Sunday Free-For-All

Woke up with a cold. So I went back to sleep.  Good morning to you even though it is nearly afternoon.

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17 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:

    Mornin again! Marshall, it’s taken me nearly 3 weeks to get over mine, but I think it’s almost done. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. msblondie says:

    afternoon… working on getting my house in order for M’s party next weekend.

    got tampa bay and lions on.. weird seeing playing in london.

    Happy Birthday to EM hope she has a great day.

  3. Legal Eagle says:

    Happy Birthday, Em! Have a great day!

    I finished reading my print edition of The Clarion-Ledger and now I need to play some games before I read my book a while.

  4. Airwolf says:

    Hey folks! Went to church and then to lunch. We’re back at the farm and now it’s nappy time with NASCAR in the background. It looks like the bottom is going to fall out any minute now.

    Happy birthday Em!

  5. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon!! need to make my walmart run soon!!!

  6. Barb says:

    Afternoon, all. It has taken me this long to get this @!#$##%&** computer to cooperate!!!
    Happy Birthday, Em!!

  7. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon! THANK GOD and this computer the working women pages are laid to BED!! NOW life can resume it’s normal 80 mph pace rather than the 120 mph I’ve been racing lately. It has been a nice drizzly day here today. Am so THANKFUL for the rain. My fisheys are too. It filled up the goldfish pond. Now I can readjust my fountain that I have in it so it won’t splash all the water out.

    Man, yall just don’t know what kind of load just rolled off of my shoulders!!! Hallelujah!

  8. cardinallady says:

    Flying back in. Yall have a great Sunday afternoon, ya hear? I think I’m going for a walk in the woods with my dear son. The sweet gum trees are beautiful here, deep shades of red and bronze.

  9. parrotmom says:

    Help, My plumbing in my house has been stopped up most of the afternoon. Nothing I have done has helped. I am sick to death from plunging the toilet and it will flush fresh water but not like it is supposed to?

  10. dhcoop says:

    Goodness, PM!! What next??

    It’s raining here!

    • parrotmom says:

      I know Coop. PD will starts shots to the stomach tomorrow for a different type blood thinner instead of the pill form. I don’t know the difference yet, but I will know before tomorrow is over.

  11. parrotmom says:

    It was suggested I go to the hardware store and by Liquid Fire. They said you can put it in the toilet, snk, or tub. Then if that don’t work call a plumber. The tub had drained again and I ran the shower and pushed the scum down and when I checked it shortly there after it was draining out. Still afraid to flush a commode though :(

  12. dhcoop says:

    it’s been raining here for a couple of hours

  13. parrotmom says:

    We missed any rain!! The Saints are happy they are humilating the Colts.

  14. OldBopper says:

    PM, sounds like your sewer line needs to be flushed out. Many times where your line joins the city line, the ground shifting can cause your line to be a bit below the city. When that happens, stuff will catch on the lip and will clog up your sewer line. The fact that you can flush at all says there probably is enough space at that connection for the water to slowly seep through.

    In some locations, I have been fortunate to get the city to flush it out for me because of the connection problem. Here, I had to flush it out, but lucked up and hired a city worker to do the job on his off time. Before he was through, he declared it the city’s problem and they flushed it out.

    In Southaven I finally had to replace the line between my house and the city connection. That cost a pretty penny but it did solve the problem. I was having to flush the line every year before that.

    Good luck.

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