Friday Free-For-All

Isn’t there a wedding today?

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55 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good Morning to you to Blues!!!! The time is 6:14 am. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. I know PNC and Coop are off today (well maybe off everyday) j/k, bless your hearts. I hope Big Sis made/makes it in fine. Oh and good morning to everyone else that joins in today.

  2. dhcoop says:


    As I was laying there wondering why I didn’t turn my alarm off since I didn’t have to wake up at 5:30 a.m., I realized there was a wedding on tv. Then my phone started ringing and it was Big Sis!!! She’s safely in Atlanta having herself a sausage biscuit. She said she had a great flight. She’s almost home!!!

  3. OldBopper says:

    Good morning! I awoke and found out there was a wedding in Great Britian. Whoopie do! I didn’t get up to watch it, I figure it will come to me over and over and over. At least it’s not tragic news.

    Hope everybody has a good Friday and that Big Sis arrives without incident.

  4. LegalSec says:

    TGIG! Well, as for me, I can’t wait to get home and watch the big wedding on my TiVo! I’m such a hopeless romantic! Have a great weekend everyone!

  5. parrotmom says:

    I would like to see it too!!! Or at least parts of it.
    I do also want to see some help getting to the much needed areas.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day :)

  6. Molly says:

    VERY few things get me up in the wee hours of the morning, and a royal wedding is nowhere near that list! I put off getting up for work as long as possible. I can’t wait for kiddo to get out of school so I can sleep an extra 1/2 hour or so every day.

  7. cardinallady says:

    Morning. Fliting through. Was I asleep or what when I posted from my palm pre phone last night? Sorry for the typos. I was tired. It has been a long and harrowing week. Seems like Easter Sunday was FOREEEVVVEEERR ago.

    Dear Lord, Please wrap your arms of love around all those hurting people, and we know that WE are your arms of love. Show us how we can help these folks pick up their pieces. We love you and thank you for being faithful to comfort us with your holy angels. Only You know how many were on guard this week, and how many escorted Your children into Your presence. Although there will be those that will sorely miss them, we pray for Your grace for them in this hour of sorrow and sadness. Draw them all to your great heart and hide them under YOUR wings. In Jesus’ name AMEN.

  8. dhcoop says:

    Ok, so they are married. yay them. I’m proud the UK has a new royal couple. HOWEVER, could we PLEASE get some news about what’s happening with recovery efforts in the tornado-stricken zones…PLEASE???

    Seriously. Their kiss wasn’t good enough?? No passion?? I really don’t give a crap. Talk to me about what’s really happening in the world.

    Jumping off my soap box to go tend to real world stuff.

  9. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!
    good Friday morning to all!
    Coop and PNC hope that you have a great time with your Big Sis–sisters are special people and brothers too

  10. Barb says:


    Coop, I hope you, PNC and Big Sis have a great time together!! How long will she be here?

    Errands to run. I will see you good people later!

  11. dhcoop says:

    CB, I am the only “brother” in my family! LOL! I was the one that climbed trees, caught frogs and snakes, and, in general, terrorized my sisters. I still do!

    lil sis is in route to pic up Big Sis at the airport when she arrives at 10:45. I’m down in Gtown trying to do some final “spiffing up” of her house so it should be a great homecoming! Word is we are then going to Vburg (after she has a nap) so she can buy some clothes she needs while she’s here, and then on to the casino so she can get her “fix” at the seafood buffett tonight. She’s ready for some crab legs. I am too!!

    Got to get busy again!

    p.s. I have her Marshall Ramsey signed book prominently displayed on her coffee table! He drew her a camel saying “I miss you” last year when I bought it for her.

    May not get another chance to check in for a while. Y’all have a great day! I know I will!

  12. dhcoop says:

    Ok, just saw Barb’s comment after I posted. Barb, she’s going to be here through May and part of June because A (her daughter) is expecting her first child! Shower is Sunday. Gonna be great!


