Sunday Free-For-All

Good Morning! Have a great Sunday!

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21 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! Working on dishrags. About to do one of my awesome potholders. How bout that for an exciting Sunday morning? But, you know what? I’m enjoying the heck out of it!

  2. Mrs. H says:

    There is no rain falling from the sky at the present moment. That’s likely to change, though. Getting ready for church. I’m going to be silly this morning while I tell the kids about Jesus growing in wisdom, knowledge, stature and favor with God and men. I have a REALLY BIG orange growth chart!

  3. Mrs. H says:

    Wow! I just saw the sun peep out! Still LOTS of cloud cover.

    Coop, our eldest doesn’t want to go into broadcast. She’s actually taking steps to get a teaching certificate to teach high school physics and upper math courses. Her earnings from the bank are for funding whatever further education that requires.

    • OldBopper says:

      There are other entry’s into the field. Stennis space center is one. Casualty Property insurers are another if you can get to their home office. And I bet there are loads of small firms whose profits depend on the weather who would like and extra heads up on foul weather. Maybe she could form a weather consulting organization. If weather is what she likes, I would encourage her to go for it. But, if teaching is the love, go there instead. I’m sure she would be a good science teacher.

  4. dhcoop says:

    Nice steady rain here in Gtown. Still crocheting.

  5. Legal Eagle says:

    We’re all proud of your young lady, MrsH.

    Coop, congratulations on being Grandmother Turtle. Do we need to start calling you Sensei?

  6. dhcoop says:

    OK, I am sure there is a book or movie I missed, but what the heck is Sensei? ?

  7. dhcoop says:

    And where is PM??

  8. Airwolf says:

    Lazy afternoon, loving this slow rain!

  9. pncpnthr says:

    Hubby & Cub went rambling & left me here with a full half-gallon of Blue Bell Ultimate Neopolitan! They should have known better. Diet? What diet?

  10. dhcoop says:

    Comments aren’t posting!

  11. dhcoop says:

    Well, that one did…

    I first said “call me Sensei!”, then I saw the rat comment and I said “don’t call me sensei. . Neither posted. .

  12. parrotmom says:

    Good evening. PM has been goofing off, playing in the drizzle’s and light rain, taking a nap during a movie due to some kittie girls that spent the night in the house. They were pretty good till about 4:30 when I put them out (no drizzle at the time) came back in about 6:15 one was quite the other found her favorite box to bang around a bit, then continued to constantly meow, all I could do was laugh at her, till I put her out again.

  13. Clucky says:

    Checking in. Working our collective butt off at Coop de La Blanc. I got a NEW dishwasher for $30!! Not kidding, and it works like a dream. Nothing fancy-the “fancy” is what killed my last one after only 3 years. This one is the same model I had before my last one and worked like a charm for over ten years.
    We’re scrubbing cabinets, replacing shelf liner, rearranging and just trying to find the kitchen. We have made good progress, but still have the rest of the house to go.

    Unspoken prayer request. My heart is hurting right now. Thanks, y’all. Love ya.

  14. dhcoop says:

    Praying for you Clucky! !

    I’m REALLY glad it’s a holiday. The roads are bound to be nasty!

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