Sunday Free-For-All

Good morning! Back in Mississippi after a few days in Atlanta visiting with family. Hope you have a great day and had a great Thanksgiving.

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17 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Good morning! Slept in this morning as I was up during the night babysitting the wet vac because of a leak in the basement. I think we got about an inch of rain. We went for several months without any leaking and then it started again with the previous rainfall. Our leak is driven by an underground spring which usually dries up when we go a long time without rain.

    Guess we will go to church this evening.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      Those subcutaneous leaks are impossible. I had a house in north Jackson with a basement that held water after a slow soaking rain.

  2. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks. Dragging around, I have an upset stomach this morning. Gonna try to make it to church but it is beginning to look iffy!

  3. parrotmom says:

    Morning again. AW sorry for feeling ill this morning. OB, I was fortunate, no rain back up in the tub, but I was out playing in it last night trying to sweep the leaves away from the screen surrounding the sump pump cage. I hate sleeping in socks and thought it would take forever to get my feet warm under PD’s snuggie that I use as my blanket on the couch. The Parrot has had his shower and think I will head on to the hospital soon, not that I can see PD until 2:00 now, but just to be near is comforting.

  4. Legal Eagle says:

    Good morning! Did any one of you crack a smile over my friend’s trip with her mother to the doctor?

  5. parrotmom says:

    I was able to spend about 2 hrs with PD. Ididn’t have to leave when I did, but was tired of standing.

  6. parrotmom says:

    Stepson just left headed South. We had a good time visiting here and I know it meant alot to him to be here to see his dad. Now is his time to get better also.
    Now in a room full of strangers here for all the same reasons—- an ailing loved one.

    Did I say it feels cold enough to snow,brrrrr!!!

  7. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m glad y’all enjoyed my story about my friend’s visit with her mother at the doctor’s office. I was beginning to think y’all were thinking I was just sick, making fun of a sad situation. I loved the way the doctor just came back with a good answer for her.

  8. Marshall Ramsey says:

    OB, I’m sorry about the flooding. I drove home in the middle of that last night and will confirm it was rotten.

    • parrotmom says:

      Glad you had safe travels with that storm, I am sure it was not any fun.

    • OldBopper says:

      Thanks. It is but a wee leak. If I catch it soon enough it only entails emptying the vac about every thirty minutes throughout the evening. I have a water detector that sounds an alarm at the first hint of moisture and a wet vac with two tubs and another wet vac with a pump that is used to pump out the full tubs. I tried using the wet vac with the pump as my only source but that tends to burn up the vac after a few months. If we don’t catch it in time it will create a pretty good mess flooding the whole floor with an inch or so of water and then it’s hell clean up.

      If I remember, your Dad has a leaky basement too.

      • Marshall Ramsey says:

        He put new gutters on, added a couple of downspouts and moved the existing ones farther from there house. Made a big difference.

  9. parrotmom says:

    I will be glad when this drizzle moves on out. I replaced my wipers a few months ago but my windshield is never really clear now when it drizzles like this.

    • OldBopper says:

      Clean your wiper blades with white vinegar or an alcohol wipe. If that doesn’t work, go by Auto Zone, buy a pair of wiper blades and ask them to install for you. They install without charging extra.

  10. Clucky says:

    I dont wanna go to work tomorrow :(

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