Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning. Awoke to the sound of thunder.

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101 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Good morning. Looks like the weather front will be passed in a few minutes. Lots of wind and thunder out right now but not a thing you can do about it but enjoy and thank God for the opportunity for another day.

    Hope everybody has a good Tuesday.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good Tuesday morning what a wonderful light and sound show so early :)

  3. dhcoop says:

    About to wade out into this mess. I think the worst has passed here, but it’s still raining pretty hard.

    Everyone be safe out there!

  4. parrotmom says:

    Marshall I love your toon today. How appropriate :)

    I agree with Coop I think it is passed us but be careful.

  5. parrotmom says:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day, bye for now!!!

  6. cardinallady says:

    Mornining. I yet live. The tornado siren jolted me out of the bed at 12:30 this morning. I knew it was coming and it did. No damage reports, thank God. But our smart meteroligist, who is from Texas said where that system died out last night is where it will re-fire again with stronger stroms today and tomorrow. I may get to make a picture of a tornado yet. Alright. I’ve gotta go write a river of words. see you good people later. Yall be careful now, ya hear?

  7. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!!
    good wet morning to you everybody stay safe and dry!

  8. Airwolf says:

    Got bounced out of bed by tornado sirens at 12:44 am. We moved down to the den on the bottom level and went back to sleep. Looks like an all day thing.

    Cut two yards yesterday and started having mower problems. Got to take it to the John Deere dealer when the rain let’s up.

    Y’all keep an eye to the sky!

  9. Mrs. H says:

    We MIGHT get the first rain that we’ve had in a long time today. However, the sky is still holding out on us. It looks nasty and I hear thunder, but still no rain.

    And today is the day the Brothers are taking Mrs. Mac and me out to lunch for Administrative Assistant’s Day. That’ll make it rain, for sure!

  10. Mrs. H says:

    Prayer request for my friend: she had a hip replacement on the leg that does NOT have the prosthetic from the knee down. She can probably go home today, but is having problems with the sciatic nerve. Numbness and not able to lift that leg. She has enough problems walking without this added circumstance. She’s got to be able to keep up with her 2 little girls! They are quick!

  11. msblondie says:

    morning gang! yep woke to a big light show this morning. I am not big on storms.. esp when hubby ishaving to leave in the middle of it. Just after he left we lost power also. But it was back on by the time for M and I to get ready for school and work.

    We do look to be in for some nasty stuff today and tomorrow.

    Everyone have a great day!

  12. Marilyn Brookes says:

    I’m waiting for word on granddaughter’s tennis tournament today. Sun is peaking out, so we may make it.

  13. The Real JB says:

    Expecting two days of storms up here.
    Was reminded again this morning why I hate writing insurance. Have a nice day!

  14. parrotmom says:

    JB be glad you have the job.

    CLady I hope you get a poc if one comes along, but don’t let it take you away.

  15. dhcoop says:

    I brought some homemade chicken salad for lunch. :)

  16. Legal Eagle says:

    11:50 a.m.

    Welcome Marilyn Brooks!

    OK, I’m going to find us a picnic spot and get available dates and there is no time like the present. April is almost gone.

  17. Mrs. H says:

    Marilyn, do we know you by another name or are you popping in for the first time?

  18. msblondie says:

    had to run to sam’s at lunch for bingo snacks ( ya know my men love their snacks).. picked me up a hot dog and drink for lunch while there.. can’t beat a $1.50 lunch.

    Welcome Marilyn Brooks!

  19. cardinallady says:

    Flitting back through. YES!!!! PAPER is TO BED!!!! Alright, I promised yall my column yesterday of the groundhog here it is.

