Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning. I’ve been out cleaning gutters getting ready for the rain.

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24 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    I told y’all about the picture of Callaway’s band from 1977- 1978? After lots of tags and discussion with former band members, I found this link about our beloved band director, David Mayfield:

    This was a man who invested in people. I also found a copy of his obituary from 2005. I am proud to be listed among the survivors. “Survivors include . . . the 300 members of the Niceville Sr. High School “Eagle Pride” Band; and the thousands of band students Mr. Mayfield taught during his 34 years as a music educator in Mississippi and Florida.”

  2. Barb says:

    Just talked to my niece. She sounds really good! She will probably come home tomorrow. Kaylee weighed 7lbs8oz and was 20″ long. Will be going to the hospital tonight when I get off.

  3. Legal Eagle says:

    Red sky at morning, sailors take warning; red sky at night, sailors’ delight.

    Good morning, MRBA! I woke with a song in my heart and in my head and I would love to share it with you:

    I fell asleep while playing a computer game last night and stumbled to the bed. Then I woke up about 1:15 a.m. and sat up until I finished Andrew Gross’ “Eyes Wide Open” about 6:00 a.m. The cover said it should be read with the lights on and the door closed. He is a co-author with James Patterson on several novels I have read, but I think this is the first one I’ve read that he’s written by himself.

    I have an 88-year-old friend whose family insisted that her kitchen be redone so when she dies, the house will sell faster. She has had a new microwave and nobody to hang it for her, so BE and I went over there yesterday to see what needed to be done and we’re going back to day so he can do the actual installation.

    • Mrs. H says:

      Did they tell her that was the reason? How awful!

      • Legal Eagle says:

        Yep. And her family showed up from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and locally to surprise her for her 88th birthday. She told them she thought they were going to wait for her 90th to do that and they told her they decided to come now in case she didn’t get that far. I hope it’s just a strange sense of humor that runs in her family because she is still driving herself everywhere, lives by herself except for her 3 gorgeous cats, Buckwheat, Alfafa, and Taz, belongs to her local book club and plays bridge a couple of times a week.

  4. dhcoop says:

    No place to reply to Leagle, but I agree with MrsH too!

  5. dhcoop says:

    It’s raining here in Gtown. Made a round trip home to feed kittiekids and pick up crochet stuff. Settling in for a long, wet weekend.

    • Mrs. H says:

      I have finished one knitting project that had been hanging around forever. Now I’m contemplating exactly what to do with the Peruvian Alpaca yarn that Mr. H brought me back in February.

  6. pncpnthr says:

    BYU at Ole Miss. Here we go!

  7. Barb says:

    Went to the hospital to see my niece and baby niece. Gorgeous baby!! Head full of black hair, round little face, and dark complexion. I held her the entire time I was there! Actually took her away from her godmother!! They are going home tomorrow.
    Thank you all for the good wishes!!

  8. Mrs. H says:

    My eldest missed out!! Her boyfriend lived in Diamond Head. He and his family had cabin fever, so they went for a drive and ended up at the beach. They had a big surprise: they met Jim Cantore on the beach!! They had their picture taken with him and it’s posted on FB!!

    However, she was the official meteorologist at WalMart this evening. Because of tornado warnings in Lucedale, everyone inside the store (including the bank employees) had to go to the back where customer service is. She was looking at radar on her smart phone and said out loud that she wasn’t worried. Someone asked why, so she gave a quick meteorology lesson on rotation speeds, complete with visual aid. I think she’ll make a fine teacher!

  9. Legal Eagle says:

    Good for you, our up and coming weather woman (or weather person, whichever is potically correct these days).

    BE got my friend’s microwave installed and it is so big it has a shelf that goes in it. She is going to need a kit to vent it correctly, but that can wait since there is an opening above it right now.

  10. OldBopper says:

    If Ole Miss went the independent route like BYU, they wouldn’t be last in the SEC standings….just saying.

  11. dhcoop says:

    I’m guessing BYU is a football team, but I’m not sure. ..

    MrsH, looking forward to the day when we see the Eldest on TWC!

    Barb, I’m so glad the babe is fine and all is well!

    My Baby Girl just called and wants me to come over either tomorrow or Monday, depending on my SILs schedule, to help plan Peanuts 10th birthday party. I’ll get to meet Steve, my grandturtle!

    Well, I guess it’s my GREAT grandturtle, since he’s Peanuts new baby…

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