Saturday Free-For-All

I slept late. Needed it. Badly. Now I’m off to take my son to a Scout volunteer project. Hope you have a good day.

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23 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning! Got to ride my new bike yesterday! It was great (and instructive!) I think if you click on my name, it will take you to the post I wrote.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone. Clucky hope you have a better day today.

    Coop sorry you can’t talk, but how did you find out you had no voice? Were going to carry on a conversation with yourself? LOL!! I know probably was goint to talk to the cats :)

    OB enjoy the rider VRRRRROOOOMMM!!

  3. dhcoop says:

    Mornin again!

    MrsH, you rock!

    PM, I can talk, just not very well. Tried to talk on the phone.

    It is gorgeous outside!

  4. parrotmom says:

    yes a beautiful day and I have to go into work. Pray that I get it down to zero.

  5. dhcoop says:

    This is too cute for words! I don’t believe in tickling, but this little fella seems to like it!

  6. Airwolf says:

    Morning gang. Headed to the Flywheel Festival in Houston.

  7. Barb says:

    Good Morning!!

    Mrs. H, great post about you riding your new bike!! You are a really good writer!!

  8. dhcoop says:

    I’m enjoying watching the crows in Big Sis’ back yard, so I’ve set them up a little egg hunt. There were some eggs in the fridge that had been in there too long, so I went around and placed them in the grass. Then I broke one open. I also sprinkled a bag of dill pickle potato chips around. Three just landed in the yard and are scoping everything out. Can’t wait to see what they do!

  9. dhcoop says:

    They seem to be having a conference. One of them went over and pecked one of the unbroken eggs and jumped back. They keep looking up into the tree like they expect something to fall on them.

  10. dhcoop says:

    They are now taking the dill pickle chips. Still avoiding the eggs. They will go over and peck one now and then, but no takers yet.

  11. dhcoop says:

    just watched a crow stack 5 chips up before flying off with the stack!

  12. Clucky says:

    Eating at The Shed in Gulfport. YUM.

    • Mrs. H says:

      Clucky, I see you took Chicklette to the beach after all. I hope you’re feeling okay. If you are in the neighborhood of Agricola tomorrow, give us a shout out.

  13. parrotmom says:

    I put my 6 hrs in today. Monday and next week will still be hectic but at least I want feel so overwhelmed, or at least hoping that to be the case.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Last night I thought I had lost my kittie girls, but they showed up late and not hungry very standoffish. This morning only Itty Bitty was in the courtyard no TinkerBell at the door at 6:30 am or 8:30 am. Itty laying on my mechanics stool that I use when I pull weeds. Tonight they both finally show up but acting just as strange as they did last night. Tinker Bell let me pet her and roll her over for what I call a belly rub and she loved me rubbing her cheeks. Neither Kittie has moved from their post. Neither wants to eat their favored canned food, but I guess they know where home is and I hope they never forget where they can be safe. I so worry about losing them.

  15. parrotmom says:

    nite lite is on!!!! see you all sometime tomorrow!!!

  16. blues4you says:


    Wishing all a Happy Easter!

  17. dhcoop says:

    5:20 a.m.

    Hugs, Blues! Sending you an extra special Easter hug since you cannot be home with your beloved!

    Happy Easter, all! I’m down in Gtown and cannot sleep, so I’m trying to see how much damage I can do to my sister’s stuff before she gets home next weekend. Did you know you shouldn’t wash a blue rug with a beige one? Go figure.

    Actually, I’m just messing with her mind to see if she’s paying attention.

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