    Chirps from Cardinallady:
    The Groundhog that came to our Easter party

    The gathering darkness found Mom and I alone on the swing under her arbor. It was one of those rare moments.
    Everybody had gone home except Jon and me. He was across the yard under the oak trees talking to Daddy beside the glowing embers of the fire that had been burning most of the afternoon.
    The scent of honeysuckle and smoke pleasantly enveloped Mom and I as we chatted in the late evening shade under the green trees.
    It had been a glorious Easter Sunday. The kids hid eggs and hunted them out two or three times and when the second wave of grand(and great-grand)children came on the hill, hiding and hunting commenced again.
    The front yard was filled with their laughter along with the banter of my brother and the older children as they threw the football and played baseball.
    Later, as he joined us girls around the fire, we recalled the moments we’d spent together through the years.
    From the horrifying times we’d been hurt and had to be rushed to the emergency room up the hill to the fact that our brother Carey had turned us all, especially little sister Kirsten who he wanted to BE a little brother, into a tomboy.
    As we were talking the afternoon away, I glanced up at the oak tree and saw this animal clinging to the outer branches.
    “Mama, is that your cat?” I asked, since I hadn’t seen her all afternoon.
    “No, that’s not my cat, she returned, “It’s Karie Beth’s.”
    But something about the figure just gave me pause, and being the investigative reporter I am, I walked to the tree all the while saying, “No, It’s not even a cat.”
    Behind me, brother was offering his guess, “It’s a ’coon, he said, no it’s a ’possum.”
    But we were all wrong. It was a groundhog. He was only about 18 inches long head to foot and looked to be the size of a 10-pound sack of flour.
    Out in the yard, the kids heard the commotion under the trees and called time out from their ball game to come see what the adults were so enamored over.
    Well, it’s not every day you see a groundhog and certainly nobody had ever seen one up in a tree.
    Nathaniel and Jon decided he needed to be caught, so before long a wire trap and a huge black net were on hand.
    It was quite a comical thing to see all the kids under the tree with the net while the groundhog calmly surveyed all the commotion under him, continuing to cling for dear life on to his green perch.
    He was punched out of the tree, and when he hit the ground the kids covered him in the net and put him in the cage as they squealed with delight over being able to catch the critter.
    Later as my nephew was hunting a piece of wire to cover the opening in the trap, (he left the groundhog in the net inside the trap) the little brown furry thing escaped.
    So the hill looked much like a bunch of Keystone Cops chasing a robber, “Get him here!” , “We’ve got him!” , “Oh no! He escaped!”
    And believe it or not, that little critter gave them the slip and went to his wild habitat again. I’m sure he had some stories to tell his mama when he got home, but she probably told him to quit taking after Peter Rabbit.

  20. OldBopper says:

    Just took a short ride on the Honda. Adjusted the shift lever upwards a couple days ago and changed the oil today. Makes a huge difference in shifting. BTW, MrsH, it shifts into neutral without difficulty. That was a result of adjusting the lever upwards.

  21. pncpnthr says:

    Just got home & thankfully, we have no storm damage. There are trees down all along the highway, several homes with parts of the roof missing. We just have quite a collection of pine cones in our back yard. Wonder where they all came from? We have pine trees but can’t imagine all the pine cones coming from our trees.

  22. Legal Eagle says:

    Amen, JB!

  23. dhcoop says:

    I didn’t even know we HAD groundhogs in MS!

  24. dhcoop says:

    Going to the Attache Spring Revue tonight! I probably won’t get to check in until later, if at all. Y’all have a good evening!

  25. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon, I got the mower dropped off at the shop and went by Harbor Freight and bought some tools I needed. Somehow managed to strain my back again unhooking the trailer.

    Need to eat supper and get ready for the next weather event.

    We’ve got groundhogs everywhere here.

    OB the position of the shift lever makes all the difference in the world. Too far down and it’s a bear to shift. It’s the same on my manual shift four wheeler.

