Thursday Free-For-All

I have five days in a row off (including the weekend) and it couldn’t come at a better time. My creative well has run dry. Need to recharge.

And thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes. Yesterday was a great day.

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37 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. bpman says:


    • bpman says:

      Enjoy your vaycay MR! Btw, who says a good ol’ fb rant doesn’t granb folks attn errvry now-n-den? Gwood Commonwealth gave me a call this week. They wanted to know if they could use my name in a story they’re workin’ on, re: a certain former Gwood Judge & the statements I gave state judiciary investigators over a decade ago.

      When the reporter told me what he’s trying to do a story on & if he could have my permission to use my name, I thought: “sure you can, ’bout damn time!”. Of course, I told him ‘absolutely’.

  2. cardinallady says:

    Morning yall! Drowning weather out there. I need a bird sized snorkel and some duck feet. Perhaps some gills might come in handy too. I’d look like the bird on Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer that swam. Yall have a good day.

  3. Molly says:

    Mornin, again. We are closing up after the luncheon today and won’t be back till Tuesday. Yay! I’m ready for a few days off. I took the afternoon off yesterday, but that was to cook for today’s luncheon. They shouldn’t make me take vacation time for that! Oh, well.

  4. parrotmom says:

    So glad a lot of you will have extra long weekends. Molly you should have had the time off to cook as a freebie since the yankee cook forgot? how convenient.
    Glad everyone was safe getting to work with the rain. Was a nasty drive home and getting ready to head back. I have contacted the ENT doctor of PD’s so hopefully she will be by to check on him today.

    • Molly says:

      It’s a good thing I always overdo things. I brought enough to cover her “forgetfullness.” We were taking bets at home last night about whether or not she would bring anything. Nobody took the side that she would come through. She said she would bring plates, but I knew not to count on her, so I picked some up when I was doing other office shopping. She has yet to follow through on anything she has ever promised to do or bring. She’s a decent worker and knows her job fairly well; there aren’t any real problems with her work. But I wouldn’t count on her for anything else.

      • Mrs. H says:

        I hope those words are NEVER said about me: “But I wouldn’t count on her for anything else.” I think it’s my biggest fear, letting someone down who was counting on me.

  5. Mrs. H says:

    I was inspired by MR to post something I’ve written. You can click on my name and it should take you there. Merry Christmas.

  6. Legal Eagle says:

    MsBlondie, watch that finger food. It settles in other places than your fingers. Molly, I’m so sorry you won’t get a taste of that wonderful Yankee cuisine.

    I finished reading Karen Robards’ “Vanished” and then “Nightwoods” by Charles Frazier. Now there was a weird book.

    Someone called me at 11:00 to say it was raining and could I get someone to play in her place today? Well, duh, since I’ve been up since 4:15, I was fully aware that it was raining and especially after just walking the dog. After calling about 6 people who were on their way out of town or cooking, I called her back and told her no luck on a substitute. So now she says she will try. Whatever that means. Miss Clairol, you continue to be my BFF.

  7. dhcoop says:

    Pizza Shack for lunch! I’m going to try the buffalo chicken pizza today.

  8. parrotmom says:

    I may try Roosters shortly now that I am on this side of town.

  9. msblondie says:

    now that we have ate.. and it raining..ready for a nap. hoping get to go home in a bit. I am really just twiddling my thumbs. phones are quiet, most have gone, done shipping.. ready to start my CHRISTMAS!

  10. Airwolf says:

    Had lunch with my former coworkers! Good food and fellowship. Next official function is to swear in two judges for their new term on the 27th.

    Today is Rambettes birthday! It is hard to get in a restaurant this time of year but to dinner we will go!

  11. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    Happy birthday, Rambette.

    Cold, wet, and miserable here in the woods of east tx.

    ”I feel like I’m drowning on dry land.”…….Roy Buchannan

  12. Clucky says:

    Hiya Blues.

    Still not feeling well. I do believe I gotta case of the ” Wantin’ My Mama” Blues.

    • blues4you says:

      Hi clucks.

      I’ve been thinkin’ about you lately. I’m sure missing my Mama too.And home.And a fire.Andbullyduck.And….

      Now I’m singing “Whippin’ Post” by the ABB.

