Thursday Free-For-All

Good (cold)  morning! Have a great day!

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26 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Yay! It’s Thursday! Looking forward to going to the flower show this weekend.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Praise the Lord it is Thursday. Two Tuesdays in a row were rough. I hope everyone had a woderful cool morning. PD had another Dr appt today I hate these hurry up and wait days. They don’t realize the pain thta someone is going through. If it was them they would want faster service.

  3. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ folks. Went downstairs in the motel and had breakfast while PQ has control of the bathroom. Then she will do the same while I get prettied up.

    Got to be at a meeting at 9:30 and then home afterwards.

    Hope everybody has a good day!

  4. OldBopper says:

    BBC reports Gaddafi has been captured!

  5. parrotmom says:

    The kittie grils wanted out about 3:30 am so out they went. Tinker Bell was at the door when I returned from my shower. So I let her in and whistled for the other. She started meowing very loudly saying I’m coming wait for me. Strange I have her trained to a whistle. The sound she mkes sometimes and this morning was one of them was Brrrrr… a she ran inside. I love these little fur balls.

  6. Mrs. H says:

    Our Minister of Music was doing a revival this week at his previous church. He got our praise band to join him last night, so I went down to hear Mr. H. The preacher was amazing: Joe Shelton. A man and his guitar. What a testimony!

  7. Barb says:


  8. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks!

  9. Molly says:

    Mornin. No Wednesday this week, huh? I had rather skip Monday. Oh, well. Not much going on with me. Got sinus garbage going on. More pressure causing facial pain and headaches than anything. Not too much congestion. Going to the eye dr later this morning. Work is quiet this week. Now you are caught up on my life. :)

  10. msblondie says:

    morning gang! brrr is right. the Moo goes out when hubby gets up for work every morning.. this morning he wanted to stay outside.. took me 20 minutes to get him back in.. then he wanted to snuggle cause he was cold.

    busy day around here. hope all have a great day

  11. Legal Eagle says:

    Good morning, MRBA! Since Hoodlum has been residing outside, Braveheart’s personality has changed a lot. She used to be rather illusive, but now she’s all over me, sleeping at the end of the bed and following me from room to room.

    I mentioned the other day that I had managed to check out 5 one-week books at the library last Thursday. Well, I’ve now read “Dallas to New York” by J.D. Robb, “”Lethal” by Sandra Brown, and “Son of Stone” by Stuart Woods, which is another Stone Barrington adventure. It turns out that I had already read “Eyes Wide Open” by Andrew Gross. I picked up “Acceptable Loss” by Anne Perry and read a few pages, but it doesn’t look that good at first glance. If they let me check it out again today if nobody is waiting for it, fine. If not, I don’t care.

    I have 4 tables of bridge this afternoon and already had a call this morning telling me if anyone cancelled that they want to play. I wish all weeks were that easy.

  12. Legal Eagle says:

    Muammar Gaddafi is dead, Libya’s new leaders said, killed by fighters who overran his hometown and final bastion on Thursday. His bloodied body was stripped and displayed around the world from cellphone video.

    Today would be my son Daniel’s 36th birthday. Happy birthday, Danielson!

  13. Mrs. H says:

    I’m trying to print 7 copies of a 2 page Adobe file. Our big copier is out of toner until the new cartridge arrives later today. So I’m printing on my HP LaserJet 4100N. I started quite some time ago. I got the 4th copy of page 1 at 11:29. At 11:33, it just spit out the 5th. Then there will be 2 more of page 1 and I turn them over to print page 2. It’s a good thing I started early!!!

    • LegalSec says:

      Bless your heart! I remember having the same problem with pdf files and slow printers. Thank goodness the one I have now is like Speedy Gonzales! And isn’t it wonderful to be able to send those kind of print jobs to the copy machine!!

      p.s. HEY ALL YOU MRBA’s!!

      • Molly says:

        Hey Legal Sec! How are you?

        MrsH, we have an ancient HP up here that does high quality print jobs, but ever so S-L-O-W-L-Y! I have only had to use it a couple of times when I was out of toner, and it’s a good thing I was never in a big hurry!

  14. OldBopper says:

    Back from the Queen City.

  15. cardinallady says:

    Afernoon! Has been a busy running day. Had my last breast cancer lady to talk to plus write her story then had to take out two hours of an already hectic day to go to the home office for ANOTHER meeting, never mind I had one yesterday too.

    BRRR it is STILL cold here. But that’s great! I purposely almost stripped my bed this morning so I will put my heated matress pad on it for warmth tonight. Gonna be frost on the pumpkin tonight! :) :) Our local t.v. weather man will be here in a bit. I can’t wait to meet him! I just love him.

  16. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. So glad the wind died down some. I need to check the weather to see if I need another fire tonight. It was so nice hearing the wood snap, crackling, and popping as the embers died out while drifting off to sleep last night.

  17. Barb says:

    Evening, everyone!!

  18. dhcoop says:


    Yep, it’s about to be flannel sheet time!

  19. parrotmom says:

    Nite everyone. I’ve been reading up on the iPhone trying to see what is what?

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