Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great day.

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29 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. Barb says:

    First!! Good morning! Have a great day!!

  2. Barb says:

    Time is 5:30.

  3. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. 5:39 am. Packed, almost, but ready to go! A friend at church Sunday told me about the zip line over Fremont Street. Cub has agreed to do it with me! Can’t wait!!

  4. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone 6:29 am. PNC have a great time and enjoy. MsB glad you are some better. Still praying for you Clucky.

  5. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Boss I’m tired just from reading about your endeavors.

    Good sleeping last night with the windows open. Love that fresh air!

  6. Molly says:

    Achoo! Sorry, I mean Mornin. Been sneezing all morning. Never have completely gotten rid of the crud that had me so sick a couple of weeks ago.
    Kiddo has hurt her knee somehow. She fell back in the summer and broke her kneecap. Then Sunday she turned and her knee didn’t. It doesn’t hurt her to walk, just to turn. It wakes her up in the night if she moves it. So, we’ll have it checked out.

  7. dhcoop says:


    Molly, sorry to hear about Kiddo’s knee. I can relate!

  8. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends!

    Sorry about Kiddos knee, hope it resolves quickly!

    OB I’m like you, the Boss makes me tired just reading his schedule!

  9. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    Looks to be a stormy day in s.la.

    Hope to be finished in 5-7 days. Another well is scheduled her right after this so that’s good. Hoping for some good news workwise around the first of march.

  10. msblondie says:

    morning gang! — at work today… and swampped..

    everyone have a great day!

  11. Mrs. H says:

    I’m here; Mrs. Mac isn’t. busy

  12. Molly says:

    Just got back from Dr. with Kiddo. They are scheduling an MRI to determine if she has a medial meniscus tear. She got a couple of prescriptions and a knee brace. And Chinese for lunch. Now she’s back at school.

  13. OldBopper says:

    PQ and I tried the latest eatery to open in Brandon. It was supposed to be a Huddle House but is Heart and Soul Diner instead. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. A good menu. PQ had a grouper sandwich with lettuce, tomato, avocado and spicy island sauce. She said it was great. I had a cheeseburger and it was good too.

    The grouper sandwich was $10, but was just as good as those we get in Florida for $17.

    Anyway, it’s an interesting little country cafe with a rather sophisticated menu…Crab Cake Benedict, New Orleans Benedict, Eggs Benedict, various omlettes, waffles, and french toast, all on the breakfast menu. The salads, sandwiches, and entrees are just as sophisticated. All in a country diner. Nothing fancy about the atmosphere.

  14. parrotmom says:

    It’s raining, it’s pouring, this old woman wishes she was snoring.

    I hope kiddo’s knee gets better.

  15. OldBopper says:

    Had a house fire in our neighborhood. The folks were lucky in that the fire was contained to their stand alone garage/office. The home appears to remain undamaged.

  16. Mrs. H says:

    nothing falling from the sky yet, but it certainly does look nasty.

    our 2012 offering envelopes FINALLY arrived. I’ll put them out tomorrow.

    I also received the 2011 form 1099’s that I thought I had ordered last year. I know what I’ll be doing tomorrow. These are for the contractors (ladies in our Mom’s Day Out program from Jan to May of 2011 before we became a licensed preschool in August.) I file our W-2’s online and print them out to hand out. No need to line up forms. I appreciate technology when it works and makes things easier.

  17. cardinallady says:

    Said mama to son earlier in the day, “where are you?” “I”m walking across campus,” he replies. “SON GET IN YOUR DORM NOW!” mama sternly admonishes. “Storms are coming.” “Tornados, huh?” he asks. “Yes, I’m sure the sirens will go off soon,” I said.

    Several minutes later he called and said he was okay. “the sirens have quit going off now,” he said. *siiiiiigggghhhh* I do love him.

    Is everybody down that way okay? It has been pretty stormy everywhere. The temperature has dropped 30 degrees since this morning.

    • Molly says:

      Hasn’t gotten bad down here yet. I heard some thunder a couple of hours ago and there’s been a lot of rain, but no real storm. Sun is peeking out now and, according to my computer (I haven’t been out since 1:00 and it’s now4:25), the temp is holding steady at 64. I’m not sure when they think the front will make it to us.

  18. msblondie says:

    everyone have a good evening – and stay dry.

    have said how i hate the city of jackson water system lately – lose water pressure – call about – yes water line break we are fixing it – ok no problem – but fail to notify residents to BOIL WATER. Seems we have had to many of these lately. I think I should charge the COJ back for having to buy bottle water and dinner out. They surely didn’t mind doubling my bill.

  19. dhcoop says:


    It’s been raining like crazy here.

  20. Airwolf says:

    Jackson businessman Stuart Irby found dead!!!!

  21. parrotmom says:

    MsB so sorry for all your water problems.

    OB glad the home was not destroyed and the fire was contained.

    I am shocked about the Irby death.

  22. OldBopper says:

    It appears the house fire was caused by lightning. I remember hearing it and unplugging the computers and PQ’s embroidery machine. It was obviously close.

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