Sunday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a blessed day!

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63 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. Barb says:

    Morning!! Last day of this very long week!! Off the next 2 days!! Ya’ll all have a great day!!

  2. dhcoop says:


    I having me some Cocoa Krispies on this beautiful Sunday morning!

  3. Legal Eagle says:

    Good morning! I’m still drinking coffee and listening to Hoodlum climb the front door while meowing loudly.

  4. parrotmom says:

    good almost noon. I have been up since about 8:00 I have made my walmart run, I need to go to work since I did not make it yesterday. Not sure I should someone told PD they will drop by Sunday, but they have done this before and never showed? So what to do?

    I think I have the “blues” and just want to hide under a rock, but I can’t still have to be me!!!

  5. Airwolf says:

    Good afternoon! Spending the afternoon at the farm with Bear! Third hay cutting this week if the rain holds off!

  6. dhcoop says:

    I’ve been washing clothes and watching tv. Totally lazy!

  7. parrotmom says:

    clothes washing is not lazy. Needing to wash clothes and not doing so is lazy.

    Well never went to work, supposed friends a no show. Just finished lunch at El Sombrero. Amazing, I walk choice of seat, out comes my food without placing an order :) Do you think they no me?

  8. dhcoop says:

    LOL@PM, sounds like they do!

  9. OldBopper says:

    PM, its better to be known at El Sombrero than Taco Bell. :~)

    Had a fun ride this afternoon. I went over to Vicksburg to meet up with a cycling group. We had sixteen motorcycles riding together. From V’burg to the Trace and north to Shuckers. They left to go back to V’burg and I came on home.

  10. parrotmom says:

    I agree OB!!!

  11. dhcoop says:


    I’m settled at the office cottage for the night. Have to be here early tomorrow to let someone in to prepare for a meeting, and my boss suggested I come here tonight. He knows I have a long commute. I decided it was a great idea so here I am!

  12. dhcoop says:

    It will be very nice not to have to face that ride in the morning. Plus, I probably wouldn’t have been able to sleep being worried about waking up and getting here. This is much better!

  13. parrotmom says:

    nite to everyone.

  14. Legal Eagle says:


  15. Clucky says:


    Insomnia SUCKS.

    That is all.

  16. msblondie says:

    morning on this talk like a pirate day!

    everyone have arrrg day!

  17. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! Or, should I say aarrggg!

    Got everything situated, all is well!

  18. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ Mateys. Go below and wash the sea salt off your faces then come topside to work your arses off! Go, go, go….hurry up; times awasting! Aaaaaargh!

    About to break in a new coffee pot bought to replace our 6 1/2 year one that quit. Looked at many different models but settled on another Bunn. The others take up more room than we want to dedicate to a coffee pot. And, the three minute brew time will spoil you.

  19. The Real JB says:

    How about my Titans. Beat a good Ravens team yesterday.

    I’m expecting to hear little from all you TSUN folks this football season. Been listening to the radio and you made Vandy’s year. They are so thankful of you.

  20. Legal Eagle says:

    Thank you, MrsH. I feel better now. I knew it was coming soon, but had forgotten the date. Awk! Rrrrrrrrrr! Bootay! Pieces of Eight!

    OB, if the old coffee pot was a Bunn, you can send it off to the factory and they will restore it like new.

  21. Airwolf says:


    Most days are like all of the others,
    Go to work, come back home, watch TV,
    But, brother, if I had me druthers,
    I’d chuck it and head out to sea,

    For I dream of the skull and the crossbones,
    I dream of the great day to come,
    When I dump the mundane for the Old Spanish Main
    And trade me computer for rum! ARRR!

    T’ me,
    Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho,
    It’s “Talk Like A Pirate” Day!
    When laptops are benches God gave us fer wenches,
    And a sail ain’t a low price ta pay!
    When timbers are shivered and lillies are livered
    And every last buckle is swashed,
    We’ll abandon our cars for a shipfull of ARRRs
    And pound back the grog till we’re sloshed! Yo ho….

    Don’t pick up yer phone and say “Hello,
    Our ten-o-clock meeting’s delayed”,
    Ye scrunch up yer face and ye bellow,
    “AVAST! Ye’ve been bleedin’ BELAYED!”

    Ye can’t keep this fun to yerself, I bet,
    So sing “Aye!” “ARRR!” “Ayy!” every man!
    We ain’t got much grasp of the alphabet,
    But a damn good retirement plan!

