Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning!  I slept late (which I needed).  I’ve got to knock this bronchitis out.  How are you today?

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22 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. tank says:

    morning all. we’ve been up watching hurricane coverage. at least we can watch it on tv and not out our window. I like it better like that.
    lazy day today. I’m making oven fried chicken wings for lunch since my girls love them and after that I may not do anything else. y’all be good.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Way to go Tank. The way my back feels I don’t want to move. I would take a pain pill or muscle relaxer but I don’t keep food in the house to often.

  3. parrotmom says:

    A reply to PNC’s comment from friday’s FFA—PNC I know the funerals of family memebers seem to make it more like a family reunion. It seems so sad that it works that way. I have a great uncle that just turned 100 in Brighton, Michigan. I would have loved to have gone to the family gathering. I just have too much baggage (and I don’t mean that in a bad way) to have made the trip.

    AW so sorry for the lose of the 16 yr old that also saw no way out for her problems. So sad and so young, not that it isn’t sad for any age.

  4. parrotmom says:

    AW 79 degrees at 10:00 here feels good in the shade just don’t let the sunshine hit you the temp rises mighty fast.

  5. dhcoop says:


    Doing a bit of laundry and getting ready to head north.

  6. OldBopper says:

    Life is good! Went to the Smiling Fisherman for grouper sandwiches for lunch. Scouted out the location of the Episcopal Church again. Haven’t been there since last year. Early church tomorrow and a jazz breakfast brunch at Hibiscus in Grayton Beach. Sat out on the beach this morning and read some. It is a wonderful breeze blowing. Will go back later this afternoon. May have to make a walking trip to the Blue Mountain Creamery for some ice cream first. Then to happy hour in Sea Side for some $5 a dozen oysters.

  7. parrotmom says:

    OB you are not going to forget about your daily dose of ice cream. Sounds lovely.

    Ran an errand and decided to eat at El Sombrero. Thank goodness I wasn’t a part of the 30 something kids in the other room. I am not used to eating so much instead of the regular size quesadilla they gave me the one from the lunch menu. I just have to clean my plate. So I think.

  8. Airwolf says:

    I think it’s about nap time!

    My SIL, Lineman, is waiting for the call to head to the east coast!

  9. OldBopper says:

    Had gelato last night and sorbet this afternoon. Not exactly Blue Bell but pretty good stuff.

    No oysters tonight. Having sushi, cheese, crackers, baget, cream cheese, fruit and wine in the condo this evening.

    Goodness, just finished my third shower of the day. I’m one clean dude. Everytime I go in the ocean, I have to come back, shower and wash my trunks out. Glad I brought three pair of trunks. I hate puttin’em on wet.

  10. parrotmom says:

    I had me a nap after my lunch. It felt good till my hip started hurting.

  11. Barb says:


  12. parrotmom says:

    9:46 pm Over and Out for the evening!!! I hope everyone had a nice evening.

  13. dhcoop says:

    Long day. Good to see some family I don’t get to see often. Aunt and Uncle worn out, but holding up relatively well under the circumstances. Funeral tomorrow at 2. Dreading that. Going to try to sleep now.

  14. Legal Eagle says:

    It’s been a long and lazy day. I got 3 books at the library Thursday that have to be back in a week instead of the usual 3 weeks. I had to finish the one I was reading and start on the first one weeker. It’s so good, I fell asleep with it for a while this afternoon and then picked it back up again.

  15. OldBopper says:

    Happpy Sunday morning! The cool front has appeared here. The ocean has calmed and is almost smooth. Yesterday we had a good bit of undertow associated with the waves. No clouds again this morning so no special effort to get sunrise pictures.

    Headed to early church in about an hour and then to Hibiscus for their Sunday Brunch. Hibiscus is a B&B with a vegetarian menu. Should be interesting. My heart is doing happy irregular beats.

    Smiles and hugs to all!

  16. blues4you says:

    Good morning.

    Almost done on this project. I wish it would last a few more days but I don’t think it will. Everything went pretty smooth as for my responsibilities were concerned. The wells didn’t turn out as good as the operater’s wanted but I can’t control that. It was good to have some work in this part of the country. It’s always interesting in south Louisiana.

  17. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Headed to church late. I’ve got MR’s crud. I think breathing all that dust Friday did the dirty deed.

  18. dhcoop says:


  19. parrotmom says:

    Good Sunday Morning at 9:54 am. It’s not that I have been lazy but, just taking care of the animals and that includes PD. LOL!!!!
    Today at 3:pm will be 23 yrs since the day and time that mother passed away. We knew it was coming and her mother and her older brother were here from Alabama and had to leave by 3:00 that afternoon. It’s like she new she had to go and that was the time of her death. I still miss her today and I have forgiven her of my reqrets not to have been closer to her as I should have been.

  20. parrotmom says:

    Coop prayers for the funeral today. That sometimes seems when it hits the hardest.

  21. Clucky says:

    Coop and Pnc, sending hugs your way. I’m sorry.

    After a trip to Lowe’s to swap out the ONE piece I got wrong for the plumbing, Mr Fab is finishing up the pipes next door. After almost two weeks, the boys should have water in under an hour.

    I put one more coat of paint on Chicklette’s dresser, then add clear coat and it should be good to go! I am SO ready to finish her room!!! The plumbing problem stopped us in our tracks, but hoping we can get back on task and have the house ready for Poppy to come spend time with us soon. Last night, the temps were perfect, but alas, it’s some kinda hot out there now, and I’ve been in the shade.

    My left hip and leg are killing me-afraid I’ve pinched another nerve. I think my spine has decided to just collapse, but don’t want to get the MRI to confirm my suspicions.

    Check in later. Today is the ex’s bday. Yay.

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