
The tropical rain washed away the dust of the brutally hot summer.  The earth was being cleansed. And after a long dry spell, all the wilted plants  were coming back to life.  Grass perked up. Trees stood taller. The world was turning from brown to green.  You could almost hear nature’s sigh of relief.

He watched the pouring rain come down.  Every drop was a blessing from above. He wouldn’t complain about the rain any more.  Not after this summer. Life had its dry spells.  And life had its bounties.

This was a bounty.

His eye followed a maple leaf as if flowed down the rain-swollen gutter.  The sound of the rain hitting the leaves of the giant oak was a symphony of relief. He sat back and allowed the music flow across his spirit.  And he gave thanks.

One drop at a time.

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3 Responses to Rain

  1. dhcoop says:

    I swear, your writing gets better all the time!

  2. Pingback: A collection of my short stories | Marshall Ramsey

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