  26. Legal Eagle says:

    I called LeFleur’s State Park (Mayes Lake) this afternoon. All of their pavillions are rented out every Saturday in May. They have June 18 and 25th available. Their pavillions rent for $65.00 and are big enough for 75 people. The ranger also mentioned that they have a pavillion just after entering the Natural Science Museum and one in front of the museum that are on a first come, first served basis. The website mentioned that Mayes Lake is sometimes subject to flooding since it is on the Pearl River, but they haven’t gotten any news about that yet. With the situation in Vicksburg, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Pearl flooded this year though. The first come, first served sites are on high ground, not down by the river.

    I will call Roosevelt tomorrow but, in the meantime, y’all give me some ideas on dates, location and what you think of getting someone to go there and grab one of the free places at LeFluer’s Bluff )which are available from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. I can’t do it on the weekend of June 4th because my 50th high school class reunion is that weekend.

  27. Legal Eagle says:

    And at both places, there is a $3.00 per car entry fee.

  28. parrotmom says:

    CLady what a wonderful story. So glad you all had a great family gathering.

    Coop enjoy!!!!

  29. parrotmom says:

    I need advise from all the CatLadies–My two ferrals half trained half not. Tinker Bell would be all about my feet in the mornings while I would do their food and water and now she acts totally scared of me. It all started Saturday neither one came home till late I mean after 8:30 I had even walked around the back of the house to the parking lots to see if I could round them up. Neither cat would come inside. Next morning Itty Bitty was outside but not Tinker Bell. Itty barely ate any of the can food. Sunday evening they both show up then again neither ate not even a half a can of food. I can tell they have lost some weight. I have been able to pet both of them. Monday morning I had spare time and left the front door open and in they both came and followed me around as I did the Parrot’s food and water then to theirs and out they went with me still barely eating much. I mean Tinker Bell has always been about the can food since I started it back during the really cold nights. This morning both showed up but when I put the food out I only saw one cat eating never saw the other and not sure which I saw looking through the peep hole on the front door. I think they have been traumatized in some sort of way? They both had been using the litter box and last night when they came in for awhile I am sure it was Tinker that did a ppop on the rug in front of my kitchen sink. Thank goodness I don’t walk barefoot in the house. I politely stepped in it. I keep the stove light on as a night light so I didn’t see the stuff on the floor. I know Tinker Bell had gotten her a baby bird one morning last week so I wonder if that has put the wild back into her and now Itty will follow me around not so much under foot but to meow at me and has let me pick her up at will. The girls are both fixed and probably about a year old. Any one have a suggestion as to what is going on or is it just the ferral in them. They both have changed personalities 2 or 3 times—I guess they could be bipolar?

  30. parrotmom says:

    nite lite is on!!! I hope we all survive the night and tomorrow!!!

  31. parrotmom says:

    I hope Coop enjoyed “Attache: and she makes it home safe!!!!

  32. parrotmom says:

    5 times meamnes I am talking to myself!!! Nite to all :)

  33. OldBopper says:

    PM, I think they are just ferrel and will never be total house pets. So just enjoy them as much as they let you and don’t be surprised by long absences. We have one which lives in the woods across the street from our house. We feed her but well away from the house. We don’t feed her every day, but when she really gets hungry, she will come into the back yard and sit looking toward the house and meow for a while. If we are here, I will take a cup of dry food and put it on the ground for her. But I’ve never made any attempt to pet her or lure her closer to the house. I just don’t want her starving to death.

  34. OldBopper says:

    David Hartman is giving another “Chicken Little” forecast for the overnight and early morning hours. Be aware of weather sirens. If you don’t care to sleep at all, turn your weather radio on.

    David is usually right on his forecasts and doesn’t use the word “severe” loosely.

  35. dhcoop says:

    Evenin! 11:42 pm

    Attache was awesome! But I’ll tell you what. The Clinton Junior High School show choir, the Ambassadors, performed in the second half, and they are a force to be reconned with. They are truly grooming them young to move on into Attache. Great show! The best part was that they moved the Pit onto the stage for an Eagles medley, so I got to see the Bug on stage!

    I’m trying to wind down and need to see what’s going on with the weather. Porch lights are on. Good night!