    T’ me,
    Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho,
    It’s “Talk Like A Pirate” Day!
    Whatever’s in fashion is in for a thrashin’
    And bein’ polite is passe!
    When it’s ev’ry man’s duty to grab his proud beauty
    And let out a hearty YO HO!
    And if this offends you, hold y’r breath as we sends you
    Ta Davy Jones’ Locker ya go! Yo ho….

    We’ll tell every banker “Heave to and weigh anchor!”
    Buy latte with pieces of eight
    We’ll fight to be chosen as cap’n or bosun
    The loser, o’ course, is worst mate!

    When we hoist Jolly Roger, the landlubbers dodge ‘er,
    We fill ’em with loathing and fear,
    We’ll plunder and pillage each city and village,
    Or at least clean out Wal-Mart of beer!

    There ain’t no computin’ or morning commutin’,
    No “Parking Lot Full” signs for me,
    No lawns ta be mowin’ or bills to be owin’,
    I’m knowin’ the pull of the sea.

    The fresh salty brace of the wind on my face
    Through hurricane, sunshine or squalls,
    I’m keepin’ my eyes on the distant horizon,
    Verizon can hold all my calls!

    To wear a red coat full o’ buckles,
    To earn a few duelling scars,
    Well, at least we can get a few chuckles
    By filling the office with ARRRs!

    And maybe we’ll never get closer,
    Than watchin’ ’em on the big screen,
    So here’s to old Errol and Depp as Jack Sparrow,
    And every damn one in between!

    T’ me,
    Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho,
    It’s “Talk Like A Pirate” Day!
    That time in September when sea dogs remember
    That grown-ups still know how ta play!
    When wenches are curvy and dogs are all scurvy
    And a soft-wear patch covers your eye,
    Ta hell with our jobs, for one day we’re all swabs
    And buccaneers all till we die!

    So hoist up the mainsils and shut down your brain cells,
    They only would get in the way,
    Avast there, me hearty, we’re havin’ a party,
    It’s “Talk… Like… A Pirate” Day!

  22. cardinallady says:

    G’day Mateys! How neat, a day dedicated to Captain Jack. Hee hee

    How is everyone this lovely wet day. The sky fell while ago. It was great. But before it fell, I was on my way back from the post office, walking across the court square and a flash of lightening almost made me jump out of my skin. The ensuing thunder made the birds fly in a strange pattern. I wonder what happens to the birds when they are in the sly with that sound rolling over them.

    Alright. River of words gotta get them done.

    ((((((((((((Clucky))))))))))))) Boy do I understand insomnia.

  23. GrammarGirl says:

    Clucky, catching up on Free-for-Alls and I’m sure you all have thought about this, but does Mr. Fab still have his gall bladder? When I was having gall-bladder attacks, it felt like a heart attack! Hope he’s continuing to do well.

  24. The Real JB says:


  25. The Real JB says:

    Here was my small group question for last night. Please answer.

    What did you do as a child that you got in trouble for, learned a lesson, and you laugh about today?

    Me, I stole my mom’s engagement ring in sixth grade and gave it to an eighth grade girl. Impressed her but my butt still hurts.

    • Molly says:

      Now THAT’S funny, JB. You did get it back from her didn’t you?

    • Crystalbutterfly says:

      JB to many to name but my Mama would talk to us instead of spanking and I would beg her to beat me and stop talking about how disappointed she was in me.

    • msblondie says:

      I remember this and it was nearly 35 years ago – not but 4 or 5 staying with my dad’s folks and wanted to ride my horse. So I go outside to the pastures without telling my PePaw and get on my horse ( she was trained to kneel at a stump for me). PePaw caught me coming out the gate head to the store. This after searching everywhere for me. Only time my Pepaw switched my legs really good and then took me to town to show off the strips. Always told him I where I was going after that.

    • cardinallady says:

      Crystalbutterfly, your mama and my mama must have been twins in a former life.

      Me, I ran away from the car when we lived in Pascagoula while mom was shopping. It was a cold December night. I was frustrated because my sisters and my uncle were picking on me. I got about two blocks and saw that it would soon be dark and I’d better be getting back to the car. FORTUNATELY I got back before mom came out of the store. Of course my sisters told on me. My parents were scared. And now that I’m grown and realize what kind of neighborhood I was walking in, I can see why. Mama and daddy didn’t say much to me, I guess they realized I learned my lesson. I NEVER wanted to run away again.

  26. tank says:

    I was a good kid. I didn’t get in trouble. :)

  27. OldBopper says:

    Boule has had a thorough bath and wax job. Finally found something to get between the spokes…..a soft bristled bottle brush. Think I’m gonna have to my PQ another.

