Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great day.

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39 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    was busy, busy yesterday. hopefully a little less pace today.

  2. Ann Onimous says:

    It’s Tuesday! Yesterday was pretty good, so I expect today to be insane!

  3. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’. Uh, think I’m going for a ride in a few minutes. Y’all have a good day.

  4. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Gonna finish my bushes this morning. This afternoon I’m going to look at a new tractor!

  5. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone. Thanks to the powers of my beloved PD—Not. I have been up since before 7:00 on mylast day off :( I know he can’t help it when you have issues you just have issues. I probably would not have slept another 30 minutes at max it was just the idea of “are you a sleep” with my reply of “I was, what do you need?” Oh well it can only be uphill for the rest of the day now.

    The time is 7:59 and all kittie girls, Parrot, and PD are all happy and fed !!!!

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! everyone have a great day!

  7. OldBopper says:

    A great morning for a ride. Cool, fresh, and, on my route, no traffic. Just eased along at 45-50. A pleasant experience.

  8. cardinallady says:

    Red streak is me flying through. Good morning!!! Be back when I can. Got to finish this river of words.

  9. Legal Eagle says:

    Good morning! Hoodlum is sprawled across the keyboard and I’m holding her back with my left hand and typing with my right.

    I had a stomach virus in the night, night before last, and thought or hoped I was going to die. Then it went away as quickly as it came and I was able to play bridge last night. I got all my folks called for Thursday and lined up 16 to play, right after our monthly luncheon during which we will have a fashion show.

  10. Molly says:

    Mornin. LE, I think stomach bugs are going around. Been hearing about a lot of people not feeling well.
    My co-worker got bitten by a brown recluse spider yesterday. It apparently was in her car. She went to the doc this morning and got on antibiotics and was sent home. The red, puffy area grew from about 3″ diameter at 8:00 this morning, to 4.75″ diameter a couple of hours later. Looks bad.

  11. tank says:

    spiders. ooohhhh. I would never get back in that car unless someone found the spider and showed it to me. dead. from a distance. I pray I never see one in my car while I’m driving. I don’t know what would happen. I did get up to 87 mph one morning trying to blow one off my outside rear view mirror. I didn’t know how I was going to open my door w/a spider on it once I got to work. I get in a half hour later than everyone else so no one would be in the parking lot.

    there are 20 kids in the girls’ preschool class. there are three sets of twins in there. amazing.

  12. Pncpnthr says:

    Howdy. Bug man in our office now. He SAID he would come on weekends so we wouldn’t have to smell this stuff. I can deal with it, we’ve seen spiders in here lately. On that note, coop, you do NOT have to share my spider bite episode!

  13. msblondie says:

    Spider bites are no fun. I remember when the doc thought a recluse had bit me in very sensitive area – but did finally rule out as an abyess. But the first asumption was cause i did find a dead spider in the seat of my car. Was very scary.

    IF I wasn’t in IT people would think I have gone nuts today.. I have 5 computers on my desk all doing different tasks. Seeing my desk is a challenge.

  14. OldBopper says:

    Reminds me of the song, “I don’t like spiders and snakes and that ain’t what it takes to love me.”

    Yesterday tried one of Sonic’s new hotdogs. All beef franks and five or six varieties. The one I tried yesterday was “Bacon and Blues”. Sesame seed bun, frank, lettuce, tomato, bacon bits and a mild blue cheese dressing. Made for a good hot dog.

    Today I tried the Chicago Dog with sweet pickle relish, tomato, peppers, mustard, and dill pickle slice on a sesame seed bun. Can’t remember the name of the other one but it had a small amount of chili, melted cheese, chipotle bbq sauce and diced fried onion rings. Both were good in their own way. I’d probably like the latter one better if it weren’t for the cheese. I not a biggie for melted cheese on meat.

    Anyway, at a $1.99 they are worth trying.

  15. GrammarGirl says:

    Been a tough couple of days–my friend lost her father and I lost a friend, both to cancer. My brother starts chemo soon. No apologies and no excuses–if you are due a physical and/or any kind of screening, get off your rear and go do it. Any momentary discomfort or inconvenience is a small price to pay for peace of mind or being able to treat something early.

    • tank says:


      so sorry for your losses.

      • GrammarGirl says:

        Thanks. The friend was diagnosed a few months after me–I have a little bit of survivor’s guilt. Lots of complex questions for me that I know will never be answered this side of heaven, but I often wonder why one survives and one doesn’t. With all the advances in medical technology, it still seems so random.

    • cardinallady says:

      (((((((((((((((((love you dear)))))))))))))))))))))))

    • Barb says:

      So very sorry for your losses. I like to think that God needed them more than we do. Prayers for you and the families.

  16. cardinallady says:

    Flying through again. Finally finished the paper. Had all the paper done and a last minute headiner broke loose, so I had to stop the presses. :) We got a Tier 1 supplier in Pontotoc for Toyota. AMEN!!

  17. dhcoop says:


    GG, I’m so very sorry! Hugs, dear!

    Just got in and going to get my comfies on.

  18. parrotmom says:

    evening!!! Well I go back to work tomorrow and PD’s not having a good evening with pain from his neck and the other problem he has. I hope it gets better.

  19. dhcoop says:

    Just got off the phone with Mom and I’m TICKED! That pit bull that comes around their house attacked Tippy this morning. Tippy is Mom & Dad’s little terrier. She has multiple stitches and clamps and is sedated. Someone needs to do something about that dog! Dad is ready to shoot her. He called her owner and he told Dad that other folks have shot her with rat shot and she doesn’t go around their place any more. WHY the HELL doesn’t HE do something about her??? Dad is soft hearted, but I think this dog will get more than rat shot if she comes around again. Ok, off the soap box, but I am PISSED! I’ve never killed a (domestic) animal in my life, but I could right now!

  20. parrotmom says:

    The owner of the pitt should take care of there own animal. I would be fighting mad also.

  21. msblondie says:

    Coop – your parents need to have the owner take care of Tippy’s bills for this. Several judges around here have already ruled on this in the past.

    Everyone have a good nite.

    • dhcoop says:

      They should, but they won’t…. It’s just not in them. I just “friended” the Sheriff on fb. I’m about to start my own mission to get this fixed. We’ll see what happens. This has gone on more than long enough. I’m tired of hearing the stories of my Mom almost getting knocked over by this huge dog, her chasing the cat…her attacking Tippy was the last straw in my book. The really sad part is that it really isn’t the dogs fault. It is SO starved for attention, that it tries to bond with other families, then it gets jealous of their animals. I’m torn in being ticked at the animal for hurting Tippy, and really PISSED at the owners for neglecting the dog to the point of it being so desperate for attention, that it tries to adopt other families and gets jealous of their animals.

  22. dhcoop says:

    I was mad and wrote an ugly message to the Sheriff on fb, then deleted it, then wrote another one, then deleted it, then found him on fb, and sent him a private message. He lives right down the road from my parents and knows about the dog. It’s even been harassing his horses. Apparently, the mother of the guy that owns the dog works for him. I don’t know if he’ll do anything, but we’ll see…

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