then, it has been bulletproof. It’s a Honda CR-V, which is a very reliable car. But a big reason why it has served me so well is that I go the extra mile maintaining it. This morning, I got the oil changed once again. I will drive it to 200,000 and then it becomes my son’s car.

This morning, Coach Clark did another of his famous Clarkapalooza’s on us. We started with the Four-corner drill:
1. Run from the end zone . 2. Go 40 yards and then do two ladder drills. 3. Run to end zone. 4. Do 10 Burpees 5. Shuffle the width of the end zone 6. Do 20 mountain climbers. 7. Run. 8. Bear crawl 25 yards. 9. Run to next end zone. 10. Do 20 squat and touches. 11. Shuffle the end zone. 12. 20 jumping jacks. 13. Repeat. Then we went to the middle of the field.

There we chopped our feet and shuffled and retraced. Then we did high knees, jumping jacks and more chopping of our feet as we shuffled some more. Then we did a straight arm plank and did various leg exercises and moved sideways. We stayed in that position until our arms planked. And then we did a regular plank. From there we did core work and continued to sweat in the middle of the field. Then we ran up and down the stadium.

I did that twice. When we were finished, we went to the end zone and did one jumping jack on the five. Then we added one until we got to the next end zone — 100 yards away. From there, we did a wall-sit and waited as a medicine ball was passed up and down the line — twice. Then we turned around and ran against the wall. From there, we did motion drills (right, left, forward, back, hit it!) and we were done.

That was an hour of constant motion.

Why would I subject myself to such torture? If I want my body to last 200,000 thousand miles, I have to maintain it, too. It’s funny how we’ll fix our car but feed ourselves junk and sit on the couch. This morning was an oil change. And I’ll do it again tomorrow.

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