I believe…

10924727_799878773398684_2051183510091765694_nA while back, I had a commenter say that my worldview would enslave children. I ignored it because it was BS. But I figured I’d share my worldview with you just so you know that I am not a secret child enslaver.

1. I believe in hard work. Hard work doesn’t cure everything but does make things better than say sitting on the couch 24/7 watching Real Housewives of Omaha or Tulsa.

2. I don’t believe in painting groups of people with a broad brush. Stereotyping is lazy. I prefer to dislike people on a one-on-one basis. You never know who has an amazing story to tell. Why hate and miss it.

3. I believe we still live in the greatest country in the world — even if it does have a lot of warts.

4. I believe in dreams, chasing them tenaciously and not giving them up easily.

5. I don’t believe government is the solution to everything but I want the government we have to work. I hate paying taxes and seeing dysfunction. I don’t think the village should be burned to save it.

6. I believe in education and its amazing powers. Knowledge is power. But you have to apply knowledge for it to be powerful.

7. I don’t believe in whiners — especially politicians who make themselves out to be victims. Or try to convince you that you are. I also don’t trust people who are on the radio and TV who try to make me afraid.

8. I believe in free will — but once was a Presbyterian so I believe I was predestined to believe in free will.

9. I believe in God and am a Christian. But I also am a pray in the closet kind of guy and feel like that my faith is better enacted than spoken. I’m a sinner but am working on it.

10. I believe in the power of family — but sometimes know that family can be a bit dysfunctional.

11. I believe in a good steak, a good glass of wine and having friends with you when you are enjoying a good steak and a good glass of wine. I have a lot more steak than wine.

12. I believe in moderation — except when it comes to bread. I love bread. It’s a weakness.

13. I believe that struggles are how you learn and grow.

14. I believe that angels come in weird clothing. Some of the worst people in my life have helped me grow the most.

15. I believe there is evil in this world and that you must stand up to it. Bullies, too.

16. I believe in a good nap, a good sunrise and a good run.

17. I believe in being grateful and paying blessings forward.

18. I believe I married a very good person who is a very good mom to our very good kids.

19. I believe a good dog can cure a lot of things that trouble you.

20. I believe that the world needs more empathy. And that its hard to have some days.

That’s a partial list. I don’t really fit into a neat category or label. But I will say this, I believe in the best in most people until they prove me wrong. That happens a lot — but I’d rather err on the benefit of the doubt.


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