Sunday Free-For-All

Good morning! Let’s make today great!

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29 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. Barb says:

    Morning, all!!

  2. dhcoop says:


    9:10 a.m. Watching CBS Sunday Morning with Big Sis.

  3. Legal Eagle says:

    CBS Sunday Morning is one of my favorite shows. I want a souped up golf cart now.

    Good morning! I just realized my next shot in the eyeball is Tuesday morning, so now I will be looking forward to that until then.

  4. parrotmom says:

    Good morning again. Listening to my parrot chatter away it is so sweet :)

  5. parrotmom says:

    Marshall awesome job on the Sunday drawing the flood waters have hit the state Capital building.

  6. Clucky says:

    More than flood waters hit in the State Capital..I bet they have a contract for weekly fan replacement :)

    Slept so good last night… Leagle, did u see my tall, brown-eyed, grey-haired guitar player? *swoon* I read that he also runs marathons, and raised $110K for Big Brothers & Big Sisters in the last month or two. When Chicklette was born, her song was “Irresistable” :)


    • Legal Eagle says:

      Are you talking about one of the Diamond Rio group? There was a grey haired cutie who played with them and I don’t think any of the Crossin Dixon band has grey hair.

  7. Ann Onimous says:

    We saw Crossin’ Dixon a couple of years ago at Clinton’s 4th of July festival. They were fantastic. Last year we had Juice Newton, who is still great. I can’t wait to see who we have this year.

    Good morning, everybody! Yes, I know it’s 12:34, but I’m just now at the computer and having my coffee. Tomorrow it’s back to work, and planning on going in a little early, as I have a doctor appointment tomorrow afternoon. Then tomorrow night I’m going back to Zumba, no matter how tired I am. I need to get back in it. I need the diversion. And it’s so much fun.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Hi AnnO, they say Zumbo is fun. I think I saw Crossin”Dixon several years ago. I think they opened for Gary Allen at Trustmark Park probaby in 2006 or 07

  9. parrotmom says:

    I am trying to foil up a window in my computer room. I have gotten about as high up as I can go by myself. I don’t want to have to move computer table out of my way. Would cause for more work than I want to do. I need a darker room so I can do the reel to reels tapes earlier than 8:00 at night.

  10. dhcoop says:

    We are on our way to the hospital! ! Today may be A’s day!

  11. parrotmom says:

    Barb is at work, but she texted me to ask for a prayer request from all of you for her mother. Barb say’s her mom is having some bad days lately. Thank you all!!

  12. dhcoop says:

    Well, hell. A has a “rip-roaring” UTI and that’s the cause of the severe pains. She isn’t in labor. They’ve started IV fluids, antibiotics and something for pain. Looks like they are keeping her tonight.

  13. parrotmom says:

    I had one more 400 ft reel to role and my program is not responding, grrr!!!! not mention the I have 15—50 ft rolls. I did not expect to get them all done but really wanted to be through with the big ones.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Dang it. It stopped and I restarted but it didn’t see the video. One more time for the good times. PLEASE!!!

  15. parrotmom says:

    nite lite is on!!! nite to all and sweet dreams!!!

  16. dhcoop says:

    Made it in from the hospital a little while ago. A was feeling a lot better after getting fluids and antibiotic. She’s having mild contractions, but the pain was from the infection. I’m about to try to get wound down and get some rest.

  17. Legal Eagle says:

    We just got back from the chef’s house and had some great barbecued beef over rice. Since he had his seizures and spent a few days in the hospital, he is on some kind of medicine that knocks him out earlier in the evening than he used to shut down.

  18. Clucky says:

    Barb, praying for you and your Mom. It’s tough. Tuesday is Granny’s last chemo treatment-please pray the Lord gives her the strength to make it through. The oncologist cut the dose again since she was practically bloodless after the last treatment.

    Coop, I hope A is better soon. A UTI is miserable enough, but when u are hugely pregnant and peeing four times an hour, I know she is hurting. I hope they gave her pyridium for pain-if not, she can buy it OTC and I’m 99% sure it’s safe in pregnancy. She can check with her OB to make sure; it helps tremendously.

    btw I mentioned to Big Brother about the pickanick this year and he would like to
    Join us. I told him to come on! He enjoyed meeting everyone last year at the wedding. Oh, and Mr Fab is disappointed that Goat Roping was removed from the agenda. LOL Chicklette will be at Orange Beach that weekend, so it will just be me and The Man!

    I’ve had a really seriously pounding headache for the last three days that gets a little better with Excedrin, but rebounds as soon as it wears off. I’ll be refilling my migraine med tomorrow and hoping it works. And…if I don’t hear from the neuro about my test results this week, I may just act a fool. No improvement in symptoms, worsening of others. Highly frustrating.
    My partner in crime/right arm is taking the week off for vacation, so I will be taking care of all the folks I work with all by my lonesome. I sure hope the fit don’t hit the shan like it tends to do when one of us is out.

    G’nite. Somebody get the lights.

    PS Leagle, go to Diamond Rio dot com and look up Jimmy Olander. He was gray 15 years ago, and he makes it look good :) I hope they put on a good sbow!!

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