CARTOON: Thank you

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7 Responses to CARTOON: Thank you

  1. dhcoop says:

    This is terrific, Marshall!

  2. bpman says:


  3. parrotmom says:

    as usuall. AMEN, to all they do and thank you Marshall for the reminder to thank them every day.

  4. John says:

    Thanks, Marshall

  5. cardinallady says:

    AMEN!!!!! Sunday as we were taking up the offering, I had to get up and carry the plate down a few chairs, I was thrilled because the fireman that goes to our church was sitting in front of me. I stopped right then and whispered a thanks in his ear. We both had a good day that day. We just can’t say thank you enough for what these guys do for us. That is what my column is about his week. They put their lives on the line and don’t get any pay in our county. They do it just because they love us. How unselfish.

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