Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning! I was up late but I slept late. So that works for me.

Magic 8-Ball is one of my favorite recent stories. Hope you’ve gotten to read it.

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20 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Magic 8 Ball is a good story.

    Mawnin’ folks. Getting ready for a little football on tv today. I know Coop is enjoying the flower show. I think Crystal Butterfly said she was joining in on that too. Beautiful weather, wish I could get in a good ride, but that has to wait until I get this darn collar bone healed.

  2. CornPop says:

    Oh, what a beautiful morning…oh, what a beautiful day…!

    Loved the Magic 8-Ball story, MR!

  3. Mrs. H says:

    The singing frog is one of my favorite cartoons…”Hello, my baby, hello, my honey…”

    Picked up Em’s cake. It’s lovely. I’m making a marinade for our pork chops for the tail gate party tomorrow afternoon, then I’ve got s’more fixin’s for Em’s party after the party.

  4. OldBopper says:

    Wow! Ole Miss is playing a fine game. Glad to see them come alive. Go Razorbacks!

  5. Legal Eagle says:

    Hello my good time girl…

    I finished reading “Portrait of a Monster” by Lisa Pulitzer and Cole Thompson, about Joran Van Der Sloot, a murder in Peru, and the Natalee Holloway mystery.

    Since season 2 of “The Walking Dead” has now started on Sunday nights, and sometimes the long lasting ballgames delay the start of “The Good Wife,” which interferes with “Pan Am,” I’m having to catch those two on demand. I just watched the last two episodes of “Pan Am” and I really like that show. I imagine when “Once Upon a Time” starts tomorrow night, the situation will be further complicated. We have several nights when nothing at all is on TV and then several nights when all the good shows compete against each other. In other words, it’s either feast or famine.

  6. parrotmom says:

    Can’t think of any tunes for now!!!! Went to PetSmart for some treats for our parrot and bought a pack of toys for the kittie girls. Then girls can lose their balls in no time.

  7. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m enjoying some yummy death by chocolate ice cream and listening to Willie sing “Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die.”

  8. dhcoop says:

    Evenin (sort of!)

    I had a GREAT day. Met Crystalbutterfly, MickyMouseLover, MrMML & the Bug at the flower show. It was so great to see them and wander around the show together. Those are some fine people right there! The weather was awesome and the flowers were beautiful! A couple of things I want to remember for next year…I should wear a hat and I need wet wipes. When I left I felt like I had an inch of dust on my face!

    Went home to feed kittiekids, then went back by to see Friend and G in CS and left a lot of the literature I collected at the event.

    Now, I’m about to upload pictures and hope I have some that are good enough to post. It was so bright out there today, I couldn’t see what I was taking. But, I took a bunch! Hope they come out well.

    Overall, an AWESOME day!

  9. parrotmom says:

    I agree Coop, I had my fav at El Sombrero, had a nap shortly thereafter. I feel rested for now.

  10. Airwolf says:

    Whew busy day! We had our 45th class reunion today. Really great to see everyone, had 66 class members. 10 are deceased out of a class of 106. Left the reunion and went Bear’s school for their fall festival. Me feet are angry, good to sit down for a while.

    I hope y’all had a good day!

  11. Clucky says:

    I took Chicklette and a friend to the mall today to get Halloween costumes for a party tonight. My girl will be Alice in Wonderland :) I put a pair of Miss Me jeans on layaway for her birthday. It is a shame when a pair of jeans cost so much u have to make payments on them!!

  12. Barb says:

    Evening!! I have had computer problems the last couple of days. Just caught up.
    Mrs. H, so sorry about your M-I-L’s break-in.
    Prayers for all!

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    Mother-in-law’s breakin? Did she post something on Facebook?

    Coop, I’m jealous that you got to spend time with our good friends and I didn’t. I love your pictures from the flower show.

  14. msblondie says:

    had a busy day.. M had solo and ensamble competation today.. She got a 2 in Solo and a 1 in ensamble. She is happy wth her 2 in Solo as the key her song was changed on her yesterday during class.

    it was a beautiful day today. I did get a steal today at jcpenny’s.. thye had sheet sets on sell – they ended up being half off with all my coupons.. then i got new pjs for free with my coupons. so a very good day.

  15. OldBopper says:

    Happy Sunday! Been up since 4:30. Planning to be at church for the 8 am service.

    What a game last night in the World Series! One for the record books for sure.

  16. Mrs. H says:

    Leagle, I said something on Thursday. You must have been AFK. Today (Sunday) is Em’s birthday. I’ve lost another child tax credit. I’m so glad she passed Driver’s Ed and got the certificate last week :)

  17. dhcoop says:


    Happy Birthday Em!

  18. OldBopper says:

    Back from church. PQ is making some goooood omlets for breakfast.

    Happy Birthday to Em!!

  19. parrotmom says:

    good morning, we have been up since 7:00 just haven’t checked in. Happy Birthday to Em!

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