Jackson, Mississippi at dawn

Jackson City Hall

The Clarion-Ledger building and Capital Towers.

Hinds County Courthouse and Moses

A random tree

City Hall.

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8 Responses to Jackson, Mississippi at dawn

  1. dhcoop says:

    BEAUTIFUL pics!!

  2. Marshall Ramsey says:

    My little iPhone 3GS does OK. Always wondered what I could do with a real camera.

  3. Barb says:

    Very pretty…makes you forget all the ugliness that exsists!

  4. cardinallady says:

    marshall, beautiful!

  5. Clucky says:

    I’ve taken more pics with my 3GS than my Canon since I got it. I have so many cool apps to play with the pics too. Love it-and so much better than the 3G. I did get asked to bring my camera to work to take pictures of shoddy concrete work for the company since it was oh, only 7 or 8 stories up. Frommthe ground, you couldn’t really see the damage. With my camera, it was SCARY to see all those cracks, etc up close. Corporate was impressed. “Couldn’t have seen it that good if it was a foot in front of you.” it felt good to get an “atta girl!”

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