  13. msblondie says:

    morning gang! i too am sick of hearing of the royal wedding.. we have bigger issues here to deal with…

    hope everyone has a great day! we are going to the braves game tonight.. taking M and her new guy friend… the drama of teenagers.

  14. The Real JB says:

    Morning All.
    TGIF but I may have to work tomorrow…but it will be overtime which they never ever offer.

    Beautiful day in Nashville, TN

    Happy over the Titans pic. Did yall hear about Reggie Bush’s tweat after the Saints drafted a running back?

    • blues4you says:

      I saw that. I think the saints improved at that position. Bush was never worth all the money or the hype, IMHO.

  15. dhcoop says:

    Big Sis has landed safely in Jtown! lil sis is there to pick her up and they will be on their way here!

  16. Legal Eagle says:

    Well, we have a royal pick-a-nick to plan! Marshall has June 11th and 18th both open. The pavillion at Roosevelt is $40.00 and somebody usually calls the park and secures the reservation with their credit card and then we pitch in a couple of dollars apiece at the pick-a-nick to reimburse them.

    The number at Roosevelt State Park is 601-732-6316. I don’t have a credit card so could someone call over there and reserve a pavillion for us on either June 11th or 18th (the 19th is my birthday)? On June 11th, pavillion #3 and 4 are available and they are further from the pool. On June 18th, #1 (closest to the pool) and 4 are available. I would suggest #1 on the 18th. The pavillions go pretty fast, so this is something that needs to be done ASAP. I would feel better about having an actual reservation rather than a chancy first come, first served situation.

    Someone is picking me up in 30 minutes, so if y’all don’t mind taking care of this while I’m AFK, I would greatly appreciate your help. I will let Marshall know once the reservation is secured. Thank you all and love ya and can’t wait to see you in June! I’ll be back.

  17. dhcoop says:

    booking now

  18. dhcoop says:

    Just booked Pavillion #1 for June 18th!!! The 3rd Annual MRBA pick-a-nic is ON!!! Anyone want to get married this year??

    • blues4you says:

      Someone could plan a “royal redneck wedding”….JB could do the honors….MrsH and OB could escort the happy couple away on their motorcycles…Anno could sing “The Wedding Song” instead of happy birthday…clucky takes the pitchers…PM does the video….MR creates a t-shirt….Big Eagle caters the burgers…..oh, this could be good.

    • cardinallady says:

      Yay!!! I wasn’t going to put out a preference because I wanted all of you to have your most convenient day, but CardinalSon is taking his ACT on June 11. So I sense a camping trip coming in June. :) Why don’t we all just bring dishes and spread a family reunion style lunch this year instead of Coop and you all slaving over that hot fire. I just feel for Coop.

    • CornPop says:

      I’m pretty sure you can count on me and Orville being in attendance this year! He’s feeling so much better and I don’t know of any conflicts on June 18th.

  19. cardinallady says:

    Oh and we just got a confirmatoin from the National Weather Service that the tornado that hit Smithville was an EF 5. I’m sure the one on Alabama is rated that also.

  20. The Real JB says:

    Entering my son’s last few days of school. His prom is tomorrow night. He is just going with some of his buddy’s because my boy pursues girls who already has a date for the prom.

  21. OldBopper says:

    June 18 will be circled on the calendar. Cardinal, we all bring a dish or two. I think those slaving over the fire are doing so by choice. Either way, if it is like the other two, there will be plenty of food to share. Thanks Coop for taking care of business. We need to make sure you get reimbursed this year.

  22. parrotmom says:

    So glad we are set for our picnic.

    Amen to CLady’s prayer. Not surprised the tornado was an F5. I know what damage from an F 3 looks like since that is what we had in Clinton.

    Coop, PNC, and Big Sis I hope you all have fun in Vicksburg :)

    Blues I like your thinking. I hope you get to make this one.

    I was wondering where AnnO has been, but remember her saying was going to be a very busy end of month at work. I hope she can come up for air soon. I have missed her wittiness.