  36. dhcoop says:

    Ok, got on fb with Big Sis, but I’m really going to bed now. PM, I agree with OB. Once feral, pretty much always feral. Just enjoy what time you are given and don’t expect much. If you want a kitty that will hang with you, you are better off going with one that was born to an already domesticated cat. Sometimes you get lucky, just don’t be too disappointed.

    Good night for real!

  37. Mrs. H says:

    It smells good in my kitchen! Just took 3 loaves of bread out of the oven. M2 had given me a sourdough starter. Mmmmmm

  38. dhcoop says:


    MrsH, I’ll bet that does smell good!

    Should be an interesting drive in this morning. Anxious to see if I encounter any trees in the road, since there are tales flying about trees down everywhere. We’ll see.

  39. OldBopper says:

    Lots of thunder last night….the rolling kind. Appears we had a lot of rain too. I guess we were under some sort of severe weather watch or warning….didn’t hear the sirens so I really didn’t care. Slept pretty good.

    Looks like most of the bad stuff is outta here. Hope everybody has a safe drive to work this morning. MrsH has made me hungry for some hot homemade bread. Yummie!

  40. parrotmom says:

    Good morning at 6:52 am, I hope everyone is safe. I have heard of news of trees down no power in Raymond some red lights out at hwy 18 at Mattox (sp) and McDowell rd ext. I here KO was hit again. Prayers and hugs to all in need.

  41. Mrs. H says:

    Just cut into the loaf I brought to work. DEFINITELY worth the effort. No yeast in this starter (other than that occurring naturally, I suppose) so the rising process is 8 – 12 hours for both rises rather than the yeast-related 1 hour or so. I fed the starter Monday night. Then made up the dough Tuesday morning and let it rise all day. Tuesday evening I punched it down and formed it into 3 loaves. I put them in the cool oven with the light on all night and then baked them first thing this morning.

  42. Pncpnthr says:

    Well KO & Attala County are pretty much shut down. No power. Even Walmart is closed.

  43. dhcoop says:

    Unbelievable!! WM is closed?!?

    • Pncpnthr says:

      Yep. Just talked to Dad. Kangaroo Crossing is the only thing open, running generators. They hope to have it on by midnight.

  44. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all is ok and all have a good day… busy around here for me.

  45. dhcoop says:

    Looking at the radar, looks like Cardinallady and Airwolf are under the gun again.

  46. Airwolf says:

    We’re getting hammered up here. CL is worse than us. Most of the really severe stuff has passed north of us and went through Belmont. Lineman has been out since 3 this morning. It is so dark the streetlights have come on. Satellite is out, hail is now hitting the deck!!

  47. cardinallady says:

    Morning. Wet feathers dragging in. Harrowing night. CardinalSon and I had to drive out through the woods to get to work this morning.

    As we were scurrying for the safe room at 2 a.m. when I heard the wind whip up, I heard a tree hit the ground. I have one huge oak tree, one huge pine tree and half another oak tree on my driveway, not across it mind you, but laying down on it like it’s taking a nap on the asphalt. God eased those to the ground just right too.

    Didn’t damage any of my magnolia trees. I guess my place will turn into magnolia plantation after this. it cut a hole in my woods. It kinda sad, but at least the car is okay and the house is okay and the chickens aren’t hurt and all our dogs and cats are fine.

  48. Airwolf says:

    Tornado sirens howling again!

  49. Mrs. H says:

    Someone reported grapefruit-sized hail in Batesville!

    • Airwolf says:

      I heard baseball/tennis ball here locally.

      • Mrs. H says:

        It’s overcast and windy here, just like it has been for the past several days. I don’t think we’ve gotten a quarter inch of rain in the last month. Y’all need a break from the rain and we need a break from the drought.

