Adventures of an Awkward Athlete: The Next Level

Steam poured off our bodies as the cool air wrapped its arms around us. Our workout was done for the day and we sat on the artificial turf catching our breath. A couple of our teammates got up and spoke. One, in tears, told about a particularly tough health challenge she is facing. Another told how coming out to workout had given her the mental strength to pull through a particularly cruel loss in her life.

It was a solid reminder that we’re all facing challenges. And it was an even more important reminder of why I spend the money to be out there. It’s group therapy. It’s how I have the strength to keep pushing on.

I know of several of my teammates who have faced challenges that would have brought average men and women to their knees. Their strength strengthens me. Their example pulls me through my own personal dark times.

When I first worked out, I did it for me. As time went on, I realized that there was more than just a physical level to the training — there was a mental one, too. I started paying attention to my teammates more and listening to their stories. I found our shared experiences to be healing.

We’re not alone in this journey. And if we can somehow quit thinking of ourselves for a moment and have empathy, life will get easier. I know the workout won’t — but that’s OK. Tough moments make tough people.

Paul Lacoste talks about the Next Level. It’s physical and mental. But it’s also having the strength to help your teammate when he or she needs it the most.

That’s life right there. That’s truly what living is all about.12006109_10156079227365721_31561077470876233_n

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