    Legal, that’s what I thought about the Bunn too. No, they said to ship it back to them, enclose $68.75 and they will send me a new one. That price is OK, but then you add the shipping costs and take into consideration you will be without for a week or so and that says, “Ahoy Walmart!! Aarrgh!” Now during the first three years, they will replace free of charge, but you still must send them the old one first.

  28. Molly says:

    Today is my grandmother’s 99th birthday! Go, Grandma!

    Also it is mine and Hubby’s 24th wedding anniversary.

  29. The Real JB says:

    or not

  30. Mrs. H says:

    It is amazing what you can find on Facebook. I am not friends with this young man, yet I can read all the posts that his friends have made, urging him to turn himself in. I do know some of his family. When I look at the top of his FB page, the first mutual friend I see is MY EM! Granted, kids will acdept just about any friend request if it’s a name they know from school. I think I know some girls who are going to clean out their friend boxes.

    • msblondie says:

      What a scary find Mrs.H. I try to keep a watch on my M’s. Back when school started we had her unfriend all of her teachers due to the new law being passed. This was for both hers and theirs safty.. but is hard when a couple were friends parents.

  31. Mrs. H says:

    JB, I only remember one spanking, but I can’t remember what it was for. It must have been so bad, I mentally blocked it!! But I bet I never did it again.

    Once in high school, I stayed out until 2 a.m. I’d never been out after a football game before, so I had no previous experience with curfews. My mama was sitting on the front porch when we pulled into the driveway, purse in her lap. She said if she’d had any idea where to go look for me, she would have. I was saved by the fact that my dad was leaving in 2 hours to go on a deep sea fishing trip, and by the time he returned 2 days later (and a few shades greener!) he had pretty much forgotten about it.

    • cardinallady says:

      Oh goodness, MrsH your story reminded me of coming home from the Senior play cast party. I didn’t call my sister to come get me, I just let one of my friends bring me home. I went to bed after running into the coffee table in the living room, knowing I’d woken up mom and dad. About 1 a.m. mom switched on my bedroom light and said “REGINA LEIGH, you are in the bed!” “Yes, ma’am” My sister was worried about me since I didn’t call her. Mama said I couldn’t go to the Junior/senior banquet because of it, but later changed her mind after she and daddy talked about it. They thought the punishment was too much for the crime. At least I did come home.

  32. OldBopper says:

    Well, I had my share of spankings and I don’t think I was a bad kid.

    I remember the first time I took a girl to the drive in movies in the family car. When we left, I forgot to take the speaker out of the window and it broke the window on the driver’s side. Then I had to go home, wake up my Daddy, and tell him what I did. He just said, “We’ll talk about it in the morning.” Don’t think I slept a wink that night. Bottom line….I paid for a new car window.

  33. Legal Eagle says:

    I was very quiet and shy growing up and preferred to read. I got one switching when I was a teenager and backtalked my mother while I was on the phone, but that’s the only one I ever remember.

  34. Legal Eagle says:

    I just finished reading two Terri Gerritsen novels, “The Keepsake” and “Ice Cold,” and have started reading an Iris Johansen novel called “The Golden Vakyrie.”

  35. dhcoop says:


    Time for DWTS!

  36. dhcoop says:

    Oh, and I never did anything bad…heh

  37. parrotmom says:

    evening Matie’s!!! Arrrrgh….

    Happy birthday to granny and happy anniversary Molly.

    Hmmm!!!! What did I do wrong—not much since I was the only girl :) I was off playing with some friends a street over and the two girls that lived across the street from us was there too, but went home to make sandwiches for lunch. I stayed and told them to bring me one back. Well, they didn’t have any bread so had to go ask my mother for bread for the sandwiches. I don’t remember getting whipped or switched, but she was plenty mad at me for not checking in like the other girls did.

  38. dhcoop says:

    Great DWTS premier!

    Watching Castle premier now.

  39. parrotmom says:

    nite to all!!!

  40. msblondie says:

    Watched the Sing Off.. some pretty good talent. the next 8 perform next week.

    I agree with one of the groups they sent off tonight – they were flat. The second one they let go just a had cool name Cat’s Pajamas, think we need to make a road trip to Branson to see them perform.

    Well matey’s have a good nite.

  41. Legal Eagle says:

    I had to watch the season opener of 2 1/2 Men, which opened on Charlie’s funeral and featured a nude Ashton Kucher. The new show that follows it, “2 Broke Girls,” was cute. And then I watched the Playboy Club, which has possibilities, but I’m not totally sold yet.

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