Saturday Free-For-All

Good mawnin’! Have a great weekend.

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34 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. CornPop says:

    Good mawnin’ to you!

    Sure looks like a beautiful day out there. I hope everyone has a terrific Saturday and if you have a moment, I sure could use your help with prayers for Orville. He’s been having some problems lately and, after an MRI, we’ve found out that his battle isn’t even close to being fought, yet. He’s scheduled for a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) next Thursday to look for more cancer cells then…we don’t know what happens next, but whatever it is needs to happen quickly because time is of the essence here. He and I are scared poopless right about now!

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning. Coop I could use a car wash, but time to pur the parrot in a little cage and take him north for his wing trimming. Funny PD and I have had hair cuts in the last week so I guess time for all of us to have a trim :)

  3. parrotmom says:

    The parrot has landed in the cage—without a little trouble. He was not willling. I found smaller blue jeans in the closet not the actural number I wanted but I think it want be long. I really need to rearrange the sizes in the closet :)

  4. msblondie says:

    morning. M was to work this 2 games today but that has been cancelled. So not sure what we will be getting into.

    everyone have a good day!

  5. Legal Eagle says:

    Hoodlum is outside. She managed to get there by herself. We’ve had her since she was a kitten and it’s been at least 9 or 10 years and she has always been inside except for a few adventures which didn’t last but a few hours. I caught her yesterday and in bringing her in the house, she freaked and ran back out the door. I brought her in this morning and she was yowling and spitting at Braveheart and acting like a wild cat. BE said she did her business inappropriately, so I stuck her back outside, even though it nearly killed me to have to do it. BE sat some food outside for her.

    • dhcoop says:

      I’m so sorry, Leagle. Perhaps she is suffering some kind of kittie dementia for her to have changed behavior so much here recently. Was she feral when you got her?

      • Legal Eagle says:

        Yes, but she was real little. She used to come up to BE when he was working on his truck and meow. Then we went out one Friday night and it was supposed to get down to 28 degrees that night. When we got home around 10:00 or 11:00 that night, she was sitting by the front door. I scooped her up and brought her inside and she’s been inside since then. She had her operation when she was 8 or 9 months old. If I go in the living room and she hears my voice, she is climbing up the front screen and meowing. Apparently she has Siamese in her lineage because even though she is solid black with green eyes, she has that raucous Siamese voice.

        • dhcoop says:

          What about Braveheart? He’s fixed, right? Maybe something is going on with him that’s bothering her. Something she is smelling that you can’t. Do they use the same box? Maybe you need to try using two boxes? Grasping at straws here…

  6. CornPop says:

    Hey, Clucky – How was the game last night, how’d the Band do, and how is Mr. Fab?

  7. dhcoop says:

    Does sitting and organizing crochet thread count as being lazy? If so, I’m in….

  8. Clucky says:

    CP, certainly praying for you and Orville. God be with you, hon.
    Mr Fab was discharged at 5pm yesterday Did well on stress tests-YAY! Went to the game-oops, no uniforms, but we played Leake Central, formerly known as Carthage/Edinburg/Thomastown. They are 4A-we are 2A! We STILL spanked tbem 29-0!! We remain UNDEFEATED!! Their band is pretty good-but would you believe our band is bigger? Ours only did the first two songs of our show, and still got a standing ovation! They are working on the closer, and our first contest is next weekend at West Lauderdale. We play Madison-St Joe next Friday night, but the band isn’t going.
    We are on our way to see Poppy. Perfect topless weather :D
    Oh, they put Mr Fab bqck on home meds, so since he wasn’t having a heart attack, they ignored his BP. He will be seeing his regular doc next week to get meds adjusted. Sheesh. They did start bim on Prilosec with an appt for GI, so reflux may be an issue too.
    OK, now to enjoy the ride. Mr Fab sends hugs and a big THANK YOU! for your prayers. Love y’all.

    • CornPop says:

      Great news, Clucky! So glad to hear that all is well. Sure would love to see the band perform! Enjoy your topless ride…LOL!

    • Legal Eagle says:

      We thought I was having a heart attack one night. My chest was killing me and I had pains shooting down my left arm. BE made me take an aspirin and then took me to the ER. They put a nitroglycerin tablet under my tongue and ran tests. They came back and said I had a hyatel (sp?) hernia, put me on Zantac, and referred me to a gastroenterologist. I developed an alergy to Zantac and the GI put me on Prilosec and stretched my esophagas.

  9. OldBopper says:

    Prayers for CornPop and Orville.

  10. parrotmom says:

    Prayers for you CornPop and Orville. So much going on for too many of us. We all need a break.

    I never went to work today. I made it home with the Parrot and PD wanted out again. At least I saw my brother first time in a long time. Next time it will be his turn to make a trip. The road does run both ways!!!

    Clucky glad Mr. Fab’s test came back good. Enjoy the coast and time spent with Poppy :)

  11. Legal Eagle says:

    Clucky, has Poppy heard Jennifer Lopez’s latest? The name of it is Poppy. The video has been on GMA the last two mornings.

  12. OldBopper says:

    All those braggadocious OM fans are suddenly quiet. Be not dismayed dear Rebel fans, you still have one more Division IIA game on the schedule. So you may win another before the season ends. Hottie toddie!!

  13. Mrs. H says:

    The boss’s team isn’t faring too well against Florida.

    I have designed a sword template for my pit Pirate. Mr. H will cut it out of lauan, then we’ll paint it and maybe wrap the hilt in leather. Mostly, it will be tucked into Em’s belt for looks.

  14. Barb says:

    Clucky, when you say we, what high school are you talking about?

    Prayers for Orville and his mother, CornPop, Clucky and Mr. Fab, and, as always, PM & PD.

  15. parrotmom says:

    Thanks all, Good nite!!

  16. Clucky says:

    Barb, I am referring to Union High School. and the Pride of Union Marching Band.

  17. OldBopper says:

    Happy Sunday morning, rejoice and be exceedingly glad in it! Headed to early church and then may join my sister and bil in V’burg for a Sunday ride this afternoon. Watching the weather though.

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