  50. Barb says:

    My niece just found out she is having a girl!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. OldBopper says:

    Took my motorcycle license test today and now I am totally legal on two wheels. Think “Casper”(the motorcycle) and I will get real acquainted tomorrow. Supposed to be a beautiful day and I have nothing else to do. I named it Casper because it’s white, small and friendly like Casper the friendly ghost.

    Good news about your niece Barb!

  52. dhcoop says:

    NWS confirmed tornado on the ground at Terry!

  53. OldBopper says:

    Sirens going off in Brandon. Police scanner says tornado in Forest and that one has been through Pelahatchie. No confirmation on that though.

  54. OldBopper says:

    Police radio says tornado in Terry coming up through Robinhood, etc.

  55. OldBopper says:

    According to Police Radio, damage in Terry tornado moving toward Brandon. We’re in the basement.

  56. OldBopper says:

    Lots of conversation going on concering school buses in route.

  57. OldBopper says:

    All buses headed to the Middle School or the Barn.

  58. dhcoop says:

    Headed towards OB, Leagle & Barb!

  59. Airwolf says:

    Sirens going again!!

  60. dhcoop says:

    Good grief! KO is getting it again!

  61. OldBopper says:

    School bus drivers in a quandry as to which direction to head. Supposedly a tornado on track to go through Johns, about 10 miles south of Brandson.

  62. OldBopper says:

    The sun is shining.

  63. msblondie says:

    The one in Terry.. allthe kids are ok.. they got them in the “Kiss Your Butt Position”(M’s words) holding kids till passes. I have been texting M.

    Not sure about anything else… My sis said the FireDepartment in Robinhood was a EOC headquarters. MEMA and everyone is there. She made it home and all is ok there.

    Storms ok.. torandoes.. not so.

  64. dhcoop says:

    Sheriff of Kemper County has confirmed 3 dead.

  65. dhcoop says:

    My boss told me to leave early so I could go check on my house, so that’s where I’m headed. I’ll check in later.

  66. Airwolf says:

    Tornado got into a mobile home park, police are asking for assistance. Monroe County!

  67. Airwolf says:

    I just spoke to Rambette, the storm dumped debri from the sky. Half sheet of plywood and some other stuff. They have no idea where it came from other than they saw it fall from the sky.

    Now the sun is shining.

  68. parrotmom says:

    prayers to all of you that was in path of these ugly, ugly storms. I have told my NC friends sorry but it is headed their way. The tornado that hit Clinton on the 15th, killed quite a few in NC in an are not know to have tornados.

  69. Barb says:

    A school my nephew-in-law went to in Webster county was destroyed.

  70. parrotmom says:

    Coop how is you place and your friend and G doing?

  71. Barb says:

    East Webster High School is the one that was destroyed.

    Sirens went off this afternoon, but CeCe did not even get under the bed!!

  72. msblondie says:

    Clucky: let us hear from you dear

    AW and card hope all is ok in your areas. Coop how is your area?

    We were spared.. a few little limbs down in the yard but that i ok. had a couple of extras here when hubby got home.. they didn’t want go home after school alone till a parent got there. We were ok with that. rather they feel safe than not. (also glad had snack food on hand)

  73. dhcoop says:

    I’m safe in Gtown. All is well in Podunk and CS. Passed a lot of debris on the roads and a few Entergy trucks (bless them), but other than not being able to get into my carport at home because the wind had blown a garbage can, a cast iron table and a cat carrier (all of which were on my porch) into my parking place, everything was fine. I had power there, but wanted to come on down to Gtown to continue my piddling effort in getting Big Sis’s house ready for her homecoming.

    Watching AI, but, bless her heart, Mom can’t get the satellite or antenna to cooperate, so she can’t see it. She ISN’T happy either. But, at least they have power and don’t have any damage. Surprising since KO has been hit so hard.

    Now to watch James Durban blow everyone away…

  74. parrotmom says:

    Coop glad to hear that your parents have power and doing ok, although disgruntled with the tv and sat. At least not like Walmart with no power. So glad your house is ok other than the stuff being blown around.