  13. Molly says:

    Happy Birthday to Rambette!
    Don’t worry, MrsH, somehow I doubt those words will ever be said about you!
    Luncheon was good. Everybody left with full tummies.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Happy Birthday Rambette. AW I hope you both have a wonderful evening out.

    Made a run to Rooster’s –/cheeseburger and onion rings —-yummmm!!!

  15. OldBopper says:

    Happy Birthday to Rambette!!

    Haven’t left the house today except to feed the neighbor’s cat. They are at Disney World with two of the most precious little girls you ever could lay eyes on. Hope they are having loads of fun.

    I think we finalized Christmas eating arrangements with youngest daughter and her fiance. We are trying to make sure he gets first choice on where they will be and when as his father died on my birthday this year. Our big Christmas meal will be adults only. PQ is making spaghetti for the grands to eat on Christmas night.

  16. parrotmom says:

    Clucky and Blues sorry for your sadness. Nothing like wanting a good old hug from your loved one. I miss both my parents and so wish they were their to hug me and tell me all is ok.

    It is funny, but sad that PD thinks they are out to get him here. Everyone here is the enemy. He also told some techs he did not no where he lived, he knows my name, but sometimes I wonder what he really is thinking. I asked told the nurse he asked for some anxiety med.

  17. Molly says:

    Kiddo seems to be enjoying her newfound freedom. She went to Renaissance yesterday and now is headed to Brandon to meet some friends for supper. She needs to find a job quick so she can help fill that gas tank!

  18. cardinallady says:

    This red bird is flying home in a minute. I will see all you awesome friends tomorrow!! CHRISTMAS is ALMOST HERE!!!!!!! Awesome!!!

  19. pncpnthr says:

    We got a King cake in the office today & I got the baby! I got the baby last year, too! They laughed at me when I brought out last year’s baby…I have put a diaper on it (tissue & scotch tape). I got tired of looking at that naked baby. Think I might find another color tissue for the new baby…

  20. Barb says:

    Happy Birthday, Rambette!

  21. dhcoop says:


    Happy Birthday Rambette! !

    I didn’t think King cakes came out till February. What’s with having a King Cake for Christmas?

    • pncpnthr says:

      It was a gift from a vendor, decorated with red, green & white icing. Tastes just like the king cakes with the purple & green icing.

  22. dhcoop says:

    For the record. ..I feel like ice picks are being driven into my sinuses. Sinus headache from hell.

  23. parrotmom says:

    Good evening everyone laughing at PNC and Coop poor gal you just can’t get a break—hurt ankle now your sinuses—Hope you get better soon. I hope Clucky is doing better too.

    New word for the day—No, None, Nada—-no big “C” for PD —Merry Christmas to me!!!!! He may still have problems from his stroke and have congestive heart failure which is enough for him to have to endure this time. Praise be to God !!!!

    He tickled me today when I told him we were married, I was his wife!! His look said it all “WHAT???, WHEN???” I know it has worried him all day that he cannot remember, but I can’t help but to chuckle over it.
    If I don’t check back in later, Goodnite to you all and thanks for your prayers!!!

  24. dhcoop says:

    PM, that’s great news!! Will continue to pray for improvement!

    Yes, I’m just a bag of old bones, grateful for every day.

    Looking forward to spending Christmas with family. Planning to get on the road early and don’t know when I’ll be able to check in.

    So I’ll say Merry Christmas now and am sending a massive group hug to all of you!

    Love and hugs to all, and to all a good night!

  25. OldBopper says:

    Evening gang! PM that’s wonderful news! Coop I hope you and your family have a blessed and merry Christmas.

  26. parrotmom says:

    Good Friday Morning at 8:05 am. I did get some sleep last night just broken in pieces but not like sleeping in a waiting room.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve, Eve!!! Coop enjoy your weekend with family. I wish the same for all of you.

  27. OldBopper says:

    G’morning! Maybe we will see some sunshine today….hope, hope, hope. PM, sounds like you are off from work. Good for you.

    Y’all be careful out there scurrying around to get last minute items. Hugs and smiles to all!

  28. Barb says:

    Good morning at 8:16. PM, great news!! You were due to get some good news. Continued prayers.

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