Daily Log 9/9/11

I got up earlier than normal to work on my 9/11 memorial cartoon.  Of course, my son has a conference, so my morning is more complicated.  My wife will go to the conference as I draw here and watch over my other two boys — but that’s OK.  Raising my kids is my most important job.  With all the daily pressures we have in our lives it is easy to forget that.  Our life is a stove with four pots.  Sometimes family gets put on the back burner with work boils over.  Add to it a couple more pots and suddenly you feel more like a juggler than a dad.  I’m just afraid something or someone will get burned.

As I’m drawing this, I’m thinking of the people trapped in the Twin Towers.  The people on the doomed airline flights. The men and women who perished in the Pentagon. The would give anything to have one more day with their families. And their families would give anything to have them back.

I’m busy. But never too busy for my family.  The tragedy of the 9/11 reminds me that we should never take our lives for granted. That we should seize on to every moment. Because like the victims on that clear Tuesday morning, a normal day could suddenly turn into our last.

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3 Responses to Daily Log 9/9/11

  1. cardinallady says:

    YES! Jon is coming home tonight and I think we are going to take in a ball game, if not, it will be pizza and a movie. Tomorrow we are going to Shep Smith’s home town in Holly Springs to the hummingbird festival.

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