    Well speaking of end of the month I best get back to it myself!!!

  23. parrotmom says:

    JB your son will probably have a better time without a date. At least he is still going. I did not have a date way back when, but I still went.

  24. dhcoop says:

    Well, we got Big Sis home safe, now she’s down for a 45 minute nap before we get going again. I’ll just keep myself busy while she and lil sis get a brief one in. I’m not much for naps.

    Yes, Card, the fire grillin is by choice, but I’m really hoping I don’t have a knee blow out this year. All that cooking and too ill to eat doesn’t go well together!! LOL! I’ll be bringing charcoal and hot dogs. If someone wants burgers, bring them and I’ll cook them!

    And, if no one wants to get married this year, we’ll just make it a anniversary/birthday party! Clucky and Mr. Fab’s anniversary and Leagle’s Birthday!

    We always have something to celebrate, even if it’s just being friends!

  25. dhcoop says:

    Crystal, will you be in charge of the banner again this year? You’ve done such a good job for the first two!

  26. dhcoop says:

    jb, if you can POSSIBLY be there this year in person, it would be fantastic!! But, if you can’t, will you do the prayer again this year? I promise to do you proud reading it.

    Getting all excited about the picnic, but then I get sad thinking that we’ll have one member who will never get to attend one of our gatherings. I still think of Jo often and miss her.

  27. GrammarGirl says:

    Guess what??? We are off from softball that weekend. . .I’ll see y’all at Pavillion #1. Yay!

  28. dhcoop says:

    GG that’s GREAT!!!!

  29. CornPop says:

    I’m pretty sure you can count on me and Orville being in attendance this year! He’s feeling so much better and I don’t know of any conflicts on June 18th. See everyone at Pavillion #1!

  30. cardinallady says:

    Ahem. I have an important question though. Guess what happens THREE weeks from TODAY?

  31. Barb says:

    I had a vacation planned which actually included the 18th of June, but I had to change it. My daughter is picking me up and we are going to NC to see my grandkids at the end of July!! YAY!!!! As much as I want to meet you all, it has been too long since I have seen the kids!!

  32. parrotmom says:

    CLady I have no clue?

    GG that is wonderful!!!

  33. dhcoop says:

    Heading to Vburg for shopping and seafood buffet!

  34. dhcoop says:

    Clady, what??

    • cardinallady says:

      Captain Jack Sparrow comes back to the big screen in Pirates of the Carribean on Stranger Tides.

      Okay, okay everybody can sigh at one time just like my son did when I brightened up over the news a month ago when I realized it was coming out THIS year and not next year.

  35. Legal Eagle says:

    Coop, thank you so much for securing our reservation! I’m excited now that we have a date and place and I was wondering about the wedding too. Anyone who’s thinking of eloping who might be talked into an outdoorsy wedding? And Grammargirl, I’m glad to hear that weekend is going to work for you too.

    Cardinallady, Good Morning America is giving away 2 tickets to the premier of the new Jack Sparrow movie which includes a trip to Walt Disney World. Go to their Facebook page and click Like to enter. The stars will be in attendance at the premier and who knows, if you win and Jack Sparrow lays eyes on you – well, I’m just saying…

    I’ve set up a page on Facebook for the pick-a-nick and now I just need to go see how to invite everyone from there. Of course, everyone is invited from here too.

  36. Airwolf says:

    Rambette just came in and reminded me that we are in Destin on the 18th, grrr!

  37. parrotmom says:

    Gee, I hope them Sister’s in Vicksburg leaves it intact. LOL!!!!

  38. Ann Onimous says:

    Yep, I’m here. Finishing up end of month from my old job and starting the new one at the same time: my work week has been quite crazy!

    I’ll have to send a tape of the singing, I’m afraid. Roosevelt is too far for us to travel: we’d be too far away from IG’s mom. :(

  39. dhcoop says:

    We’re home. Vburg is intact. goodnight

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