Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great weekend.

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32 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Slept in and it was good!

  2. OldBopper says:

    Readjusted the lights on my light bar. Won’t know how good I did until dark. A bit cool outside but I think I’m going for a ride.

  3. Legal Eagle says:

    Good morning! I got up at 5:30 yesterday and never went back down. Last night at 11:00, I was about to go to bed, but I turned on LMN and saw it was viewer’s pick night and a movie was just coming on so I sat up and watched it, even though I still don’t know the name of it. BE nearly always goes to bed before I do and the excitement of being able to sit up until 1:00 a.m. without bothering anyone else was too much for me. My eyes were getting mighty heavy toward the end, but I made it.

  4. Ann Onimous says:

    Morning. Ugh.

  5. dhcoop says:

    Ok, y’all, say a tinsy winsy prayer that my Bug will be the new Distinguished Young Woman of Clinton (formerly known as Junior Miss but the name was changed because it was determined to be politically incorrect). I just talked to Baby Girl and the house is all abuzz. Much excitement and jitters there. I am going to charge my camera and make pictures to share.

    Also, remind me never again to watch Penguin Island on Nat Geo. It’s made me cry.

  6. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon. Had a nice ride this morning. Plan to make a short one this evening to check out the lights on Boule. Bought some leather chaps yesterday. They do a pretty good job cutting the cold wind at 60-75 mph.

    OK Coop. Pulling for Bug. Anybody hear from Tank, Crystal B’Fly, or MML ?

  7. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon, good luck to Bug :) OB, glad you had a good ride. I have been inside since about 9:30 am and it was pretty. Just ran to the Walmart and Wendy’s in Brandon and thought I was going burn up. Now freezing thanks to my Frosty, pulling ouy blanket.

    I just don’t understand people who bring very young children and some older ones that don’t mind to ICU waiting rooms. I can understsnd an almost family reunuin but these people have no consideration for anyone else present.

  8. OldBopper says:

    Made another trip to Ramey’s! LE, I checked for you and yes they have peppermint and mint chocolate chip.

    We now have twelve different flavors of Blue Bell to last us through the end of this year.

  9. Molly says:

    Hey all. Been extra busy at work lately. And that’s a good thing. This is generally the slow time of year. We’re getting new clients almost daily right now. We’re gonna have to expand and move into a bigger office if this keeps up.

  10. Ann Onimous says:

    We enjoyed a lovely family walk today. LilO had to check out some books on ancient Rome for a school project, so we headed over to Quisenberry Library. After that, we walked down to the pond in the back and decided to see where the walking course went. It was beautiful! We walked a full mile and had the time of our lives. We’re going back next week. We found out it connects to the Clinton Community Nature Center trail, so we plan to hit both next Saturday.

    I can walk forever if I have good shoes and a camera. :D

  11. parrotmom says:

    I wonder how things are going for Coop and Bug?

    • Ann Onimous says:

      I’m sure we’ll hear, PM. :D

      • parrotmom says:

        Morrning! I have been up since 5:30. Just trying to relax. Finally, have the dishwasher running first time in maybe a year or longer? It is ancient and took a while to get passed this awful sound that it finally put water in it. I haven’t been back in the kitchen to make sure the floor is not flooded.

  12. dhcoop says:

    FIRST alternate!! Okay, not the winner but ALMOST!! The main thing is she got FIRST in scholastic!! I’m a proud Grandy!!! Exhausted, but PROUD!

    She was the prettiest IMHO, but I am so proud that she is the SMARTEST!! Ok. enough gloating… got to try to chill out a bit…

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m proud of Bug too, Coop! She did great to get one step from the crown….and if anything should happen to prevent the crown winner to fulfill her duties…

  14. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ !

  15. blues4you says:

    Good morning. 06:45 on my sun dial.

  16. Airwolf says:


  17. parrotmom says:

    Gee how did that post get way up under Coop’s?

  18. parrotmom says:

    For those that may not know PD has a large blood clot in the right arm. Nothing they can do for now because death would be inevitable. If no internal bleeding for 48 hours thay may can start a blood thinner on monday. They have also mentioned something called acidosis—this sounds really bad also, but will be a few days before we kkow about the cultures. So still asking for prayers. Just because they start a blood thinner it does not jump on it and dissolve it right then it could take months .

  19. parrotmom says:

    Dishwasher is finished, clean dishes again. Parrot had his shower—he did not have as much fun as normal but a little water was better than known.

    The least of my worries should be my work, but I am heading there and plan to be at the hospital around noonish or so. The afternoon visits start at 2:00 but I learned last week that the doctors don’t start showing till about lunch give or take.

    Everyone have a wonderful Sunday with church, friends, and family. Love and Hugs to all :)

  20. Legal Eagle says:

    BE has been working on our land the last two days and stayed over there Friday and last night, so I’ve been by myself playing on the internet and sitting up until all hours. I looked at e-mail a while ago and had about 2,600 in my inbox. I’ve spent the last hour or so deleting junk.

    My paper didn’t arrive this morning or, if it did, it was confiscated before I got out there to look for it. It’s funny that while this rarely happens, it’s always on a Sunday. I’m waiting for the CL to arrive with one (or another one).

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