Paul’s Journey

I’ve watched Paul Lacoste’s faith grow stronger as his body became broken. Surgery after surgery for an infection brought on by the effects of West Nile took their toll. Then, as the battle for the infection started turning the tide, cancer was discovered. He’ll continue his medical journey tomorrow. He has heard the three words we all dread. But he has another three words that will pull him through: “Powerfully deep faith.”

This morning, he addressed all of us who have worked out with him. He was humbled and I’d imagine a little scared. But he stood up in front of us and was honest. Even when most people would have wanted to quit, he has kept going. That’s the inspiration that you learn when you do his program. He’s not all talk. That’s what the next level is all about.

He’s had things happened to him that would have broken most of us. I’ve joked that Job would look at him and go, “Daaaammn.” But he plows through. He loves his wife. His sons. His family and his friends. And he loves God.

I’ve watched Paul go through a deep, powerful transformation. And in the process, he has brought several people along with him. I’m proud he is a friend. I’m proud that he has transformed my life and made me physically strong. And I feel sorry for cancer for picking on the wrong guy. It’s about to get its butt kicked and kicked hard.

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