Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great day!

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42 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Been awake since 3. Couldn’t sleep. Gonna be a long day. Good news is it’s Friday. Bad news is I feel like I could go to sleep now, but its time to get ready for work. Yay me!

    Hope everyone has a good day. I’m just hoping to stay awake. I see a few iced coffees in my future.

  2. pncpnthr says:

    Morning! So glad it’s Friday. Ready for football & a relaxing weekend.

  3. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Double red flags on the beach today meaning anything above ankle deep is to be avoided. Waves of 4-6 feet yesterday and expected to be 5-8 feet today. On the gulf side, our condo has double patio doors for a wall both in the living room and the master bedroom. The actual distance from those windows to the water is usually about 275 feet. With the tide up last night, the actual distance to the water was closer to 100 feet. We are not in peril because our condo sits 25 to 30 foot above the beach on a sand dune and has a steel wall on the seaside of the dune for extra protection. BUT, I wouldn’t want to be here in a hurricane.

    Hope everybody has a great Friday.

  4. Mrs. H says:

    The sky was looking dangerous this morning.

  5. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to everyone. OB you and PQ continue to enjoy and be safe. I know if you feel threatened you will head north to Brandon.

    Happy belated anniversary to LegalE and BE congratulations to you both.

    Everyone have a great Friday and for those of you that have a 3 day weekend enjoy the time off.

    I never managed to get any help with the sump pump, it is probably toast although I have no clue and would hate to buy another one and find out this one is ok. Maybe our rains want be so bad and then they could be worse than predicted.

  6. OldBopper says:

    Back to single red flag. We can wade up to waist high. Don’t think I have been any deeper since we got here.

    Local bakery doesn’t open until 8 am. :~(

  7. dhcoop says:

    At work and rarin to go!

    Did y’all see the pics the Boss posted?!? Awesome!

  8. Airwolf says:

    Morning, happy Friday! We need rain.

  9. tank says:

    hey. I see a 3-day weekend a’coming! yeah!
    I listened to about 5 minutes of the game last night, just long enough to hear “matthew wells on the tackle”! I love to see our boys do well even if he is playing in maroon and white. I can’t wait to watch kedrick and the eagles tomorrow night!!!

    and the other game that was on…well, I really didn’t even watch it.

  10. dhcoop says:

    On my second iced coffee. More to come.

    • tank says:

      I tried the iced coffee when mcd’s was doing the promos and giving away freebies. for some dumb reason I thought it’d taste more like chocolate since it was cold. it was still coffee. blech.
      I had a mt. dew and am now on a diet coke.

  11. msblondie says:

    morning gang! glad it is friday!

  12. cardinallady says:

    Good morning my dear friends. Mrs. H was right about that sky. Marshall’s pictures have red in them.
    Yall had best build a boat. The animals are probably lining up two by two down there already. My meterologist ran the numbers last night and yall are expected to get anywhere from eight to ten inches of rain in a short time. Get those rain boots out.

    Otherwise … Oh what a beauutiiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day! There is your brain teaser for the day.

    Today is a Monday for me. Since we are off Monday, we have to do that work today.

  13. bpman says:

    goodmorning MR fans, I’m headin’ out on this scorching hot day, for usual friday trip over to Columbia. Supposed to 102 in the STL today, see ya!

  14. Barb says:

    bpman, I replied to your reply on pyramid again.

  15. tank says:

    I see the rain has made it to mrsh and is just to the south of us. I see a sleepy, lazy weekend in the forecast.

    • cardinallady says:

      I’m a hoping Jon and I can build my sand box and plant some flowers. I want to re-do my front flower bed now that the bright blue day flowers have done their thing. We are also going to enjoy a fire tomorrow night.

  16. parrotmom says:

    lunch time, only a half more day to go :) I am starving. What’s everyone having for lunch today?

  17. Airwolf says:

    I’m having dust.for lunch, lol. I’ve been
    mowing. Lord it is dry but our roses seem to thrive in hot and dry!

  18. tank says:

    it is officially tropical storm Lee. maybe it’ll blow up that was and settle the dust AW.

  19. msblondie says:

    lunch was chicken salad from beagle bagel. really yummy

  20. tank says:

    the rain is here.

  21. Barb says:

    My niece was admitted to the hospital with toxemia today. Pray she and Kaylee will be okay! She is only 19 days from her due date, so she’ll be okay, right?!

  22. dhcoop says:

    Barb, we’ll certainly pray for her! I’m sure she’ll be fine!

  23. Mrs. H says:

    Barb, I would think that in case the toxemia gets really dangerous, that 19 days short would be close enough for the wee one to make it on the outside.

    It’s been raining off and on all day. The girls are on their way to Greene County for the game tonight. I foolishly asked if rain would cancel the game, and then I remembered the game we played as a tropical depression came ashore. That was an amazing evening in the stands!!

    C-Lady, Mr. H heard that there was a possibility that we might get up to 18 inches of rain before it was all over.

    Do hummingbirds tank up before big storms? There has been a swarm at our feeders since yesterday afternoon. At least 9 of the little critters buzzing around all day.

  24. Mrs. H says:

    I found a picture of the Callaway HS band from my senior year 1977-78. Wow!!

  25. dhcoop says:


    MrsH, I would listen to the hummingbirds. I expect they know things we don’t.

  26. dhcoop says:

    Been up since 2 this morning, thanks to insomnia. ..think I will sleep tonight. .

  27. Barb says:

    Where is PM tonight? I hope everything is okay with her and PD.

  28. parrotmom says:

    hey Barb, we are fine. I have been hunting for a new part to my sump pump to no avail. So I bought a new pump and it will not fit on the pvc pipes that are in place. Maybe I can just hope that the rains want be too bad at our place?

    Prayers for your neice and hope her and the baby will be fine.

  29. Airwolf says:

    Itawamba AHS 28, Nettleton 14, way to go Indians!!

    Barb, we’ll pray for your niece!

  30. Mrs. H says:

    Girls are home from the game. Bedtime!

  31. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. We came home yesterday and arrived about 7 pm last night. Wasn’t worried about the seas, but about driving six hours in the rain. We lucked out and missed the serious rain. Expecting the rest of the weekend to be a washout anyway.

    Thought I would ride Boule this morning but it is misting out there.

    Barb, I hope your niece is better this morning.

  32. Mrs. H says:

    It’s raining bucket loads here. And the humming bird feeders I filled yesterday are empty already!

  33. Barb says:

    My niece is much better!! Kaylee made it into our world shortly before midnight on her mom’s birthday!!

  34. OldBopper says:

    Great news Barb!

  35. bpman says:

    Now thats some good news for the day for sure! My youngest was born on my wife’s grandmothers bday & also her great gma’s bday. Fun to share birth dates from generation to generation!

  36. dhcoop says:


    Great news Barb!

    I had another sleepless night. Finally went back to sleep and just woke up. Its raining here in Gtown.

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