The Little Biplane That Saved Christmas

@Marshall Ramsey 2019

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixon. Comet and Cupid and Donder and Blitzen. You even know Rudolph, the shiny-nosed reindeer who’s a legend in his own right (and who has a pretty good TV special). But this tale isn’t about reindeer. It’s how a little white biplane saved Christmas.

Snow, a possum and nine tiny reindeer don’t mix well. Nope, not at all. As Santa and his team headed to the hanger, Plato the Possum ran right in front of them!

“What the Elf!” Santa yelled as the deer flew North, South, East and West.
The whole team crashed into a broken, twisted heap. Plato the Possum, stunned but unharmed, ran off into the woods. The sleigh? Well, it didn’t fare so well.
Santa panicked! “Oh no! What shall I do now. With no magic sleigh, how will I deliver toys to all the good little girls and boys?” And then he got an idea.
But first, Santa had to tell the team. “I have some bad news team. We must go in another direction this Christmas. The good news is that you get the day off with pay — all except you Rudolph. I need your help.”
Santa tested his plan. Everything seemed like it would work fine — until he turned on the biplane’s engine! Luckily Rudolph wasn’t hurt.
But there was another way! Magic Elves modified the old biplane for its Christmas journey.

After modifications, the little biplane, with its magic cargo hold, held all the toys with room to spare!
Time to get ready to go! Mrs. Claus, the brains behind Claus, Inc., laid out a new flight plan.

Before the long journey, Santa (and the plane) refueled.

Time to board! The vigilant Toy Security Administration (TSA) provided tight security.
Three…Two…One…CONTACT! The little biplane sputtered to life!
ZOOM! Santa and the biplane soared down the runway and into the sky. Santa couldn’t have been happier!

Santa headed to south and waved to the buddies in a nearby U.S. Navy submarine. Next stop: New York City!

Blinding snow made the flight a challenge but the little biplane chugged right through it. Santa looked down at the beautiful land below. Christmas time was his favorite time of year.
Buzzing down 5th Avenue, Santa waved at all the people still awake.
(since New York is the city that never sleeps.)

First delivery: The star for the big tree. Now it was time to head to Atlanta, Georgia!
No matter where you’re headed, you have to fly through Atlanta.
Even in places where he couldn’t land, Santa found a way to get toys to the excited children!
Santa waved at his friends from NORAD. They track him every single year and provide him safe escort. “Where are the reindeer?” one of the pilot asked. “At the spa!” Santa laughed.

One of Santa’s favorite place is The Great Smoky National Park. He always loved flying over Clingmans Dome and Cades Cove. The snow muffled the little biplane’s engine’s sound.

Santa stopped in Memphis to say hello to some of his fellow present haulers.
Heading South, Santa buzzed the Mississippi Delta. He saluted one of his fellow aviators.
Santa buys coal wholesale from barges on the Mississippi River. Santa also gave the crew some nice presents because they had been good this year.
“Every single year,” Santa chuckled. “Every single year.” Coal away!

Santa loved the Biloxi Lighthouse. He remembered seeing it standing tall after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. It represented resilience to him.

Suddenly a flock of seagulls flew right at him! He pulled the stick hard to the right and looped between the startled bird. Luckily, no one was injured. Santa sang one of his favorite songs from the ’80’s,”And I ran, I ran so far away, I just ran,”
“Oh deer!” Santa shouted as he nearly clobbered two deer in Mississippi. Rudolph would have never forgiven him!
While flying over a small village, Santa noticed some tornado damage and decided to stop to help. Giving to others was Santa’s #1 rule.
Time was running out. So Santa began his ’round the world journey.

The Sphinx and the Pyramids stood guard in Egypt, as they have for thousands of years.
Santa delivers gifts to the troops stationed around the world. The mountains in Afghanistan are so tall but the little biplane chugged right over them.
The Great Wall of China looked even greater as Santa flew over it.
While delivering gifts to the children in the South Pacific, Santa found a great gift for a good little boy.
Christmas down under!
Santa looked at the biplane’s fuel gauge. Time for a fill up!
Dark clouds suddenly enveloped the biplane! Santa and the little biplane were tossed around! Would he make it out alive?!?
Of course! He’s Santa — the greatest aviator in the world! (And the owner of one sturdy little biplane.)
Santa knows that above the clouds, the sun always shines.
Santa never gets lost. His GPS always leads him in the right direction. As he started home, he remembered a special kid who needed a special toy. He prepared for one more stop.
As Santa landed, he was greeted by a fierce guard dog named Pip. They became good friends instantly.

Soon the little boy would wake up and find his own special little biplane! Pip approved.
It was time to head home!
The biplane saved Christmas!!! Santa requested a flyby.
The tower responded, “Negative Ghostwriter, the pattern is full!”
Rudolph guided Santa in for a perfect landing. Christmas had arrived!
Mrs. Claus came out to greet him with a big hug. They are a great team!
Santa and the little biplane both had earned a long winter’s nap.

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5 Responses to The Little Biplane That Saved Christmas

  1. Sue Montmeny says:

    Pure Joy to watch the story unfold. Thank you. Merry Christmas!

  2. Nancy Nelson says:

    Love, Love, Love this. I can’t wait to make it a special Christmas gift to my great grands, which number around 20 that are 6 and under.

  3. Cathy Ainsworth says:

    I love it! I would love to buy a copy for my grandkids.

  4. Rex McAllister says:

    Thank you for helping to make me smile and get in the Christmas spirit!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family, and have a fantastic 2020!

  5. Beverly Davis says:

    You are a Mississippi asset.
    Anxiously awaiting the hard copy.
    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

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