Oct. 22 Daily Log

At this time last year I was fully employed at The Clarion-Ledger and ready to run the Marine Corps Marathon.

Now I am partly employed by The Clarion-Ledger, work 14 hours a day, have a radio show on SuperTalk Mississippi, travel all around speaking, illustrate books and anything else I can do to keep my house.  And I’m now out of shape.

The difference a year makes.

My main priorities this past year were to reinvent myself and take care of the family.  I think it is safe to say I’ve done both (except for the being out of shape thing — but I’ll get to that in a minute.).

Can’t say I understand why things happened. They just did. And it has led me on the path to better things. To people who appreciate my talent. To ways of protecting my family. And to use that talent in new and exciting ways.

I’m reflecting on the past year today.  I’m looking at my mistakes. At my successes.  I’m planning for the near and long term. (which includes getting fit again.)  I expect big changes for the coming year.

But the bottom line is that I’ve learned this to be the honest truth:  It isn’t what happens to you —  it’s how you react to it.

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2 Responses to Oct. 22 Daily Log

  1. dhcoop says:

    I, for one, appreciate you every day. Seriously. I’m very proud of you.

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