    Now to hear from Clucky to see if she made it home ok?

  75. msblondie says:

    Those on FB – see where MR posted the torando that hit Tuscaloosa. I used to live very close to there and worked right off of 15th at the University. M’s father works at the University. She has not heard from him yet, but did get her grandparents and they and he is ok. Don’t know about his house though. This weather is just down right scary and will be glad when it all passes. (there are some videos on youtube from UA students as well that really show it)

    I hope having a rough spring means summer/fall is going to be quite.. but something is telling me it isn’t going to happen.

  76. parrotmom says:

    I talked to my Aunt on my mother’s side in Fairfield, AL they have not had power since 9:00 am on Wednesday, another Aunt married to my mom’s brother has lost the sun room off their house in Pleasant Grove, AL. My prayers for these people that have lost lives and homes. Alabama was hit hard. Prayers for the other states ahead.

  77. parrotmom says:

    NIte lite is on and I pray we have a peaceful night :)

  78. clucky says:

    I’m here! Today started early-awakened at 348am when the power flickered and the AC went out in my bedroom. The sound of hail hitting the house was ferocious. I opened the kitchen door into the utility room, and the wind was blowing so hard that rain and hail were coming in under the door. I had to roll towels and put under the door to keep the water out. When we got up again at daylight, I found out our neighbors directly behind us had a huge pecan tree on their house. They too were awakened the same time we were by the wind, and had gotten downstairs when the tree hit the house. Our school superintendent had a big oak fall on their house that also totaled all of their vehicles. Many big trees uprooted and laying down in the park. A few trees were snapped between here and Forest, but it looks like we were hit the hardest in that particular storm.
    I attended the Forest Women’s Luncheon for Admin Professionals Week. The speaker was the wife of Mark Keenum, president of MSU. She’s a funny lady with a heck of a life story. She was good. The food was a joke, but the gifts at the tables were neat. Each table was decorated in different themes, so of course, I chose a seat at a garden table :)
    I had to go to Meridian, and just got ahead of the first storms, but dang they caught up with me by the time my first appt was over. I had to wait an hour for my second appt, and when I went back, they were closing the clinic. The tornado sirens went off non-stop. I couldn’t get home because there were tornadoes on I-20 and Hwy 19-the only routes to get from here to there. I had to hide out for 3 hours before it cleared up enough to make a break for it. I squeezed in between 2 cells and made it home at 830pm. Philadelphia, 15 miles north of us was hit, as was Newton, 20 miles south of us. We were blessed. The Philly tornado took the same path the one did on the 15th that hit Kemper county. I think I heard 2 were killed in Kemper county today. Louin, south of Newton on Hwy 15, also had fatalities. I drive through these places at least once a week. I dread my next trip south.
    Going to bed. Mentally exhausted. Chicklette stayed with her grands today since school was closed. I was glad-the grands have a tricked out storm shelter built into the side of a hill. Much safer than her being here alone all day!
    Goodnight, friends. One of the new kittens has adopted Mr Fab and is curled up asleep in the crook of his arm. He’s such a sap. *wink*

  79. Molly says:

    My niece at Univ of AL is ok. She watched the tornado go by from her boyfriend’s house.

    The body of my friend in the Nashville area who was thrown off his boat in a huge lake was found today, a week and a half after the accident. He was a good guy. Breaks my heart for his family.

  80. Airwolf says:

    What a day. Small town 12 miles south of here, Smithville, is totally destroyed. They are still searching for missing people. Not one structure is undamaged. Totally obliterated. That is where the debri came from that landed here. Prayers for those affected.

    Goodnight friends.

  81. parrotmom says:

    Prayers again for everyone. Molly so glad your neice is ok and so sorry for your friend from Nashville with the boating accident :(

  82. parrotmom says:

    6:11 am Thursday morning. Prayers to everyone yesterday was a horrible day but today will start to recover.

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